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  • Real Name
    Larry Oji
  • Location
    Atlanta, GA
  • Occupation
    Community Manager & Judge, OC ReMix

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  1. What did you think? Post your opinion of this ReMix.
  2. Clear pass despite the production issues. Digging the approach and wanted to co-sign. :-) YES
  3. "Bloody Tears" - 1:18-1:36, 2:34-2:55, 3:33-4:25 "Maridia" - 3:04-3:30 = 117 seconds or 40.20% overt source usage Yep, whatever you did with the Maridia Rocky theme, congrats, it's unfortunately not recognizable in the first half. :-D I did hear the CV2's "Bloody Tears" melody from 1:18-1:36 & 2:34-2:55, even though it wasn't listed as a source tune, but "Purification" only arranges the intro of that song, not the verses, so this should have been DQed from the compo if "Purification" was the CV source, no? Maybe there's another Aria of Sorrow track also arranging "Bloody Tears"? There's Maridia finally from 3:04-3:30. Back to "Bloody Tears" from 3:33-4:25. Really dunno where this source breakdown even comes from, because the times and instruments don't match what's been given. I'm just confused, which doesn't mean I'm not being obtuse here, but just chiming in to say this didn't immediately make sense to me. To me, the instrumentation quality's solid enough, but the dynamics can feel pretty flat here despite the obvious gradual build when you skip around from section to section and better notice the changes in textural density. I'm willing to say that I also thought it was too dynamically flat on my first listen, but on repeated listens, I was fine with how it subtlely builds, and I'm OK being outvoted. There was a change at 3:04, albeit with no real transtion, so the switch felt awkward; see what you can do to smooth that out. To me, I'd just need a more accurate source breakdown, but if this source usage was explained better to me, and it was all in place re: sufficient & recognizable source usage, then I could pass this as is. For now though... NO (resubmit)
  4. Oooooh, for this Shinobi 3 source, I get why it's breaking Chimpazilla's ears in our #judges chat; that line brought in at 1:29 of the source. I 100% hear the dissonance; there's something about it though where's it not THAT bad for me; my mind's playing it to me like the way you'd THINK it would sound if that line were melodious, which might make 0 sense to say; I'm unsure of if there's a musical term for this dynamic. :-) The beats at :25 are mixed in an odd way; a nice, booming presence, but sounding on the lossy/no-high-end side, so it's not benefiting the texture. Then some light claps or layered finger snaps, whatever they were, came in and also sounded very lossy and also very flimsy and dry. I liked the transition sound at :57, but then the mixing of the next section also felt off. The light clacking percussion part added at :59 was too flimsy, then some beats added in at 1:10 sounded beefier, but again very lossy-sounding. The buzzing synth line brought in at :59 is practically buried once other elements are added at 1:13. The string line at 1:13 initially sounds decent, but gets way more exposed from 1:33-1:55. The overall sound & flow of the track is serviceable, but even by 1:33, it's pretty repetitive; 1:10-1:55 could be cut in half. MindWanderer's correct that the melody, as presented now, drags out over the course of the track; there may be other ways to present it to better maintain the interest. 2:07 changes up the textures more, but, from 2:11-2:52, lines begin to step over one another and competing to be heard, it's too messy, cluttered, and indistinct, due to that part added at 2:11. From 2:29-2:40, there's some clashing writing from whatever line was handling the lead before the part shifted back to the source melody at 2:41. Lots of quiet indistinctness from the bass writing as well from 2:30-2:50, where it's filling in the space some, but you're not making out any individual notes. Back to the source melody at 3:03. Key change at 3:25 that sounded really clunky. I dunno any theory, so while I can't articulate it, the transposition of the part-writing taken from the source isn't clicking. I've said this to HoboKa and think it's the same for you; when you play it straight with your source tune transcriptions, it's fine, but often when you try to deviate in big ways, it opens up the potential for non-melodious writing. Dunno what that instrumentation is with kind of a light phasing effect on it, but it's just creating clutter, and when it briefly drops out during transition phrases like from 3:46-3:48, it makes it more apparent how awkwardly it sits in the texture just adding noise. Much better texture at 4:11; less was more there, both in terms of having a direction and the textures sounding clear enough, so it was an effective finish. I didn't catch any of the Rise of the Robots writing; I'll check it later, but it didn't affect anything from a source usage standpoint. To me, when the textures are fuller, you're inadvertently adding a ton of clutter and making it difficult to follow along, even though the core melody is repeating so much (and could use other variations), and the off-key sections (2:29, 3:25) dragged this down as well. Hemo made a good point that everything right now seems to pull emphasis away from the live parts, which come off extremely subdued. Like MW, I agree there's good potential here, but it'll need a mixing reboot, undoing the off-key writing, and maybe some further melodic variations (not necessarily changing the notes, it could be the instrumentation), in that order. The first two are necessarily, the third may not be but is worth exploring. Unpolished is an apt word for it that MW used; we don't need perfect polish, but it'll need more than this. Lots of good potential here. :-) NO (resubmit)
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