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Everything posted by Brycepops

  1. I play Beavis & Butt-Head stuff sometimes, but I was playing Gene's Rock-a-bye during setup when he decided to chime in.
  2. To the server admins: I don't care if duckyboy likes my micspam or not. He's the only person who's ever complained about it, so fuck him. I hardly ever play anything anyway so you're going to just have to kick me if he complains about it, because I'm not going to stop just because he wants to troll. -{SHB}Spike Spiegel
  3. They need to bring shit like this back to Adult Swim :/
  4. Haha were you watching it in Sci-Fi? I was :0
  5. LOL I was just playing with this guy on another server a few hours ago. Wasn't doing anything except punchan people there, though :/
  6. Offtop != GenDisc. The mindset of people that post over there is different. It'd be wise to remember that :0 We like to rib each other in GenDisc, but in Offtop it's more like a slap to the balls.
  7. I used to watch it when it was on Adult Swim. I thought it was pretty good.
  8. With Xfire running all you'd have to do is hit the screenshot hotkey and when you're done playing, it'll ask you if you want to upload. It'd probably be the easiest way to get screenshots up.
  9. TORNADO FLAAAAAAAAME I've been tempted lately to rip my game cd and covert it so I can play it on my psp.
  10. I like the voice acting in the ps1 more than the PSP version. Claude's new voice makes me want to punch him in the dick :/ About Lufia 1....I love the game to death. Hell, I even have it in my SNES right now because I started playing through it again recently on Try Again mode. I like Lufia 2 as well, but I just seem to gravitate back to 1 because it has a more classic feel to it.
  11. Tear into pieces! Burn to death! Oh, the almighty Tria!
  12. I like to go back and make retarded tracks every once in a while lol.
  13. Kanye West acted like a giant shithead during the Video Music Awards on sunday, and what he said has now become a meme.
  14. GOOD maybe now medics will start healing their team instead of running around trying to give people aids and leaving you to die.
  15. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/us_obit_swayze ;_;
  16. Some of the guys over at Hokuto no Gun (The people who've been subbing Souten no Ken) have begun to sub Kinnikuman O_O http://hokutoarmy.wordpress.com/
  17. Well, would you rather: 1.) Have people you play with regularly LOL at/with you because you're trying to get better. or 2.) Deal with a bunch of random dickholes. You might not be a lot of help at the time but it would at least pay off some in the end, would it not?
  18. Yeah ok, let's just start telling people to go somewhere else to improve before coming here. At least here, most people won't be faggots and would actually give advice on how to improve.
  19. Well, if the two slots are already taken and you're someone who'd like to work on sniping/bowing, wtf are you going to do? Ask someone to switch? What if they're pricks, or are actually skilled? There wouldn't be much room for improvement for people who'd like to get better at this classes, but can't. Hell, what if you just want to have some fun as that class? :/
  20. D-Lux...Deluxe..why didn't I notice that sooner :(

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