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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/13/2017 in all areas

  1. It's tough to give exact numbers, but my feeling is that it's leaning more towards sampled than real instruments. The amount of tracks with purely real instruments is probably not that high, but there's a lot of tracks that have a mix of sampled instruments with real instruments (e.g. a rock track with real guitars and bass but sampled drums, an orchestral track with a live violin, an electronic track with vocals, you name it). Always a good way to make a track sound more lively and more human. I second what Meteo is saying, just use what you have, play around with it, have fun with it and see what comes out. If it sounds good, it is good
    2 points
  2. Best method to get out to the masses? The internet. Youtube, soundcloud, bandcamp, spotify, these places can be accessed by almost anyone anywhere in the world. Throw your/their stuff on there and boom, the masses can listen to your work. Is social media enough? Depends. Some artists can get by completely without using it, others could use it daily or even hourly and it won't affect their popularity in the slightest. Online fan connection to build their career? I mean it couldn't hurt. Best tool to market their music? Get hooked up with a really good PR firm. Find a really good label that deals with your style of music. Find DJs/youtubers/radio stations/instagram or snapchat or worldstar celebrities and have them play your/their stuff. Find whatever gig will let you perform and perform perform perform. Final thought, if you/they really want a career in music, whether it's performing or composing or whatever, you/they really have to look at everything and everyone that's already out there, then look at themselves/their work/yourself/your work and ask "Is this marketable?"
    2 points
  3. HI all I'm a long time OC Remix fan and I've decided to take the plunge and try some creating. I had an electric piano about 30 years ago that was MIDI compatible but never used MIDI. I think MIDI was new then. I've been reading Remixer profiles and the forums learning the lingo, etc. This led me to FL Studio. So let me ask, overall what percentage of the music here is 100% sampled? I don't know if sampled is the word. The other way to ask this is what percentage of music here uses outside instruments? And, of those, what part is digital (Keyboard) vs. say, electric guitar. We play violin, Casio keyboard, and electric Jazz guitar in my house. I'm laying the groundwork for investing and potentially mixing these instruments. When I listen to the music here I really can't tell which is digital vs non unless I'm listening to Audix (guitar) or music with voice. Any input would help, Thanks-
    1 point
  4. Just received our first FINAL WAV for Lylat Legacy, @DS394's orchestral overture-style remix of SF64's Opening Theme! I've posted it to the WIP spreadsheet so folks can give it a listen. ---- I'd like to remind everyone that we still have four unclaimed tracks: Boss A (SF64 or SF SNES) Great Fox Theme (SF Assault) Boss C (SF64) Andross Still might turn Andross into a big collaboration if someone is willing to build the framework. Get your claim in now - WIPs will be required for claims after July 1st!
    1 point
  5. It *somewhat* depends on the genre(s) you wanna tackle - jazz/blues/Latin considerably harder to do w/ sampled/sequenced elements and 0% real instruments, but definitely not impossible. As @Jorito & @Meteo Xavier say, I don't think this should be a prime concern or any sort of barrier; plenty of great music to be made with ALL live, recorded instruments, plenty of great music to be made with 100% synthesized electronic instruments, and everything in between. All modern DAWs let you mix & match sequenced parts with recorded instruments, and often the best solution involves a mix of both - nothing like a real trumpet for a jazz solo of any complexity, but if it's part of a horn section playing soft backup chords, not as essential that it be a Real Live Human Player ™
    1 point
  6. Meteo Xavier

    Nintendo Switch

    I caved and bought a Switch last night. I traded in any prospect of getting any of the Roland SRX cards or synths to record with (since it's evident I still need a LOT more practice recording from hardware) for this system at $299.00 at the Sevierville Walmart at 11:51PM. I feel proud, weak and guilty all at the same time. :S
    1 point
  7. I don't think the video is as important as the music. Mixing static images with video should be fine. Ideally you would want to show the music exactly as how it appears in the game so we can see how well it fits with the actual gameplay and atmosphere, but I don't think its 100% necessary. More than anything, I'd just like to hear some more variety in the kinds of music you show. Game studios want someone who will be able to adapt and work with exactly what their game is about, so you need to show that you are capable of many different styles of music.
    1 point
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