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Meteo Xavier

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Posts posted by Meteo Xavier

  1. It's a common progression for creative people, even experienced ones.

    You can read up on a what a lot of other people have done to break through the point of losing excitement to do a track and actually do the work of finishing it, but I think in general what you really need to be told is just to FINISH YOUR DAMN TRACKS. No tricks, no shortcuts, just sit down and get ready to go through the bog of working on it regardless if you feel interested or excited by it or not. I say there's not much good a lot of more specific advice can do for you because it's all as unique a process to you as your music style is. You won't know what the best way for you to get "motivation" to get through it until you do it. And do it again. And again. And again.

    To be serious about doing an art means to employ a dedication to its discipline - in other words, get ready to sacrifice lots of time that won't be fun. Everyone here that ever got successful at music had to go through the same ritual and just accept it as part of what we do. I get the feeling what you're running into is just losing that OMG THIS IS AWESOME feeling we all get when starting something and getting the idea this could really be something and then just quitting it when that "high" runs out. Without experience in getting through the other end of it and going through the meticulous stages of making sure every single little fucking thing in it is perfect, you won't get through that barrier.

    The encouragement part is, once you start getting experience in doing it, it can really build up quick. In fact, I personally make it a point in the soundtracks and albums and stuff I do now is to start a bunch at a time, work on them until I feel like I've got them at a good place, and then go back and do the "finishing" part for all of them in a "stage". I don't get obsessed with making sure I focus and start and finish one track at a time anymore because I've personally found that I work better in "batch bursts", what I call them. I'll get a bunch of tracks up to "nearly finished" stages, then one day I'll just burst right through and do the finishing stages for all of them in a single day because where my mind and energy at is "finish the job". No more "come up with something that could be something" or "ok, start getting some next parts going for this shit", it's "ok, the composition and arrangement is done, now to finish them off".

    So, in actuality, you accidentally painted yourself into a good corner where now you can work on building a shitload of "finishing" experience. Start with one track, take as much time to make it perfect as you need, finish it and release it. Then do the same for another. Then the same for another. Then do 3 with a made up weekly schedule for each. Release. Then another 3. Release. And so on.

    I tell you straight, few things in the world are as satisfying as finishing a song after you went through the not-fun part of doing it. It's like a non-gross orgasm that lasts all day. Then you realize you're quickly getting better and faster at doing it because the satisfaction of finishing a song is also a major EXP. POINTS burst. It really feels like you level up the first time you get an Ocremix posted, then your first whole album finished, then your first album published by a small label and so on. And those experience points don't go away as quickly as some other achievements.

    So there's your motivation - sit your ass back in that chair and get to work and you'll get day-long orgasms you don't necessarily have to wipe off, and then find out you secretly jumped from Level 1 to Level 8 in just a few days and secretly picked up some "abilities" along the way, like being able to hear missing notes, missing instruments, wrong instruments and whole wrong sections just by listening to your own WIP a few times.

    You'll be surprised how accurate I am here. :D

  2. That's good information even if I'm not sure I'd need it now - the knowledge that Windows 7 isn't supported on newer processors in particular was worth asking about to know just by itself. I would just like to know I can still run my outdated version of Fl Studio 11 on Windows 10 as I've granted by whatever powers this universe some surprise activities in that field and won't have time to get acquainted with all the new things the modern versions change around.

    I would say I'm semi-serious because, really, it could be any moment for any reason my desktop explodes and I get shrapnel embedded in my skull like Big Boss. In an 11-month period alone my wife and I barely escaped a historic wildfire in the mountains, near business collapse from said fire, 4 trees falling down on our property (one of which was 80 feet tall), the water main down the street from us blowing up twice in 3 weeks, losing my Grandma and our only car with 72 hours of each other on Thanksgiving, two miscarriages, my mom having a freak accident that completely shattered her elbow... the list just goes on. Yet while physical security is at an astonishing low, financial security in recent times has surprisingly picked up and I might be able to afford more than $700-$800.

    It's again more projection, promises and chin music from me, but hopefully you might understand my unique position and need to be prepared all the same. :P If such a disaster happens, I'm in a much better position to give my business to you again than I was beforehand.


  3. Ok, serious post now.

    I'm still not in any real market for a new computer yet, but as I'm still in an era where sheer, unmitigated disaster surrounds me every moment of every day and I really have to plan that something completely out of left field will come in and take out my desktop (which is still my most important computer), I'm paranoid enough now to need a backup idea going on and I promised my next computer would be a Brad Burr computer.

    My desktop needs will need to keep me going on music production (FL Studio 11, Kontakt, Omnisphere, Zebra 2, EWQLSO and such equivalent VSTs), office work, and audio hardware recording, but I'll also be moving into somewhat more professional photo and video editing and, if possible, mid-level gaming. Such parameters I'm interested in are the following:

    * Pretty damn nice new modern processor. What're these Ryzens the kids have all been about lately. New tech processors that are the next stage up from the processors of the last 5 years.

    * Better graphics card than what integrated graphics and most casual computers have. I don't need the creme da le creme of graphics cards, but I do need something that is a few rungs up as editing video has produced problems lately with my integrated graphics cards and I want to be able to edit and work with higher quality camera stuff.

    * Mid-level computer gaming. I'm not a computer gamer and I don't need to be running the ultimate gaming machine and whatever all the newest, biggest games are, but it would be nice if I could be able to have STEAM finally and run JRPGs like the Hyperdimension games and other stuff from GOG.com. Stuff that's come out in the last 8 years or so that my consumer level graphics cards and stuff could not run.

    * Windows 7. I have an official copy of it, myself.

    * Better audio card for recording from the older Roland romplers. I still have a want to fill the niche for making Roland Sound Canvas songs, songs from my XV5050 and maybe any other from that era that comes along. This would be a focus on clear audio recording quality as opposed to having lots of connections and inputs and stuff as I still only just have a small corner of a room to record with, not even close to a home studio. Again not looking for creme da le creme, but something a few rungs up for a serious hobbyist. Maybe "prosumer" is the level I'm looking at? Something that might allow me to record from the S/PDIF on my XV5050 would be nice as well, if possible.

    * USB.3.0 plugins and all that modern shit.


    I think from my luddite-level ignorance, those are the things I am looking for. What sort of prospects do I look for there?

  4. It gets BETTER? I always thought Final Fantasy XII had the orchestral peak of music for the series, but to think it can be improved upon so much more seems unfathomable.

    Listening to some Youtube examples now. 480p seems overblowing it. Maybe I should wait to listen to it on a proper CD if an affordable one becomes available.

  5. 3 hours ago, Geoffrey Taucer said:


    If you're terrible at organizing things, why are you doing it in the first place? Get-togethers like this are challenging even for very good organizers.

  6. In trying to sound the least condescending that I can here - if you're going to use Ocremix as your own free advertising space to get support (presumably without giving likes, shares, money back to others), please use the right board for that: http://ocremix.org/community/forum/15-post-your-original-music/

    It only takes a few minutes to read which board is appropriate for which content. Choosing the wrong board gives the impression that you're so pre-occupied with yourself that you won't even bother to look to see if you're doing it right, which for a fairly tight-knit community like this one, is a pretty bad impression to make on someone who likely won't contribute anything else to the community.

  7. I know pronouncements for album releases here aren't as hot as they used to be, but I submit this work for your consideration and enjoyment anyway:


    I finally got to do a commissioned work for a visual novel and I contributed 12 tracks to the third game in a visual novel series called Without Within by InvertMouse Games. Not only is this my highest quality release to date, but it's also one of my most consistent and less electronic than before. I had to use more loop and phrase libraries to make that work since everything was still done in the computer and I can't play guitar, but the quality of the output speaks for itself. It fulfills my 15-year goal/dream to make music that puts my Chrono Cross inspiration full to the front AND I finally got to actually perform (with a piano) on a commercial music release instead of just sequence it (and it's not even any of the tracks that has a piano on it!)

    I don't get to sell this soundtrack as part of my contract deal with the commissioner, but for anyone who is interested in it, I'll post up a link here when that becomes available. Until then, please enjoy this work. I really got to break a lot of new ground here and I hope you're as pleased with it as I am!

    Composition, arrangement, mixing and further production: Meteo Xavier
    Mastering: Brandon Strader
    Album Artwork: Meteo Xavier using public domain images.

    Game available through InvertMouse Games.


  8. Yep, and I'm fightin' fer time to keep working on the stuff needed on the backend of things. We've absolutely not been able to move an inch without some sort of mountainous obstacle in the way and I've had unquestionably the worst Thanksgiving of my life last month, but every day the fallout of those things clear up a little bit more and my chances of moving things along here get better. :)

  9. I thought I posted my own example here, but it ain't here.

    GoldenEye 007 for the N64 where at the penultimate level you have to do an escort mission and basically make sure she doesn't get shot to death from... wow, I think the entire 360 degree radius around here and with two floors of enemies. WTF.

    Also, to date, I still haven't beaten Emerald Weapon in FFVII. I did eventually beat Ruby Weapon some time back but Emerald I hadn't managed yet.


  10. I personally think it's VERY appropriate that the Secret of Mana project will be released before this one - even with all that implies on the development speed here. Surely the game that precedes this one should come out before this one, yes?

    I've not had a ***damn moment to breathe since my last post. I am in OCR Discord a lot but I'm always working in addition to that too (the chat function is to allow me some mental stimulation as I multi-task to keep going. I want to compare it to an engine of some kind, but I don't know much about engines). I have some new work that came in right as I need to help cover the cost of my new car, but I think this weekend will give me the opportunity I seek for the work I need to do here.

    Thank you for your continued patience with me. I'm sorry I still have to ask for patience as I'm having yet another one of the most punishing holiday seasons I've ever experienced, but I'll be dead before I give up!

    And even then, I'll try to pull some strings behind the mortal veil to keep pushing along as well. ;)

  11. My question comes off condescending and I don't mean it that way at all, rather I'm prying for further clarity, but what kind of stutter problem could THAT be where you have to replace the whole thing with a $6,000+ computer?

    I don't want to take any business away from Brad, but that sounds very strange and I'd like to inquire further on what that means for your ultimate benefit. Potential chance whatever that stutter problem is could carry on to the next computer unless it's investigated thoroughly.

  12. Sorry folks, couldn't get much done this week. Been a pretty shitty set of 7 days. Water main blew up for the second time this month on Monday, wife's been sick all week and so have I for trace bits of it, had to get transmission work done on my car and it's still acting up and today my grandma died; among other things.

    So I'll see what the Thanksgiving weekend can give me in terms of availability and continue on from there.

  13. I'm not a professional graphic artist by trade, in fact graphic art is the one art I've never really gotten any kind of handle on. That said, I've done a majority of my own media artwork for albums, books and some miscellaneous stuff as I did develop some skill at artwork editing in GIMP and assorted free photo stuff online.





    https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/513jqDvnBiL._SX331_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg (mostly guided the artwork here, didn't actually create this myself)

    http://smg.photobucket.com/user/MeteoXavier/media/Jeffpardy.png.html?o=0 - this is a random picture of me in drag that I had some fun with.

    http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v222/MeteoXavier/OtherbrainMockup3A.jpg - book cover mockup for a manuscript that Eraserhead Publishing screwed me out of.

    http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v222/MeteoXavier/Amphibious-Oceans.jpg - a cover I did for someone else

    Hopefully this should be a good starting set.

  14. I've got some unused cover art resources you could use if you like. Do be aware, though, that there's only so much work that can be done "for funsies" on something like that before it stops being fun, and the proper procedure for something like that is to provide more substantial reward for more substantial work on that end. For free, you take what you can get.

    If you'd like to try something like that, gimme a holla here and I can send them along.

  15. While I don't venture into the realm of vinyl much myself, that may only be answered by trying a pressing yourself, or by checking out which vinyl releases are up to your standards, track down the publisher on them and see if that information is made available or simply contact them for who or what pressing they use for it.

    There likely isn't one single entity that provides "the best" of those things anymore. Back in the much earlier days of record pressings and audio production there were companies that were easier to namedrop when you wanted the best because that equipment and its availability was not widespread. Today it's globalized and much more ubiquitous, therefore many pressing places will offer comparable quality for the release you want because the science behind it has now been conquered and standardized. After that, it'll pretty much just boil down to your personal taste; one professional pressing place's audio quality may not differ too much from another and it's pretty much impossible that your listeners will be able to tell that it's from this pressing company or not that pressing company. All they will hear is "WOW, these tracks sound GREAT on vinyl!"

    So just look around some of the vinyl releases that fit your personal taste, give it a few months to ferment and toss around and go from there.

  16. Hey-lo, here's a new one for ya.

    So I've been wanting to do what some on here have done and try my hand at making audio design products to sell for some extra $ here and there. I was in talks with a rather prominent company to pitch them this Omnisphere set I've been working on in spare time, I was told to get the product up to a point before properly pitching it to them, and then to contact again when it got up to that point. Then the guy I was talking to immediately locked me out of the chat; providing the most baffling display of bad business I've seen in some time (he said I could contact him again at a point and then removed the only avenue I had to contact him with? WTF?) and the impetus to say, "Well, fuck it, I'll just release it on my own then."

    And so it is - I wish to make a brand or label for which I can release things on my own accord instead of trying to work with a publisher or company to do it for me. Not a full-on company since I have no plans to hire anyone as an employee and plan to do most everything myself, but still have a name associated with it that isn't my unwieldly real name or the much more unwieldly "12 Followers/Meteo Xavier" name I use for music commissions and albums. I asked this question to a Facebook group some time ago and got some really great answers on it that tell me I need to register as a DBA or LLC and possibly get a business license on top of it. I looked at the LLC but that's going to be more than I need since I'm not trying to build a company here (and it's expensive as hell for liability protection I don't think I run a big risk for in the premade synth instrument industry), so I think the DBA and possibly business license are the way to go there.

    Now here's the question: DBA is "doing business as" which registers it as ok that I can do business under this name or word, but the name I'm quite attached to for it is actually an abbreviation of my artist name 12 Followers/Meteo Xavier. I collect money for services that are to be credited as "12 Followers/Meteo Xavier" and I subsequently pay taxes with that income under my real name. I've not been told I need a DBA for art or commissioned services for my real name or 12 Followers/Meteo Xavier, so do I still need a DBA if I use an abbreviation of 12 Followers/Meteo Xavier as a label/brand name?

    I guess it might also be helpful to mention I might like to consider creating and releasing other low-sale media items under that abbreviated name as well - like indie games or something in addition.

    Just thought it'd be worth asking here before I bother a lawyer acquaintance for it first. Thank you!

  17. I think the old hardware/software sale thread appears to be long gone, so I'll post it here for anyone interested.

    Adorama is selling the Behringer U-Phoria UMC404 audio interface for $70, which I think is quite a good price: https://slickdeals.net/f/10743631-behringer-u-phoria-umc404hd-usb-audio-interface-70-free-s-h

    I have the U-Phoria 2x4 model and although I'm not an expert on audio interfaces, I can confirm it works quite well and much to my satisfaction. I can record and run up to 8 lines simultaneously before I start to hear any hiss again, and that's because I'm intentionally listening for it. I think it's after 10 that it actually becomes generally noticeable, but unless you're doing old niche rompler work like I'm trying to do, you probably wouldn't need to run 9-10+ recorded tracks on top of each other unless you were doing work that required a professional studio in the first place.

    I recommend it!

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