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Meteo Xavier

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Posts posted by Meteo Xavier

  1. 16 hours ago, music2go said:

    I'm running a very powerful PC. 5 monitors, 20TB of space, 32 gigs of ram, and i7 processor. So it shouldn't be the computers hardware causing this.

    In principle, I don't really agree with that. That's a disgusting level of computer-tech porn that probably wouldn't be standard for another 15 years at least. It makes me think of Serial Experiments Lain's flooded bedroom, or a guy so loaded up steroids that he's about to explode. The bigger and more stuff you have attached to it, the more complications it has room to accrue and still create issues like this - or such is my experience.

    Good you figured out the issue but whooooooooooooooa holy shit dude damn. :shock:8-O8-O

    As for the Shreddage thing - maybe that could've been an issue in the registry? I've heard that's where Kontakt keeps its data on whether your product is locked in demo mode or unlocked in paid mode. I can't offer much help other than a possible clue there. I've not heard of Shreddage or any other Kontakt instrument having an issue like that before, but then again I haven't used an Impact Soundworks instrument since March and am on a personal boycott of that brand of Kontakt libraries, so I likely wouldn't run into that issue myself to get to know more about it either.

  2. Well, like I said, I don't have anything dire at THIS moment, but there's a Hiroyuki Sawano song I'd probably like to rearrange that I'd need help in figuring out. Not the entire thing, just the basic essentials of the composition.

    I don't know what the going rate for that is. Without it being something that profits me in any way, I probably would hit it at around $35 for what I'd need to get from it or other songs (I don't often need the entire arrangement all placed out), but I also don't really enjoy lowballing either.


  3. Quote

    A series of cheat codes have been discovered which work across all versions of the game, we’re unsure if you need the full plus DLC to get these to work or if they will work on a fully patched vanilla version of Sonic Mania, so give it a try anyway.

    From what we understand, they do not work on Encore mode, and some codes only work for Sonic.

    To enable the codes, you need to do the following.

    Enter Mania Mode and go to ‘No Save’.

    You now need to enter the code for the level select.

        PS4: Hold Square, Select No save.
        Xbox: Hold X, Select No save.
        Switch: Hold Y, Select No save.

    You will now be at the level select.

    Go to sound test and play the following sounds to enable the desired code.

        3 3 3 1 9 7 9 0 8 1 1 – Changes all animals into Squirrels.
        4 1 2 6 – All Emeralds
        1 9 9 2 1 1 2 4 – Infinite Continues
        2 0 1 8 0 6 2 3 – Force Encore Mode
        1 9 8 9 0 5 0 1 – Unknown
        2 0 1 7 0 8 1 5 – Super Sonic Flight in normal levels (Don’t need to be Super to trigger it).
        9 0 0 1 – Max Control For Sonic (Dropdash, Super Peel Out, Insta-Shield)
        0 0 0 0 6 2 1 4 – Disable Super Music

    Some of these codes combine to make interesting effects, for example, if you enable Force Encore Mode and Max Control For Sonic, it’s possible to give the Super Peel Out move to Knuckles and other characters.

    Try them yourself and see what happens.

    Found this on https://www.sonicstadium.org/2018/07/sonic-mania-cheat-codes-discovered/. Figured it was worth sharing.

  4. I don't have the version you have, but I've had FL Studio do this or something similar to this to me a few times in the past. It's either been a conflict with the VST itself (just something in the program, computer and VST all combined together causes it) or FL Studio being buggy. The option for the latter is just to restart FL Studio and try again, the former requires isolating that it's the VST or something more pinpoint (samples chosen, some option flipped on, etc.) to see what's causing it.

    Sometimes programs, operating systems, computer components and so on come into a weird conflict and just don't work. This laptop I'm on right now has a weird problem where if I'm cutting videos with Windows Movie Maker, if there's a video with a certain codec in it (and I haven't been able to determine which one), even if it allows me to import it in, cut it and start saving it, it will completely restart the computer RIGHT as it finishes. Sometimes I get a complete video after restarting, sometimes I just get a giant .tmp file. I've never had this happen anywhere else and the only thing to say about it is "well, these things just don't like each other."

    Keep testing it and retesting it to see if you can isolate the variables that cause it, and then you'll be able to Google it from there or take it to Image Line's support team.

  5. Umm... sometimes such things show up in the recruit and collaborate topic, but if you came here looking for a job to pay bills, you definitely did not come to the right place. In fact, the only places I know of that even have game music gigs are already stuffed with thousands of other composers who watch for those openings like a hawk and swoop down as soon as they are posted. Kind of a depressing sight, really.

    Though, I'll give you this, someone who can transcribe music by ear to a .mid file or something is definitely a service I'd be personally interested in paying some money for. I don't have a need for that right this moment, but that's one of the few music skills I haven't been able to pick up and people aren't making .mids of modern VGM anymore. I'd definitely want to know some rates and bookmark a website or something if you've got it.


  6. The dynamic of discovering prototypes not already easily available to the general public is self-explanatory in that its value is 96% academic and curiosity. However, in this case there is a slightly higher chance that going through these archival curios could yield results better than "well, yeah, that's a neat find". I've played some prototype ROMs in my day and I can say there were quite a few that were worth the effort, bugs and weird shit and all.

    Further, discovering these prototypes could lead to some cool developments in the aftermarket/rom hacking scene in time to come and I'm a big, big fan of that shit. The PSP is probably the most incredible handheld I've ever owned, beating out the original Gameboy in everything but its lasting effect and legacy, and even more coming out of it in time to come is an incredible potential. :D

  7. Which includes me. Evidently someone found a whole big box of PSP game betas that number more than 100 and plans to rip them with a PSP system and then post them online for the interested to share. I won't post any links to warez, romz or anything else than ends in a "z", but it'll be cool stuff that gives us a look at curios or even get the chance to play a retail game a different way.

    These games include:

    Metal Gear Acid

    Dragon Ball Tenkaichi Tag Team


    Persona 3 Portable

    Guilty Gear XX Core Plus

    Final Fantasy crisis core VII

    Castlevania The Dracula X Chronicles

    Final Fantasy II

    Full Metal Alchemist

    Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Impact


    My source is here.


  8. If you're just looking to get experience in music scoring, just Google around for Game Development boards and Game Development Engines (GameMaker, RPGMaker, Unity, etc.), post that you're wanting to do some work for free and see what you can get out of it. Word of warning that these boards are depressingly filled to overflow with lots of other composers willing to bite off their own wiener if they thought it would get them hired and even trying to work for free is kinda hard to come by (be prepared to see a lot of SAM FOSTER threads), but then again there are some occasional posts by others looking for composers as long as they don't have to pay them. You'll just need to go and look.

    And don't get suckered into the "I need connections to be successful!" bullshit. That's just a quarter-truth told by other composers so they can look like they're awesome for giving you advice without it actually dampening their own chances of getting more work. You don't get hired because someone knew you and happened to have your contact info handy when they were talking to someone else, you get hired because you have the skills that impresses people enough to say, "Man, you should go check out that Daniel Caton guy and see if he's not tied up right now." Quality of craft is always the first priority.

  9. To actually have creativity itself cause anxiety is a new one for me. I've not heard of that before.

    I'll skip the overlong response that is at least 30% explaining about ME than the actual problem and just suggest that the only real way to conquer it is to go through it. Face the anxiety head on, start with small creative projects, release them, learn from them in a detached way (like thinking of them as experiments designed to yield data) and work on it little by little until experience begins to trump anxiety.

  10. Sending .WAV files would be extraordinarily pointless. Their packaging into Kontakt or Soundfont files is such an efficient improvement over just having the .WAV files that you're going to be hardpressed to find them online, much less have someone here email them to you. It's the difference between watching a movie on a screen and watching a movie by pulling out the film reel and looking at it frame-by-excruciating frame.

    If you absolutely need the .WAVs, there are tools that extract them from ROMs, I think SNESTOOL used to do it. Otherwise use WilliamKage's site above.


  11. I'm not going to do point-by-point responses here - it's exhaustive and the time spent doing it doesn't amount to anything (some of this shit gets REALLY long). If you're better off thinking sacrifices are not required to be made for freelancer success, than that's exactly what you should have in your mindset to keep going. One good thing that the subjective intangibility of the art scene is that a good mentality, even if its motivated by theoretical/academic nonsense, is better than having a poor mentality that is precisely correct. Nothing, and I do mean nothing, guarantees music success better than to simply keep going, so that's what you'd prefer to think on it, more power to it.

    Even if it wasn't beneficial to have a good mentality on it no matter what, I still don't have too much a vested interest to change your mind on it - composers who are too stubborn to get around the difficulties of finding work with creative risk miss out on opportunities that composers like me get to potentially clean up on. They lose, I win. :D

    I'll have a new subject here soon when my availability next allows.

  12. All dues have to be paid at some point, they just aren't equal in consistent in who or how much does what. Sometimes it happens in the form of someone who struggled for 20 years and finally got their break into success, sometimes success comes immediately with the price of failing each time afterwards (and subsequent drug habits, downward spirals, etc.), sometimes it's eating nothing but ramen noodles for 3 years, sometimes it's doing it while one of hundreds of other precedents and scenarios play out - either way, all success has a price and it gets paid one way or another.

    If freelance composers want to believe they have the same business model and social importance as a restaurant, plumber, lawyer or something like it, that's their business and I hope it works out for them, but I expect composers who call themselves "professionals" to have a really, really good understanding of what they're trying to undertake and how sickeningly overstuffed in supply versus demand the freelance composer market is. Instead, what I see are thousands and thousands of unproven, no-name musicians who want AAA recognition and AAA money doing the same music as everyone else, conforming every aspect of their artistic identity down to what they think producers will want instead of doing much to stand out, and focus their entire advertising plan on going to GameDev websites and posting "Hi, does anyone need a composer?" Then when they don't get the jobs and money that proven, known composers get, they shift the blame of not being able to afford their $2,500 a month townhouse in San Francisco on game music ALONE on their target employers, high schoolers and college student devs who don't already have a composer in place, not being able to afford $30,000 for a soundtrack and people who do it for fun instead of profit. They box themselves in with this thinking and stubbornly refuse to deviate even the slightest to try to risk some innovation and cleverly get AROUND their employment obstacles. They are destined to make a failure rate much higher than it could be and they have no one to blame but themselves, no matter who they put the finger at.

    I'll believe the validity that music composition is the same business model and infrastructure as the aforementioned businesses when I see people making and running restaurants in their spare time, or 19-year-old plumbers flooding (pun intended) forums with "Hey y'all, does anyone want free plumbing work? I'm looking to get experience and get my name out. My work is inspired by Roto-Rooter and LemKo Leak Prevention. Here's my portfolio on Toiletcloud.com!" - you know, things that generally aren't considered fun pasttimes for most normies that they would get into after work was done...

  13. Making a successful restaurant is NOTHING like making a successful music career. Those two things couldn't possibly be more different for more reasons than I care to type out here. Among the main differences is that most people around the world will enter a restaurant at least once a year, whereas most people will probably never hire a musician for anything other than a wedding or something like it at its closest, much less an indie composer - in addition to the fact that it's very difficult or likely impossible to have and run a restaurant from your bedroom or living room. You can start a moderately successful music composition career with $700 on top of the computer you already own. You don't need to purchase or lease commercial real estate, trucks, vans, tools, hire employees, get special licensing, undergo training and government procedures (except for paying tax)... the entire cost/risk structure is completely different.

    And I'm not too sympathetic for artists who have to work a "dead-end job they hate". No one likes work, that's what "work" is - stuff you only do because you have to in order to have objective needs met. It goes back to the unshakeable reality of life that sooner or later you have to sacrifice things in order to keep moving ahead. If it's not working a job you should be thankful to have floating your artist ambitions, then it will be the reality that you will have to compromise your art in some way to pay bills and eventually make your "passion" work; where it will give you stress, make you deal with unreasonable people, force you to turn out stuff that can tarnish your name... something always has to balance out there. If you don't choose that balance, reality will choose it for you.

    In that regard, I'm actually fairly lucky - I actually love my day job AND it allows me to do my music ambitions as I see fit. Sooner or later that reality will no longer be true, but I will give praise to the God or Gods or powers that be that I have it while I have it. Those who can't appreciate what they have will contribute to their failure later.

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