The mixing from my end seems fine. I think the the low end is a bit emptier than I'd like? Something about it really feels like it was held back in the name of it not overwhelming the soundfield and causing clipping. Which I 100% get. I think though it could have been a notch or two higher and really gave that low end hit without sacrificing the rest of the mix. I don't know how to EQ that well though so its beyond me on the how.
edit: oops, pressed submit early.
As far as the actual song goes though, I really love the chord progression and feel of it. I'm unfamiliar with the source so I am unable to judge it against the original but I liked jamming to this. You have a good sense on when to let us go from one section and push us to another before it gets monotonous. Even within the sections you add elements well enough to keep it fresh inside. At around 4:30 you take it to another level of aggression by going more dubstep with a mini drop. I liked that and maybe I wanted more of it throughout? That's personal preference though. Anyway, this was so cool and I enjoyed listening from beginning to end even though I didn't know the original. In fact, I took two listens