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Everything posted by Aetherius

  1. I think a major issue is that it needs to sound like a song, and not a bunch of music playing at the same time.
  2. ...you know there's more than that 4 note intro in the song, right? I've heard none of track 35 in there, which is your song. anyhoo...yeah, the mixing is crappy. anyone else wanna tear this one down, so I don't have to?
  3. don't do that...It's not a good idea... I recommend putting yours at the beginning, and mine at the end, right before the end credits. that way, they're far enough apart that they don't bore the listener, and they're thematically appropriate, as if the street fight is over in mine, and about to begin in yours. edit: Canadians use British spellings, because British spellings are correct.
  4. I'll put a petition in to be your collaborator, Rexy. I'm not sure what you mean by 'roots in modern orchestra', but I...know what I like. If the prophet wants to help you out, he's got my okay too. The guy's a wiz.
  5. *Sighs* as I suspected, shael's version gets centre stage.
  6. ...dark isn't a colour. I'd assume that the reason we're not in site projects is because despite the fact that 75% of the tracks are assigned, they are assigned to people who have only completed 10 seconds of their songs.
  7. Well, I was kinda expecting gray to drop out as soon as he said he was interested. It's a loss...but also not a loss, because I didn't really count it as a gain... :/
  8. how much more strict can I be than "right now." I imposed THAT deadline months ago.
  9. You need us to be excited for you to get your work done? Who's responsible for a lack of momentum? Each of us has to be excited for ourselves. It's not up to me to go 'yay! this is exciting@!' and throw a big party for you. you are the mixers. You ARE the momentum. I can't instill excitement in you. So, how do I create momentum for you? Well, I COULD set a FINAL DEADLINE. But you know what? You'd all fail to meet it, apart from those of you who would do a shitty rushed job, or those of you who have already completed your mix, and are just sitting around complaining about how nothing's happening. Don't complain to me. Complain to the people who committed themselves to this project, and then failed to follow through. SO, here is my way of creating momentum: I tell you that you all suck, and hope that you complete your mixes, and do a good job just to spite me. So motivate yourselves. I'm here to organize, not hold your hands. Edit: You know, I'm expecting wips from some of you, that I've never heard. You know what that means? You may have been wasting your efforts, because I may think it's not going to fit in with the project's feel, etc. So, maybe...we should be a bit more active in sending wips around, hmm? I don't want to have had you guys working on a track for three months and then thinking 'ugh, what is this?'
  10. While we may not be allowed to expect you to read EVERY post n this thread (though it's probably a good idea), we SHOULD be able to expect you to white out your spoilers. That last post is full of 'em. Watch what you're doing. In other news: Just to give the trunk thing a new perspective, I've always felt that the idea of making silent Hill all a fantasy is too extreme, while having it all be an explainable delusion of a psychotic mind is too extreme as well. My thoughts were that the town is real, and that what happens is real. The monsters are real, the people are real, the events are real. So, things like Mary returning after James has killed her don't necessarily have to be imagined, or just dreams. She's just there, with no explanation, by virtue of the nature of the town. That's how I'd prefer to look at it anyway. It takes too much away to make it all a dream, and it adds too much hokey-pokey 'So he's/she's just a psycho' if it's all in the character's psyche. I figure if you die in silent hill, you're dead unless silent hill wants you alive. You weren't dead from the beginning. That's just my way of seeing it. edit: in water seems to me to be the best ending. Most of the elements of the game are focused in such a way that that ending seems the most justified. The leave or rebirth endings seem to be the next most likely. or maybe the dog ending. Gotta love that dog ending.
  11. ironically, the links are still active in red Tailed Fox's quote.
  12. LIEK OMG THIS IS A POST WITH INFORMATION IN IT, BUT YOU DON'T REALLY HAVE TO READ IT HAWW HAWWRR! mmmmkaugh. I've finially finished that stupid Super Street Fighter 2 Remix, so, now I've gotta begin work on my Zelda mix (because I'm lazy like that). Anyway, I've got limited intarweb access, because my mom's also lazy. (runs in the family.) ...Anywhoo, get to work, find prizm, and do stuff, foolios. I want to hear a wip from SPC1st, I want to hear if Dafydd has been able to succeed in his remastering/re-ending. I want to know wtf's up with Chris McGee, I want to know where Monobrow is. I want Shinny Metal to fix that stuff I've been telling him to fix for probably 6 months, and I want the prophet to continue kicking ass. I want Epo to return, and work on that website. I want Eon Blue to work on designing our website. I want to know where the heck Hadyn is, and where the heck Ichitootah went. I want all of these things, but I fear I will have to wait longer than I want to for them. That said, everyone, if you see any of those people around in webland, rough 'em up LA style, and make sure they're still working. I'll be doing the same. MAKE PROGRESS> GO REMIX, LITTLE LAkids
  13. are we good on the title of mine?
  14. no evidence. It just seemed likely to people. Its another one of those things that get speculated about with NO evidence.
  15. Uhm, I've just sent it to Malcos as an attachment... (I think so anyway...) I hope it doesn't seal my reputation as a terrible singer
  16. I wear Cheese Helmets for protection, thanks. SH2 didn't take as much explaining as SH1 did. I know this. My first time through SH1 I got the Bad ending (No Cybil, No Kauffman), how the hell was I supposed to tell what the hell was going on with Alessa/Cherly at that point? It was like "ARGH, WTF IS THIS?!" well, at least you got an appropriate ending. If you have no idea what's going on, it doesn't matter, because it was alla dream and you died.
  17. I pretty much agree with tycho's newspost for that comic, though he's a bit angrier. The flaw is in the script, not the direction or casting.
  18. I was up til 5 messing with the lyrics, got them recorded, but I couldn't get the volume settings quite right. Once I'm up and at 'em (I just woke up) I'll get back at it, and send my song in.
  19. I've been trying to change the topic for days. - Born from a wish - Are the priests with the conical hoods supposed to represent the executioners of the civil war? (silent Hill 4) - Art of Silent Hill/Lost Memories DVD. Anyone seen it? Anyone own it? Anyone know where I can get it? Discuss.
  20. My point is that they don't NEED sense made of them. They already make sense.
  21. Yeah, Laura's a bit tricky. I always thought her character sucked, though. There were probably other ways to help James realize what was going on without her having to be in the game.
  22. Actually, it just means that the film makers chose to give it the ending you see in the normal version. Deleted endings are deleted because they're not what the film maker wants. So, that in mind, the alternate ending is a possibility, but it's not THE ending. (also, the impression I got from the film was that the chemical stuff really did happen, and wasn't all just made up.) Once again, sure, you can speculate on anything about the silent Hill games, but there's very little in the games to support those speculations, since there are only 4 or so endings per game, and all of them pertain to the future, rather than the past. you only see what's GOING to happen, not what did happen. SO, there's really only ONE interpretation of what DID happen, and several possibilities of what COULD happen.
  23. I'm going to have to be starting these vocals from scratch, which emans re-mixing every sound in the song to get it to cooperate with my voice, so I'm going t record them tonight (AT ALL COST) and if I don't submit it at like 5 in the morning, you'll have it by at least 2PM tomorrow (cause If I sleep at 5, I'll wake up at 2, y'see).
  24. ...So? You could go anywhere from there. It's not guaranteed to suck. (speaking of which, that carrot on a stick idea is exactly what DOES happen in Silent Hill 2)
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