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Everything posted by Aetherius

  1. just thought I might mention that this is the SSF2T remix collaborative project discussion thread and not the 'OMG UR SO COOL WITH YOUR OBSOLETE CONSOLE MODS!' thread everybody stfu.
  2. Before Epo makes his post saying 'I don't update, because no one gives me the info to update with' and then one of you posts with 'I just did that, a few posts up' Let me paraphrase something I said a post or two ago: Quit your bitching. Seriously. If you're done your song, and there's no news, then don't post at all. If something happens, I'll make a post, and then you'll see it in the 'view your posts' search results, or it'll bump itself. Meanwhile, feel free to personally bug me, if you want to know what's going on, but a million posts of 'hey, what the heck is going on with this project' followed by a bunch of bickering isn't helping this project get released. If you realy want to help out, find us someone to design a website, and some cover art, because it appears that Eon_blue has fallen through, so to speak. On an unrelated, but important note: The following people (who are listed as being on the project) are...not on the project... -Hadyn dropped out, I believe. -Chris McGee's source file got corrupted, and then his computer died, or something. -Graylightning has dropped out -Ichitootah might as well be dead, which is unfortunate, since his mix was pretty good. -I am now officially removing Fusion and Taucer's remix from the list, as...well, It sucked, and there doesn't appear to be any work being done on it. (don't worry about this though. I've got an idea for the track, and I'll do it. seriously...I will.) The following people have different percentages done: -Sixto is at least 50% done. -chthonic is 99% done. -KFC is 50% done (because he claims to be almost done, and yet I've heard NO wips from him...at all.) -Chris McGee is 50% done, but since he might as wel be gone, I don't know what to do about that. -Rexy is 95% done her Eagle Tower mix The following people really should consider reworking/starting over: -ShinnyMetal should really shave three of those unnecessary and repetitive minutes off of his track, and probably cut out that unlistenable section all together. -Spc1st's arrangement is based almost entirely on a four note riffy thing that happens before the actual song I've asked him to remix, which is really not the point, and if there IS anything of the track he chose in that arrangement, it is too abstract, or too subtle, don't know which, but neither is good. Now, I don't mean to hurt anyone's feelings, but I'm not pulling punches. If anyone knows whether monobrow, Chris McGee, or Ichitootah is still alive, please try to get them to post thir situation in here. If either ShinnyMetal or Spc1st has a problem with the things I've said about their songs, either because they're too lazy to start over or rework their piece. They're free to drop out, or just rework it. Either way, it will delay the project, and I'm sorry to the rest of you that I'm forcing you to wait longer for people to be able to hear your music, which seems to be what yu're all so concerned about, because I can't see any other reason why you would care so much about the status of this project's completion. Anyhoo, I said from the beginning that I demand an appreciation for both the source tune, and the game and the palce in the game where the song comes from in the remixers. I want remixers who are connected to their songs, not remixers who think they can remix anything, and it's just another game tune to them. This is not about re-arranging, it's about paying homage to something you respect and appreciate. SO, respect and appreciate your source tune, and do something nice with it. Don't poop on your source tune, and think 'man, this song that I've made is great.' Understand that several minutes of repetitive and boring crap isn't an homage so much as a failed attempt. Everybody do YOUR BEST. I'd like to see from everyone the same amount of effort and care that was put in by The Prophet, monobrow, and a few others. I begin work on my Ballad remix today. You've all got time. Don't forget, though, that when the main tracks are done, there's still the final collaborative track. That is all. Your somewhat grumpy, because he slept in Leader: Starky
  3. Actually, I'm being lazy, because I'm attempting to remaster/mix my guile mix so that It'll be submittable to my satisfaction before I move on. Since there isn't a deadline for this project, all of you could have done three remixes for theree different projects already... I work slowly.
  4. Hmm, despite the fact that Yamaoka said he liked the film, he doesn't want to work on a sequel...sounds like he didn't like SOMEthing about the production.
  5. I expect you to leave the (incredibly lax) deadlines to me.
  6. lazy and unapologetic. Just get yours done, and quit your bitching.
  7. So I guess we're allowed to submit these now? First time hearing the whole thing. Gotta say, lots of funky beats going on here (Larry's probably already creamed himself over this stuff). Highlights for me are: Morse and Richter's Blanka mix. José's Deejay mix. Zircon's spybreaky Fei-long mix. Malcos'Dhalsim ending mix. And probably the guile end mix that's not mine, because I'd be a jerk if I said I liked mine.
  8. For the flippin' last time, asshats. Aetherius. With an E. It's the one that makes sense and is easier to pronounce. Most common vowel in the english language. Aetherius. NOT Aethurius, Arcturus, Arthurius, Hamburger or Fruit Salad. Aetherius.
  9. just for the record, I'm really not excited about any collaborations between the two of you.
  10. quit being lame, guys. Dafydd, just figure it out. Prophet, ...go find prizm.
  11. I got the impression that he didn't know how to automate the tempo as you 'normally would'.
  12. Your flare for the dramatic both astounds and disgusts me. Check in Remixing 101. The answer's probably there.
  13. the lyrics weren't that bad, but the little whispered bit in the middle kind of sucked. I kind of got the impression that we're supposed to be visualizing harry shouting at the moon that 'she's gone, and fear has overcome.' She beign his daughter, obviously. But then I was thrown off by that lame spoken bit.
  14. It's true. FL, being so easy to use, is usually the beginner's program, but unless they figure out how to use the program like a tool, rather than a toy, they'll never really improve beyond a bunch of repetitive noise, without any real attention to mixing. Now I know how aggravatign it is to have someone tell you 'why are you doing this, when you could buy this $4000 synthesizer?' So, the trick is experimenting with a sound you kinda like...and turn it into a sound that you really like. Personally, I'd say that's easiest to do in FL.
  15. Seriously, guys. Make the two songs the album opener and closer. DO NOT put them back to back. edit: and it's AethErius...with an E...like in Eeejit.
  16. am I the only one who thought the original vocals sucked? that guy has a completely...ungood voice for silent hill music
  17. I liked the concept of returning to the levels. It might as well have been the same as the nightmare world's arrival in the other three games. You'll find that you had to replay each level in all the games, just not after such a long period.
  18. Well, I spit on you.
  19. Frtuiyloops is the most versatile music software I've ever encountered that didn't require any external hardware. Reason just sounds good, It's not ACTUALLY good.
  20. FLstudio is also capable of putting EQ on one instrument only.
  21. You're a whiner. I think it's a bit harsh to call a really good game, that's the least awesome, in a group of AMAZING games, the 'worst' when it's simply the 'least awesome.'
  22. Equalize the BASS INSTRUMENT, so that it's bass frequencies are lower. It's too bassey. It is indeed possible to change the EQ of a single instrument (provided that your music program doesn't suck...). Try a decelerando into the piano section, and then don't bother with the accelerando back into the A-section. It'll work. Trust me. I wouldn't call the removal of parts of the intro a 'sacrifice' so much as a 'mercy killing.' The intro being that long is truly unnecessary.
  23. pfft, no one's paying attention but us. hmmm I think the intro section goes on just a little too long. You get a bunch of buildup for what sounds like it's going to be a breakbeat, and then it just turns into MORE quiet buildup. We could do without a bar or two of that. There's too much bass on your bass instrument still, but it's not muddy. Now it's just loud. It's an EQ issue, not a volume issue. The ending is better, but I think that the piano bit (Which sounds nice) should be slower. I think maybe the whole song's tempo could go down by (not to) 5-10bpm to achieve this without being too draggy. Also, I think that you should return to the original chord progression before you end the song. A-section (turtle rock), B-section (your thing), and then the A-section again. Mind you, the repetition of the A-section should be VERY short. Just enough to re-establish it. There's a bit around 3:00 that puts too much emphasis on the hihat pattern you've got going on. Because they're in the forefront, it draws my attention to the fact that it's a loop of crumby default hihats, which detracts from the music. Anyhoo, main issues: -Shorten the intro by a few bars. We really don't need the extra four bars to show 'OMG the hihats have changed' just bring the cool beat right on in. -Bass needs less bass. I can't imagine how you can't figure out how to lower the bass' EQ. -Briefly re-establish the A-section before ending the song. -Find a way to remedy the way that the hihats are too far in the foreground at 3:00.
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