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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/09/2015 in all areas

  1. 1 point
  2. Hey everybody! A new album that I contributed to was released today. It also includes some other OC remixers, such as Wilbert "bustatunez" Roget II, Laura "Flute Link" Intravia, Haroon "FFMusicDJ" Piracha, Jordan "bLiNd" Aguirre, and more! I'm extremely lazy so I'll just post the link to the loudr page: https://loudr.fm/release/materia-final-fantasy-vii-remixed/VxYsz Yay!
    1 point
  3. OK, so the most notable quote (for me) from Mr. Iwata was: "On my business card, I am a corporate president. In my mind, I am a game developer. But in my heart, I am a gamer." And this album is to be a celebration of the man. Therefore there was only one way I could envisage the album cover: Please bear in mind this is only an incredibly rough sketch, and a far shout from the finished product (refer to the artwork in my website). I think it really encapsulate how I imagine the man to be when not in his suit and what he meant to so many of us. Please also note: The Kirby T-shirt SNES controller Nintendo mug Triforce tattoo Pet Pikachu Framed Ness Smash Bros. Wall clock Balloon Fight balloons. What do you think of this very rough concept?
    1 point
  4. In Memory of Iwata: A Direct Tribute i'd go with something like that i dunno
    1 point
  5. kitty

    VGM Sheet Music

    Yes, yes it does. Thank you for the explanation. I selected the 3/4 time signature one because it seemed to make more sense (and also because it did look nicer.) Except now I just realized it was 3/4 and 6/4? So confused. I should actually read my theory textbook that I bought lol.
    1 point
  6. I replied on the YT vid, but YT isn't really the place for in-depth feedback. Had no idea you posted here too, but I love it! I'm also the guy who wrote the source, so I'm a little biased It sounds pretty heavy in the lows/low-mids, especially with the combination of the low piano and low strings. I think you're getting a little mud from the two together, and it may be to the track's benefit to either make some concessions with part writing when both get a little busier, or to reexamine your EQ on the two instruments (possibly both). I love how the two work together, especially the lead cello stabs, they're just fighting each other really hard right now in the lower range. You may also be getting some unwanted compression from the drums, particularly the kick. You can hear it on the higher piano notes especially, they're pumping just a bit. A common thing with kicks is to have the subs boosted REAL high without really being able to hear it, since that's a range that typically gets fairly bad response in most headphones or speakers (if you don't have a sub). I LOVE the drum groove itself, it's exactly what it needs to be. I'm grooving all the way through, so no complaints on the part-writing there either. Hope that helps a bit! Again, love all the extra nods to the Melee theme you snuck in, and thanks for making the 'mix
    1 point
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