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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/17/2020 in all areas

  1. Super necro posting, but feels relevant to the topic at hand. Outside of maybe Sam Dillard's remix for Water Ruins, my OCR remix album is probably not going to scratch that orchestral itch. However, it does have quite a lot of other variety of hip hop, techno, and other beat-tastic genre renditions of the soundtrack going for it. So it may not 'exactly' be what you're hoping for, but JFG will be getting a substantial recognition boost from OCR soon here. Hopefully a 2020 release sometime depending! So @Light_of_Aether, @Ikari_Gendou, @Meteo Xavier, and @BloomingLate, hopefully this news will bring you some joy? Here's a link to the the current project thread:
    2 points
  2. Mizar Attacks! - A Jet Force Gemini Album Project Concept One of the last great Rare games on the Nintendo 64. Long after they had made their mark with the phenomenal Donkey Kong Country series, but before they parted ways with Nintendo back in the late 1990s, Rare dropped us a rare gem of a third person shooter in the form of Jet Force Gemini. It was a fantastic mesh of slapstick humor with a dash of surprising violence and dark themes. Aimed solely at the teen exploratory collect-a-thon shooter demographic, this was a underrated game that went completely under the radar as many game companies jumped ship from the Nintendo 64 to other platforms like the Playstation. While the game may not have aged as well by current gaming standards, the soundtrack is as robust and bombastic as ever. Channeling great scores like Star Wars and other epic space franchises, this is one soundtrack I want to see redone. I want it to be a transporting experience and to that end, like Memories of the Chozo, OCR's first album, the compiled tracks will be mixed so that one flows smoothly into the next via arrangement and/or sound effects to form a cohesive listening experience from beginning to end. Come join the fight and take arms against the bug menace as we arrange a forgotten gem, Jet Force Gemini! Original Soundtrack Composters: Robin Beanland, Graeme Norgate, Alistair Lindsay ---- Project Director: @Darkflamewolf (Director of Arcadia Legends) Art Director: Sound Designer/Masterer: AJ the Fox Web Designer: Remixers: @Rotten Eggplant , @Deedubs , @Sam Dillard , @bLiNd , @GlacialSpoon , @PirateCrab , @MkVaff, @aluminum, @Gario, @Glejs, @HeavenWraith Performers (Primary instrument underlined): Finished WAV Evaluators (for OCR album quality purposes): ---- - Claiming All remixers wishing to claim a track should PM me and/or post in the thread. My goal is to use Discord from here on out to coordinate and keep in touch with remixers/contributors. So by claiming, you also agree to hop aboard the JFG Discord server I'll be creating specifically for this album. It'll be used as a professional meeting place. - Genre Guidelines No guidelines! Do what you feel is best to represent the track you claimed! Just be aware we will be merging beginning and endings of most tracks to flow smoothly into each other. Collaborations are highly encouraged! Also, the intent is for this to be an official OCR album, so remixes must meet the appropriate standards. - Deadlines Deadlines will be based on the date which a given track is claimed, but can be modified as needed. The starting point will be: -Initial WIP (something that shows you have started): 1 month after claim -Significant WIP (solid remix concept and progress toward completing it): 2 months after claim -Finished Arrangement (only mixing and/or recording remains): 5 months after claim -Finished Unmastered WAV (complete): 7 months after claim Missing a deadline without communicating with the project director (for a month or more) could result in your claim being dropped! That said, life happens and I believe we all want this project to succeed, so please stay in touch! We can work things out! I'll still be reaching out to everyone every 2 weeks anyway just to check in - probably at the start of each month and midway through on the 15th. Coordinating through the JFG Discord server ---- The Track List Track Claim & WIP Status (19 total) Red - Unclaimed Track - 4 Orange - Claimed Track, no WIP yet - 0 Purple - Initial WIP submitted - 0 Blue - Significant WIP submitted - 0 Green - Finished Unmastered Arrangement submitted - 0 Bold Green - Finished and Mastered Track - 18 Core Track List (FINAL ORDER SHOWN) 01. "Galaxy Quest" - Title Theme/Main Titles - Claimed by @HeavenWraith 02. "Dreadnaught of War" - Battle Cruiser Sekhmet - Claimed by @Glejs 03. "Big Bug Funk" - Ichor ~ Military Base - Claimed by @Deedubs 04. "Tick Tock Tawfret" - Tawfret - Claimed by @bLiNd 05. "Ruins in the Deep" - Water Ruins - Claimed by @Sam Dillard 06. "The Edge Calls Me" - Rith Essa - Claimed by @MkVaff 07. "Goldwood Glimmerstep" - Goldwood Forest - Claimed by @bLiNd 08. "Dance of the Ant Spawn" - Spawnship - Claimed by @GlacialSpoon 09. "Under Cerulean Skies" - Cerulean - Claimed by @Gario 10. "Bone and Marrow" - Eschebone - Claimed by @Deedubs 11. "CompuSiege" - Mizar's Palace - Claimed by @aluminum 12. "Fury Cutter" - Boss Battle - Claimed by @PirateCrab 13. "World Destroyer" - Asteroid - Claimed by @Deedubs 14. "Anthem Anubis" - SS Anubis - Claimed by @bLiNd Bonus Tracks: B01. "Galaxy Quest (voiceless)" - Title Theme/Main Titles - Claimed by @HeavenWraith B02. "Selection of Destiny" - Character Theme/Select - Claimed by @Rotten Eggplant B03. "Dreadnaught of War (alt)" - Battle Cruiser Sekhmet - Claimed by @Glejs B04. "World Destroyer (voiceless)" - Asteroid - Claimed by @Deedubs So although 19 tracks that I would like to see get into the album, only 13 are my personal 'must-haves' to be on the actual album - ones that encompass the 'core' planets and locations you visit in the game. I'd like to fill those in first. The goal is to fit it all on one disc this time. Any extra tracks inbetween like Landing Sequence/Rare Start Logo will be used/remixed by the Sound Designer/Masterer to link tracks together alongside sound effects. ---- Misc. Questions: - How much of my track will be edited to make the cohesive experience? Honestly, not all that much. The track will be mastered separately as its own track and then depending on how it ends and the subsequent track begins, a decision will be made how to mesh the two together to form a seamless transition. Your core track will be unchanged and will still be 100% your inspiration. - What about physical editions? Like before with Arcadia Legends, I do 'plan' on making physical copies as well at the end of it and it should be cheaper too if we're going the 1-disc route. However, it is far too early in the process to be deciding that, just be aware it is on my radar to do and give back to the contributors of this album. Thanks for all your interest and although I'd like to get this done by October 11, 2019 to make the 20th anniversary, I won't be bending over backwards to make it. There is always the 21st anniversary next year! Let's make this next underrated gem soundtrack a success like Arcadia Legends!
    1 point
  3. ******PROJECT UPDATE #9****** And with the except of one remixer doing some polish critiques on a track, we basically have 8 tracks complete now! We're over halfway done! And with the next deadline looming at beginning of March, we are expecting to see a bunch more nearing completion or almost there! But that's not the biggest news.... As of right now, This album has been GREEN LIT FOR OCR ALBUM STATUS! Yep, that's right! This will be an official OCR release just like Arcadia Legends was! So soon, this thread will move on over to Projects soon when either @djpretzel or another forum mod can get around to doing it. Big kudos to all the hard working remixers on this project, this album is looking to be a fantastic collection of pulse-pounding music set to one of Rare's underappreciated gems!
    1 point
  4. I like this alot! It has good atmosphere. It's been a long time since I've listened to any Halo. With the strings, I like the sound, but the EQ is super treble heavy. Needs more mid and lows. If you listen to real orchestral recordings, they all have really good mids and lows. This is because string instruments themselves cover mostly low to mid with some highs (Viola and Violin). Strings are mostly used to give depth and body to whatever they are playing. So mess with the EQ settings to make it more full. Also after listening to it a few times. Alot of the track is lacking mid to low tones. Especially 1:40 to 3:15. Again, EQ tuning will help with alot of this. Next is what I make out to be the Bass Drum around 2:45 or so. I can barely make it out. You got some good foundation here. I look forward to seeing your progress!
    1 point
  5. And since this year is the 20th anniversary of the game, here is a look back 20 years later to see if this games holds up to today!
    1 point
  6. Just came across this video from Rare's YouTube channel that goes into some background info on Jet Force Gemini, including a couple of appearances from composer Robin Beanland.
    1 point
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