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OCR Game Nights v9000: Halo: Reach, Saturday 9/25, 8pm!

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title says it all.

let's play some halo reach on this saturday night. Halo: Reach, firefight/customs/matchmaking depending on how many we get. i know brushfire, alexis, and zeklan have it.

make sure you've got a mic! my gamertag is prophetofsax - send me a friend request before then and look for me online, and just join my party.

brushfire: David Hubbard

nonsensicalexis: same

darke: shariq ansari

jhawk: hall hawk24

zeklan: zeklan


I'm out due to marching band event (football game) all Saturday, but I'll be around for one of these eventually. Most of my Saturdays are, in fact, filled by marching band events up till mid-November.

I should have a few Forge World maps finished by the time I'm able to play with you all though (or in beta-testing stages), as that's where the majority of my time goes for Halo: Reach.

it made me stop caring about the franchise.

what was so bad about it? i guess i'm missing something here - it's a solid shooter with an excellent campaign mode and one of the most popular multiplayer components available. i'd say it's easily one of the best shooters on a console - the slower pace of the gameplay as compared to CS or games based on the HL2 engine like TF2 or L4D, with the added sensation of momentum and weight that is unheard of in most computer shooters, easily put it head and shoulders above others in that category.

what was so bad about it? i guess i'm missing something here - it's a solid shooter with an excellent campaign mode and one of the most popular multiplayer components available. i'd say it's easily one of the best shooters on a console - the slower pace of the gameplay as compared to CS or games based on the HL2 engine like TF2 or L4D, with the added sensation of momentum and weight that is unheard of in most computer shooters, easily put it head and shoulders above others in that category.

To be honest, it was a combination of complete frustration with those mobile turrets that are invulnerable for most of the time, and Modern Warfare multiplayer jiving with me a lot more (especially with general attitudes on XBL).

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