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Hi folks,

You all know that the end of the world is for december 21th...

Hey, let's make a "Game Over" album, so we can listen to it for eternity ! :)

As you surely understand this project is all about having fun and challenges. There will be tight deadlines, as the album should release december 21th maximum, and the project is to remix only "game over" themes, which are often very short pieces.

I'm currently gauging people's interest in this project, as well as the feasibility of the deadline.

As I'm fairly new to OCRemix, I don't plan to do it by myself, so if someone experienced in (co)directing an official released album is interested in co-directing this project, please PM me.

Current idea is : try to have only "Game Over" themes such as these :


a youtube channel dedicated to game over screens (thank you hakstock) : http://www.youtube.com/user/GameOverContinue#p/u/9/jJN4rmMR2bU

And remix them in a sad/dark mood.

Another possibility is to add staff roll themes to it but the primary idea is game over themes only.

The choice of the theme will be free. Only one remix per game/serie.

If you want to support this project and participate, you can already say wich track you would like to remix.

People showing interest up to now :

Orangedragan : Male vocals

Terra Mater : Female vocals, folk harp, piano

BrothaDom : spoken vocal / interested in collaboring on a remix


Actually I was surprised no one posted this idea on OC remix. I didn't even know the existence of the shizz. Is it really annoying if they are also doing an album based on the same theme? We can probably still make our own Game Over album.

If anyone is looking for some game over themes, there's a youtube channel dedicated to them: http://www.youtube.com/user/GameOverContinue

Including staff roll themes would be great too, maybe make it a double album with the first part being game over themes and the other being staff rolls.

Thanks for the idea. The problem will be the deadline. I know that less than one year is extremely short for an album, so if we could manage to do just one single album, it will be perfect. Now if more people are enthusiastic, we can try making this double album Game Over - Staff Roll

Thank you Orangedragan, I added your name to the list of interested people... Well, for now, you're alone on this list, but hopefully this will not last.

Actually I was surprised no one posted this idea on OC remix. I didn't even know the existence of the shizz. Is it really annoying if they are also doing an album based on the same theme? We can probably still make our own Game Over album.
Oh, wait! There's already one.

EDIT: ninja'd by Stevo.

Seriously though, it'd be amazing is if OCR and The Shizz joined forces to make an album together.

What are the odds of that happening before the world come to an end? ;P

The album that Level 99 posted was an April Fools joke, you should've watched the entire video :P

Haha, I didn't expect an april joke on january, so we are still here with our crazy project :)


They point out something important, though - such an album would need at least two - no, three remixes dealing with Daytona USA's iconic, groundbreaking game-over music


I'm in for it! If only just to get experience haha.

I can add male spoken word and rap vocals if anyone needs them. I also know how to "rearrange" and add stuff in FL, if someone wants to collaborate on a piece.

My most well known are the Sonic games (as always haha), but I also like the Mega Man series' themes, or the Streets of Rage 2 theme.

Heck, I guess even Marvel vs. Capcom 3 has a "rematch" theme...AND the one if you lose to Galactus. That counts right?

(I'm just saying this are ones I like, if someone wants to collaborate on them. I'm not a fantastic arranger just yet)


Heck, I guess even Marvel vs. Capcom 3 has a "rematch" theme...AND the one if you lose to Galactus. That counts right?

Actually it doesn't as I asked for only one remix per game/serie. I'd prefer to have different games, now if you're doing an awesome job for both, we'll probably keep both. ;)

Wait, I was just asking if either of those counted as Game Over themes

Normally it should be the theme that comes with the game over screen, if there's one. But as in street fighter 2 the "continue" screen is generally considered the game over theme, it can be the same for marvel vs. capcom 3.

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