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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/26/2015 in all areas

  1. Clear, irrefutable evidence that this is a real thing!
    4 points
  2. lazygecko

    Mad Max: Fury Road

    You need to go see this movie if you haven't already. Was a big fan of Road Warrior for most of my life, and I had been anticipating a new Mad Max for about as long as the internet rumors were circulating. Still, I went into this mostly blind without obsessing over pre-release media and production info/rumors as hyped movie fans tend to do these days. All I wanted was more Mad Max with post-apoc car chases and that would have been totally fine. What I got was way beyond anything I could have imagined. Everything was cranked to 11 with wacky ridiculousness yet somehow still manages to make sense within the world. The action and cinematogrophy puts modern CGI- and shakycam-laden filmmaking practices to shame. I shed tears while watching just because it was so damn good. It grabbed me in a way that no other spectacle-driven movie of this century has done. Whether that be action, superheroes, sci fi or epic fantasy. Go see it just for this guy if nothing else:
    1 point
  3. Alright - after bulking for 3 months I've gone from 162 to about 180 on the scale. Granted at least 5 lbs of that is water weight I'm sure. My lifts all went up and I'm pleased with my visual progress, namely on my arms and pecs. But now it's time for a cut again, since I only gain fat in my abdomen and nowhere else. Thankfully since I was eating ~3k a day for awhile I should be able to start the cut at a gentle 2100 a day ( + 20 min of cardio minimum) and then reduce from there.
    1 point
  4. Why get an orchestral percussion library when I can just record it all for you!
    1 point
  5. BMC_WarMachine opens the WiP season, and blends metal + orchestra for something that sounds epic! ---- Frendly reminder that the next deadline is in ONE WEEK! And that the final one is in FIVE WEEKS! Check the spreadsheet: http://tinyurl.com/VV3OCR RED: Tuberz, Sixto, and Brandon (and Nick Cage) -- need to turn a WiP and/or finished track asap (@Tuberz: you claimed the track recently, so you can have a lil' extension). ORANGE: Eino, Dj Mokram, and AngelCityOutlaw -- a substantial update is needed asap (contact me if you need help with arrangement/production) GREEN: Rexy, BMC, Existence Zero, and aensland -- an update by the deadline should do it ; try to get me a finished track by mid-June if possible PURPLE: Jorito, Sbeast, Timaeus, Slimy -- a finished track by next deadline or mid-June is needed ; it's time to finish your tracks, isn't it? Everyone (including people who are done): I will contact you by next deadline to get your artist bio, track notes, and other stuff OCR and the website needs.
    1 point
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