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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/22/2023 in all areas

  1. Nase

    Tetris Attack

    i personally think the tetris attack music is very serviceable if a tad forgettable... the sped up tracks at critical points always did the trick for sure. but the themes by themselves? just very serviceable, but not much more if you ask me. idk, could still result in a fun album if you thematize the whole tetris attack energy correctly. because lemme say.... tetris attack is like maybe the best fucking 1on1 game ever. it literally has time bending properties once you really get into it. normal tetris is fucking BS in comparison. (i never got good at normal vs. tetris, but i really understood the magick of tetris attack/panel de pon. it's like a mathematically psychedelic experience, because no joke, when you're in full flow mode you experience a real bending of time. this is a legit psychedelic game.) (also to my shame, i tried it again on my handheld emu a few months back, and i couldn't even beat it on hard vs. CPU. while i was regularily practicing against roomies 15 years ago, the super hard hidden CPU mode wasn't a problem. i wanna play this again, but i got no ready opponents.) (tetris attack should be offered in every nursing home. if you can beat the CPU on hard at age 70, you won't get alzheimer's. just my opinion.)
    1 point
  2. After this reconsideration, we've clearly concluded that we're not accepting this submission. In the thread thus far, prophetik said he agreed with MindWanderer that this didn't meet 4.3 of the Submissions Standards. DarkeSword was saying 4.3 didn't apply here, but DarkeSword & Gario said it failed 4.1. We then talked extensively in #judges about how to address this and came to a consensus. I'll do my best to summarize the conversation here with key excerpts (edited for clarity). Regarding section 4.1, we concluded that the format of story narration or audio book isn't accepted as a "genre of music" due to the focus of the experience not being its music: Regarding Section 4.3, and its purpose, “dominant” refers to the expectation that the arranged VGM is the “most important, powerful, or influential” component of the presentation; this would apply whether it's contrasting 1) the amount of arranged VGM vs. non-VGM composition or, in this case, 2) the arranged VGM vs. the non-musical story narration as the primary focus of the audio. With this piece, djp felt the approach did conflict with both mentioned parts of the existing arrangement standards -- primarily 4.1, and then 4.3 to a lesser extent -- then suggested added clarification to the Standards to address this: DarkeSword emphasized that the Standards issue here had nothing to do with acceptable source material (Section 3) but rather whether this arrangement format was permitted (Section 4): DarkeSword proposed an added clarification point excluding narration/voiceover-focused content by name as part of section 4.1, which djp and I edited. As this submission conflicted with two aspects of the current arrangement standards, this added point isn't a new exclusion, but now codifies the reasoning behind not accepting this type of presentation. I also added "rap" into 4.1's examples list of acceptable genres to make very clear that it remains an accepted music style. Usage of lyrics with rhythms and/or musicality (e.g. beat poetry) that integrate with the music is (and has always been) allowed. We then had the panel weigh in on the final wording, which was accepted by the entire group: The revision of section 4.1 is now live in the Submission Standards: 4. Arrangement 1. Arrangements in any genre of music (e.g. techno, jazz, rap, rock, classical) are acceptable, so long as the genre itself does not conflict with any other arrangement criteria. Submissions must have a primary focus on musical elements; this excludes extensive focus on narration/voiceover (e.g. audio drama, audio books).
    1 point
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