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FAC14 Chrono Series

(Chrono Trigger, Chrono Cross)

Here are the results of the single vote I recieved. :-D

1st - LAOS 3 points

2nd - 2Radical 2 points

3rd - Rama 1 point








Friendly Hunter


Send me a PM with your votes.





Welcome to the Fan Art Competition (FAC).

If your unfamiliar with FAC then please refer to the next post that contains all rules and regulations.

As you know the winner of last months FAC gets the privilege of choosing this month's theme.

PM me all entries by:

October 27th

Alright! Lets get started!



What is the Fan Art Competition?

The Fan Art Competition is a monthly event where artists create some form of art based on a certain theme.

What is the theme?

The theme is decided by the winner of the previous months competition and must be video game related.

What if I don't know much about the theme?

Information resources are provided in the first post of the thread.

Who can submit art?


What are my restrictions?

You are allowed to submit one entry, but other than that there are no restrictions. There are no size, quality, image size restrictions.

Who decides the winner?

OCR of course, the whole community votes on it.

How does voting work?

On the day after the deadline I will make a post that displays all of the art submitted. Then users will be allowed to see every entry and decide which three they like the best, in order. Afterwhich they will send me a PM with their vote and maybe a few comments about the contest. They must do so in the announced voting period. If not then they fail at voting.

When and how do we see the results?

After the voting period is over I will count the results and figure out which peice has the most points. When voting the voter sends in their top three favorite peices. The one they like the most is worth 3 points, the second 2 points and the third 1 point.

If I enter the contest can I vote?

Yes, and voting for yourself is allowed if you REALLY wanna.

Once the points have been counted I will send a happy PM to the winner that tells them that they one and explains how they are to choose the next months theme. *deep breath* Once I get a PM back I will post the results and artists choice for the next months theme.

Rules and Regulations!

1) Any art submitted must be based off of the months theme.

2) No P0rn.

3) Your entry must be created within the month. It cannot have been something you've created in the past or partially finished prior to the announcement of the theme.

4) All entries must be 100% your work. Simply altering something created by someone else may be cool, but is not allowed as an entry.


Yay! Thanks man.

I'm ashamed as a gamer to say that I've never played a Chrono game. I really wish I could get my hands on a cartridge or they'd release for VC.... because I refuse to play a ROM of it.

You can bet your ass I'll get an entry in regardless. Great starting choice by the way.


Is it really by October 27th?

If i stop being a lazy ass, since it's only the beginning of school (takes me ages to unpack), i might enter. I truly have no idae what i'd do.

I'll probably end up doing doodlez like the lasat few times, haha

Yay! Thanks man.

I'm ashamed as a gamer to say that I've never played a Chrono game. I really wish I could get my hands on a cartridge or they'd release for VC.... because I refuse to play a ROM of it.

They DID release it on the PS1, y'know. Same game, but with a new game+ added to it and slower combat loading times. Oh god the loading time...

Yep, 2 month deadline, I am assuming that no one is going to use all 2 months to create something uber, everyone will probably just have a large window to get their art in, and that's fine by me.

How bout a sculpture? Got the idea in mind and being back at college i can get it done :)

How bout a sculpture? Got the idea in mind and being back at college i can get it done :)

As long as it's fan-made art stuff, it works for the compo ;)

Oh, and i JUST got my graphic tablet this afternoon, so i have one less reason to not enter this. I just wish i'd still have my PS2, i don't feel like trying to get a PS emu running on my comp just to start the game all over again. But i told my sis she could enjoy GH2 more this semester.

Now what to do...

They DID release it on the PS1, y'know. Same game, but with a new game+ added to it and slower combat loading times. Oh god the loading time...

New game + was in the original SNES version. Actually, to my knowledge, it was the first game that had that sort of feature.

and yeah, the load times were abysmally bad. Made it unplayable IMO. ;_;

as long as it's Chrono peepz, any medium is fine. :-)


I've never played the game, but I'm curious: what is this "new game +"?

I think I'm gonna do something a little less art-ish this time... maybe make a fake movie poster or something. Looking at a few "photoshop phriday" things yesterday must have inspired me ^_^


^ The "New Game +" feature is activated after you beat Chrono Trigger once. You start at the beginning with all your high stats, weapons, and armor when you last fought Lavos. That way you can trounce the parasite earlier and get a different ending. ;-)

Also, I'm entering this one. Two full months = good for business.

They DID release it on the PS1, y'know. Same game, but with a new game+ added to it and slower combat loading times. Oh god the loading time...

really? I never heard of that. I <3 cartridges for their load time. ;-) And for their aesthetics! But mostly the minimal load time.

Anyway, thanks for the info.


Actually i think there were some other games before that had he New Game+ feature, but CT was the first to really exploit it and make it worthwile. And the PS version has bonus stuff unlocking after each ending, the only reason you'd agree to tolerate all the loadings. I don't remember well, but i think there are 26 different endings in all, including Game Over scene.

Actually i think there were some other games before that had he New Game+ feature

Yeah, when someone said that I immediately thought of SMB3 where if you don't turn off the game you restart with your inventory maxed out in P-wings. Also, in CV3 you restart with the partner you ended with instead of alone. But yeah, like you said, from what I hear it's nothing compared to what they did with it in Chrono Trigger.

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