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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/10/2021 in all areas

  1. Thanks everyone for the support and critiques--will do my best to try and be more intricate with harps / pizzicatos / arpeggio runs and be more aware of tempo / key signature shifts. It's really hard for me, at least, to temper that latter aspect, especially when working with 2-3 separate sources PLUS the loops in BandLab Online. Guess my ears for certain tones and keys just needs more practice. ^^; Also gonna send my pick to @Bundeslang in like the next few minutes. Hope people enjoy it. :3 @anachromium You're certainly welcome. ♥ Your criticism (nor anyone else's) was too harsh or anything. I think, if anything, it's just a tad overwhelming for me cause I'm fairly new-ish to this gig, so trying to keep everything in mind and get better with each song made is crazy to say the least. But thank you too, for your kindness. I think I am OK with composition crafting, at least, but I understand your delimma. I never really ask about or seek out collabs for similar reasons--because I don't wanna drag others down with my limited knowledge on music crafting / theory or use of a kind of so-so DAW (not anything more legit like Cubase or FL, GarageBand, Ableton Live, etc.) And because I don't know how well it'd mesh taking someone's work on MIDI or WAV or MP3 and slapping it onto BandLab to mess with it further, I don't ask. However, I will keep your offer certainly in mind. And maybe when we're both a little more comfortable in our spheres of music crafting, we can do something way more defined, complex, and cool. @TheVideoGamer I replied to your query above BTW, hun.
    3 points
  2. @TheVideoGamer I'll keep that DAW you mention, LMMS, in mind. TBH starting next month or something I might try the move to using more legitimate DAW to work with. Just wish I had a MIDI keyboard and pads to work with lol. Feel off with a typing keyboard and mouse.
    2 points
  3. The only reason i ask, is because as a FL user, my method for reducing the kbps may differ in other DAWS. So if i were to say something, you might be lost, because your DAW is different. I mentioned this method, because i learnt length wasn't the factor in uploading, it was file size. And whenever i had a large file size, i would reduce the kbps, which brings the total file size by megabytes down. If you ever feel like you can't upload, this is an idea. Sure you might loose a bit of quality, but so far nothing major has really been affected. I also heard LMMS is also a good free daw to use. Never tried it myself, since i've had FL Studio for so long, but some say it's the next best thing.
    2 points
  4. From research a Launchpad goes on the market for £90 , equivalent to 124 dollars (I assume your from the UK right? based on what you've put in your profile) The cheapest keyboard i can fine is an Akai, and that goes on the market for £37 equivalent to 51 dollars. This is my research, maybe it might help.
    1 point
  5. Ok here goes some thoughts about each of you's: TheVodouQueen - Wooow this one is long, and with good reason too. Both of these sources need a lot of time to develop, especially since Ridge Racer on it's own is 4 minutes, and a fully fleshed out variant of Lufia would also be about 4 minutes. So in theory, long tracks for long sources are good. Now what i really liked about this, is the recognisable elements from each. I like how you took the choir of the original Rave Racer track. (Which for those who are wondering, is actually taken from Soul Edge, released on the PS1. They sampled it for this track), that was a nice touch. The 80's synth elements were outstanding, the instrument choices were just great. Now unfortunately i don't know the exact process, i know you've said it's experimental, and i've taken that to account, however i feel like your trying to deliberately make the sources clash. I don't know, it just feels...dissonant. I mean this is the intention, but maybe for me, it needs to be better integrated. It felt more like 2 separate tracks being forced to work together. Oh well, the arrangement is spot on here. Definitely did not bore me for the whole 9 minutes. Also while were on this topic, i would have loved for you to explore more ridge racer. Like make a full blown section, dedicated to Rave Racer. Sure the last part of the track is mostly Rave Racer, but i could go for more of it, than maybe parts of it. I think it has something to do with my bias towards the game lol. Before i ramble, i just wanna say this is very well produced, and worth the whole journey. Well done! Wassup Thunder - This is definitely a kind of sound i would imagine for Lufia. I always love your orchestral pallets, it sounds soo nicely done. The rock elements work surprisingly well here too, i was not expecting that for a man of rich orchestral sounds. I really love the way you've blended the sounds, it sounds so much like Anime music, which i think it's a compliment. If i had to critique it, it would be that the rock element is getting pushed down by the orchestra. I feel the drums could be louder and bigger (The rock drums, not the orchestral ones), and maybe the guitar could be more pronounced. I mean i said it fits super well, because it does, however if you really want to amplify the hard guitar parts, i suggest beefing it up, to make it more aggressive. Also i felt this was a bit too consistent. The drums just kept going, not stopping, and the strings were full force. However though, i think this is super nicely done, and definitely enjoyable to listen to. Well done! Brainstar - Feels like a start to 2 tracks. Each with it's own ideas. I love the trombone usage here, creates that really nice fanfare approach. I also really dug the switch to the A major chord at the end. A beautiful transition into Rave Racer, clever. That synth bass sound is pretty lovely here too. It obviously feels like you couldn't do much, what with the laptop damage, however i definitely see potential here for a expansion. It sounds like a lovely start. Well done!
    1 point
  6. I've been so busy i've forgotten about this lol. I'll give some thoughts in a post here, one second.
    1 point
  7. Congratulations TVQ and thank you all for your kind words! (I hope my own criticism isn't too harsh or detailed at parts, but I try to be very detailed and verbose about what I hear. Just give me a quick PM if one of you feels like it's too much!) @The Vodoú Queen: Without any doubt you ARE good at making music and you seem to always have a couple of good ideas for all sources, which is a talent in itself. Therefore I would be happy to do a collaboration! Only thing is: I am really bad at composition - which is the reason why I'll try to stick to this competitions longer this time - and I'll probably stay with my acoustic approach and aim to develop my remixes/arrangements around the trombone and the other stuff I have direct access to, which is a little collab-unfriendly in my opinion. So there's probably no offer to be expected from my side anytime soon. BUT: If you ever want some trombones in a mix of yours - even if it's only chords, or to be precise, especially if its only chords: just message me and I'll give it a shot! (Time is one of the things I have plenty of these days.)
    1 point
  8. It's results time. TheVideoGamer and Brainstar both did a two bonus mix. Wassup Thunder got 10 points and gets the last place wooden spoon And the winner of PRC421 by unanimous decision is with TheVodouQueen with 15 points. TheVodouQueen may pick a source for PRC423. Send the source to me (with a MID/MP3 file, otherwise send a second source with a MID file) by PM, other options are PM me @ ThaSauce or by e-mailing to bambombim@gmail.com (I prefer a PM @Ocremix). Send your source as fast as you can, but before next Wednesday (17 February 2021), 11:00 AM ThaSauce time (18:00 UTC, 19:00 GMT). You may select any source from any game, but not a source with an OverClocked remix or a source which has been used in PRC before. An overview of the past PRC's can be found in the following links (I recently updated this site): http://sites.google.com/site/bambombim/prc http://bambombim.googlepages.com/PRCRemixList.doc (also downloadable via the link above). Next double source round I probably change the bonus rule for mixing both sources because the advantage is too big when only two people compete. This round, it didn't affect the result. http://compo.thasauce.net/rounds/view/PRC421 for the votes and comments. PRC422 already started: http://compo.thasauce.net/rounds/view/PRC422
    1 point
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