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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/24/2016 in all areas

  1. I've made a music video for my rock 'n' roll cover of the Spark Man song from Mega Man 3. Hope ya'll like it!
    1 point
  2. Well, CC, @TheChargingRhino and I are looking for the MIDI of the Andross battle from SF SNES. Could you please find or build us something?
    1 point
  3. Alright, so I'm currently polishing off my WiPs, but I just wanted to ask if anyone still needed MIDI files. If you need a MIDI of literally any song from SF, SF2 or SF64 then please let me know, I have tools to extract them directly from the games for full accuracy, and would love to help out.
    1 point
  4. Damn, is it one of my favorite VG arrangers comin' back on the WIP boards, and I missed him? Ack! As usual, your style just oozing throughout this track. The performances are stylisticly slick, and the overall production evokes that 70's sound in that way you know how. The arrangement is a little bit hectic, losing me a little at the end of the middle section, but it's still easy enough to follow. As for the video, gotta love the American flag wearin' Swede dancin' with the guitar. Just can't beat it, really. Interestingly enough, after all the years of making amazing music, I know that you submit "Sky Diver Inside Her" some time back, and Larry rejected it due to "sampled drums". Visually seeing you perform the drums makes me think you should DEFINITELY submit something again, since you do make great stuff. Regardless, great stuff, and I hope more people check out some more Muthapluckin' B music because of this.
    1 point
  5. You should have more hope than that - it's in the process of being mastered on a $150,000 mastering console by someone who's basically volunteering professional grade skill and equipment for the project (as in for free). So, like everything else in this project, it's taking some time, but that time will be worth it. I'll check on the goings on for that here soon. Everyone's been busy for the last 6 weeks. I myself have been battling a relapse into clinical depressiveness and that's been gumming up my schedule (which is already at 56 work hours a week to help pay the $4,000 I lost in car damages and more over the summer) and frequently annoying me with existential confusion and distraction. I've had to take whatever breaks I can to ease down on stress while the meds do their job, otherwise it gets worse, but with Halloween over and my personal surroundings improving, I'm getting back into a functional state where I can devote more direct effort to this project again. Such is life, but the bottom line is that things are still moving forward, nothing's stopped, just slow goings.
    1 point
  6. Bumping this up - Many months later and I've decided to revisit this. I was never really satisfied with it. In the previous version the first half was rather clustered and had a lot of poorly mixed and arranged parts blending together and getting in the way of everything. It wasn't until the second half that my concept started to show, and I wanted to go back and turn it into a more coherent arrangement.As @Chromarin pointed out above, the vocals and the rest of the arrangement weren't sounded separated. This was primarily because the arrangement was done and the vocals were recorded afterwards and essentially plugged into the mix. Nothing was changed or adjusted to properly fit them in. I think I've blended them in a little bit better this time, though I still worry about the volume. As of this version I've re-recorded the rhythm guitar and removed the lead guitar part, which was panned right and not exactly adding anything. It more or less existed because the soundscape on the right was lacking(with most elements being center or left). The piano has been reworked and humanized across the board and now fills that gap a bit better. The drums were mixed separately at first to try and get a more balanced sound before being mixed with the rest of the track. The bass was toned down quite a bit(but I think it may be a tad bit too loud). I'd love to hear some feedback on the changes, the mixing and the arrangement in general.
    1 point
  7. •••• UPDATE! BONUS TRACKS •••• All initial tracks have now been claimed! We did it, we got there folks. OK OK, so we're not out of the woods yet. Tracks are still being worked on and there's as ever a ton of behind-the-scenes stuff to take care of but we've hit a real target and milestone, methinks. Since this is the case we're opening up the remainder of the tracks from the OST. They're predominantly short tracks, loops and events which, though not integral to the album add some nice spice to the game. We're opening them up as a cherry on the cake, if you will. If you're familiar with Terranigma you may have noticed that none of the "resurrection" tracks feature in the following list. That's because @jnWake has already offered to do a resurrection medley as the last track on the album. Anyways, as many of these new tracks are just a handful of bars they make great medley fodder. So if you want to, you can claim multiple for a single remix. OK they are as follows (click on track for link): Origins (Intro movie theme) The Gaia Stones (Situation Theme) Shopping (Shop theme) Amusement (Minigame theme) Race in Mushrooms (Minigame theme 2) Mysterious Pit (location loop) Entrance (situation loop) My Beloved Loire (Trigger event loop) Defeat (Game Over event) Fanfare (Item acquired event) Go to Rest (Sleep event) SO! Just to reiterate, there are now more tracks available! And as I say, these are optional, for fun and in no way conductive to the success of the album. I've added this to the OP as well. So once again... get claiming! In other news there's just a couple of days until the next submission deadline for some of you. You should know who you are. I PM'ed you a week or so ago. Looking forward to hearing your works! Happy mixing peeps!
    1 point
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