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south pacific islander

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Everything posted by south pacific islander

  1. I heard some solid things about Amnesia. guess I am getting a new hat.
  2. I keep on searching this and it seems the only reason she is getting views is only because it sucked. It has a sense of quality and disbelief that such a thing exist. It should not exist, this video is horrid but was done in such a manner that it tries to look good. The quality of the video is pro to a degree and yet is sucks. The only reason it has so many views is because every one is showing it as a joke. It's much like watching a bad comedian. We are not laughing and watching you because you are good, we are watching and laughing at you because you suck. In other words, it's a beautiful failure and we wish to show it to everyone.
  3. I manage to play Clock Tower for the SNES a while ago. I will say that game scared the shit out of me. Every room I prayed that the Scissor Man was not there and I nearly fell off my chair a few times playing it.
  4. I like to touch up on this and agree how much I hated this game. The controls for XG3 were so strict compared to XG1 and XG2. XGRA was different from the series but I would not say worst. It went in a way that gave you more freedom but it never lived up to XG1. What I hated most about XG3 was that it gave you a leveling and custom system and it actually made the game less fun. Instead of just grabbing any item and using it, you had to work and modify your bike to get faster and gain weapons. This made the game a pain in the ass the first few hours since you had a slow engine and you only had a simple machine gun to work with. The racing was even more horrid. The other games of the series gave a strong sense of speed and turning. XG3 sucked because speed and turning felt a lot like a NASCAR race where you had to race to a near point of perfection to just win. Racing like this also made passing seem like a struggle since you most likely would get to the number one place to around the second half or the 3/4 of the race. I enjoy a challenge but when i have such few options to passing and the CPU have a head freaking start and I have to do this every single time, pfft...
  5. In my opinion I choose Harvest Moon Back to Nature: The main reason I hate the sequel is how is made you work 3 times harder to get anything done compared to Harvest Moon 64. BTN had a better story board and options among other things, but god forbid it making everything even harder to just farm. My hate is mainly aimed at the tool leveling system. While HM64 just had you grind as you go, BTN decided to up it up a notch by making upgrades for your tools into a major ass fest that required money, time and ore just to do the exact same thing that HM64 did. Not only that, but they made it from a 3 tier system to a 4 tier. Meaning I have to hit stumps and rocks a lot more then before.
  6. So a few guys were talking about a simple topic on worst game sequels. Things like Invisible Wars and so on. So I am going to ask here as well on to what you guys thought was the worst sequel you ever played or at least compared to their predecessors.
  7. My guess it would help her song as a whole or just make is an element in mainstream. The song doesn't suck... just average.
  8. This man just sums it all up for me. Edit: I just gave it a new look around and it seems that as of this edit there are a string of flagging. I am guessing Anonymous did a mass raid on the video since they can't thumb it down.
  9. I must agree with Gecko, Journalism is a buissness. This is the hottest issue right now because Japan is a 'cool' country, it has the latest nuclear event that is not often seen in the news, and human suffering, must not forget the human suffering.
  10. The orginal Clay Fighters was truely a WTF even as a kid. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NY8OZKPtWWQ
  11. I didn't even fully know that it was a russian folk song to begin with. When I knew of this, I listened it for the first/second time I truely got a East European spirit with the song. It was well done and exotic to my ears. It is very well done and you truely brought the songs roots out in this mix.
  12. Bullet Time? You got me sold. I can't wait to see how this turns out
  13. I seem to be having a problem with DTA!. I tried to download a file around 1.2 gigs worth and used Dta. The comp acted up so I restarted it and tried again. Only this time the memory was filled around 500 Megabytes. Confused I tried to relase the internet cache, some olde music to make room and did it again. The program acted again and now I am with less memory then before and I am kinda low right now on file space. What I am more confused is where this data is going since I tried to look for it but to no avail. If any one can give me a hint as to how to find hidden files from incomplete downloads, I would be grateful.
  14. I use Media Player. reson being is that I can't get used to Winamps organizing. It's very annoying to me. I use itunes when I need to rip foreign cd's since their library is larger.
  15. Knowing the fact they had that many just made my day worst.
  16. Hmm is it just me or is the AI a little smarteer? I keep noticing they come after my mages all the time and they would only come after anyone back in the old ps1 game.
  17. I have a strange feeling we are going to do some sort of contest with this . Oh I am around 130 grains or so.
  18. Man I want to hear it too. The worse cd that comes to mind was something that I bought back in middle school. Space Ghost Back Yard BBQ (Yeah they made an album) Highly annoying and stupid. I pray that I never hear it again.
  19. My dvd drive is not bein detected(I checked the hardware list and nothing even close is being said about it. ). The I handled this problem once with system restore but it has happened again. THe problem now is that my computer has no restore points today, which blows my mind. I am running on vista home premium. ANy ideas or tips how to handle this.?
  20. Once I get the DL done, I will be seeding this for a good while. It's rare to get request like these to seed, but I know it's for a good cause. I will try to seed as much as I can.
  21. The game is good. The last case was really intresting and I actually enjoyed the plot twist.
  22. I never even heard of this game. But this song absolutley has this nice jig that even makes non irish people do some river dancing. I beleive I played it around 3 times so far.
  23. ridly in metroid zero mission on hard mode. GOd that thing is hard to kill.
  24. Synth and Drums seem to work well. Aslo the transition between the two songs seem to go well, not a chunky job from the other songs I see. Overall a good song which I can enjoy.
  25. The song gave me a reason to play the game. After Listening to it , I got to say that he improved on the orignal songs and gave out a unique idea on the entire feeling in the game.
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