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Everything posted by Brycepops

  1. List of AS commands. - The host can, yeah.
  2. I see what you did there. Also, don't you dare disrespect Alley Cat ._.
  3. I disagree. If it wasn't an original composition for a game, I wouldn't call it VGM.
  4. Lies. I could listen to Miracle Warriors - Overhead all day ;o
  5. That, or a supported wi-fi dongle and Xlink Kai. If you have custom firmware, you just need their plugin and the software.
  6. Basically. Is it out of the question to run a line to the ps3?
  7. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adhoc_Party_for_PlayStation_Portable
  8. Well, I just bought Battlefield: Bad Company 2 and I may or may not get Global Agenda as well. The P2P portion of it has gone F2P recently so it's kind of tempting.
  9. Pedobear doesn't represent furries...
  10. The Armory ups the level cap to 61 and you get better boolets >_>
  11. Two different people. http://queenston.deviantart.com/ <---renard
  12. I've been watching it since they started airing it on Sci-Fi (I refuse to call it SyFy because that's retarded ). It's pretty interesting o_o
  13. Well, considering you're in the UK and these servers are further west than what we're using now...
  14. I didn't look very hard, but what I found was: http://www.dvorak.org/blog/2006/12/31/france-makes-it-illegal-to-watch-dvds-in-linux/ http://digg.com/tech_news/Watching_DVDs_in_Linux_using_DeCSS_now_illegal_in_Finland Not sure if this is what he was referring to, though o_o
  15. Well, people need to understand that this is a problem. I say turn it on until they get the idea that maybe they shouldn't do it anymore.
  16. That's not him. Looks like him, but it's not.
  17. I found that highly amusing. Though, it'd only really work if people actually tried to sing and not fuck around ;o
  18. One Piece got 9000x better once Funimation got their hands on it.
  19. From the TF2 Wiki: Bleeding is an attrition damage effect similar to Fire. Currently only the Tribalman's shiv inflicts bleeding, however it is thought more weapons may be released over time with this effect. Though similar to a Pyro's fire, Bleeding differs in a few key ways * Bleeding cannot be extinguished. Therefore it cannot be negated by: o Water o Jarate o Compression blast * Small Medpacks will heal the victim's health but will not stem the Bleeding. * The indication of Bleeding damage is more subtle than the flame effects of a Pyro's fire.
  20. How DARE you. Don't make me come over there.
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