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The Author

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Everything posted by The Author

  1. Actually, in high end instances, it's more like: Frostbolt, frostbolt, frostbolt, frostbolt, frostbolt, frostbolt, frostbolt, frostbolt, frostbolt, frostbolt, frostbolt, frostbolt, frostbolt, frostbolt, frostbolt, frostbolt, Evocate, frostbolt, frostbolt, frostbolt, frostbolt, frostbolt, frostbolt, frostbolt, frostbolt, frostbolt, frostbolt, frostbolt. It's horrendous (yes, I've played one). My firemage friend does as much damage as a frost mage in MC using firespell on anything but elementals. The higher base damage of fire means that when it hits, it makes up for the resisted spells.
  2. If I could 2 shot casters I wouldn't expect to see many blue posts in my forum either Yeah... about that... We can 2 shot casters When they are drinking And have some cool downs And are not geared in epic And are stupid enough not to hit their "defense" button (Blink/Psychic Scream/Death Coil.) ... Other than that it's "ambush oh damn I'm fear/he blinked away/WTF IT CANT DO ANYTHING." Oh and most warlocks I know at level 60 have about 4000 life. I was kinda kidding about the 2 shot part' date=' but my point is that rogues aren't weak by any means. that's why they, mages, and shamans (my class) dont see a lot of blue, because we are in the least need of fixes. not that there aren't problems with the class, but other classes have it a lot worse.[/quote'] Well, there are some serious problems with rogues in high end instances. Being a rogue should mean something more than just outputting damage. We don't have a good role, we're just doing some SS and some eviscerate. We do not have a real role other than being a high damage stat that does not depend on the skill of the player but simply on how well they press SS.
  3. If I could 2 shot casters I wouldn't expect to see many blue posts in my forum either Yeah... about that... We can 2 shot casters When they are drinking And have some cool downs And are not geared in epic And are stupid enough not to hit their "defense" button (Blink/Psychic Scream/Death Coil.) ... Other than that it's "ambush oh damn I'm fear/he blinked away/WTF IT CANT DO ANYTHING." Oh and most warlocks I know at level 60 have about 4000 life.
  4. Wait a sec... Blizzard is actually responding to what your community says? NERF PRIESTS. Rogues believe that blue posts are a legend.
  5. Thank you. ... *walks away before he gets burned for wanting more for rogues who actually wanna do rogue things instead of wacking ennemies and ranking highest damage.* ... Surprised? Lets see how me, as a rogue, is essencial to a group's survival based on my personal skills. Maybe my leet mouse usage means that I hit SS better than the next rogue... Maybe my build (which is a weird 17/31/3) hybrid makes me more powerful... oh wait, no, it makes me as good as any other 20/31 rogue... Hey, maybe I have a real influence on how a fight goes. Kinda like how a good main tank makes a difference. Oh wait no, I can't expose armor, rupture, or kidney shot. I cant use poisons. All I have to do is either hit SS or BS and use feint as often as possible. Any rogue can do that. Seriously, what is the difference between a good rogue and a "easy mode rogue." The good rogue gets bored spamming SS as the only "viable" strategy for high end gaming. My DPS does not make as much a difference in a fight than the proper tanking, or the proper healing does. Paladins suffer from the same problem. Their main trait (hybrid Melee/healing) is neglected to the point that they become buffbots backup healers. Rogues, the best melee/hindering/debuff, are stuck doing only damage. When a rogues goes in "No, you won't fight" mode, the ennemy is stunned, ruptured, and exposed while mind numbed and slowed. At that point, any ennemy is dead even if it has 90% life. As soon as I walk in MC, all I do is "wait for signal, right click mob, then use feint/ss and eviscerate every 12 seconds."
  6. I just wish I get a bloodfang headpiece soon. I wanna look evil.
  7. Bloodscalp, Merry Band of Misfits. In the next few weeks, we will have ZG on farm status, and we will start working on onyxia, we have 30+ level 60s, most of which who have the key. Seeing how we have a very good synergie and that most 60s have great gear (it's a policy to fill the extra spot with some lower level people if we have a good enough group, like brining 2 level 50s in a ten man scholo), Onyxia might fall before 2006. Although that's me being optimistic. Molten Core will be more problematic, seeing as most of us are casual... It may get easier when we get to the expansion. MC with a group of level 70s might work out better.
  8. I'm guessing that when it ain't the first guild only runs (seriously, this was the first Merry Band of Misfit run of ZG) they will be more relaxed. I still have things to gain from UBRS LBRS and DM, I might as well stick to these instances for now. Maybe when they will be used to it it'll go better. But now this kinda makes me feel uneasy about Molten Core. Oh and I believe that hunter and rogues make bad raid leader. We are self-relient classes, teamwork is not needed until much later in our careers...
  9. Because I'm ready to help with anything else. I just don't like the whole "you guys suck" aspect when we wipe that is followed by the "you guys should rock like I do" when we win.
  10. Well, like I said, when I joined, it was because they said they were a guild with a laid back attitude. But as soon as we do that first pull, the guild leaders turn into psycho bitches from mars. As a rogue though, there is nothing really satisfying in ZG, so I guess I'll stick to UBRS and stuff like that. Once they can get relaxed with the whole "OMG ZG IS KINDA TOUGH" thing, I'll start running ZG again.
  11. Yeah, having been in MC, even if only to magmadaar, I know what the next level of gameplay is. It's kinda like how I did UBRS before BRD. BRD seems a tad easy. I just don't like the whole "dammit when he spins you have to move out, gah blargh pissy" voice chat. It seems that the raid leader can only complain and when something goes well, he's like "see how I managed to pull when he lost aggro" and shit. It could also be that, you know, we did the damage that was needed... hunters should not pull aggro. EVER. Even if the warrior loses it like in the spider boss's case. Hunters are at mage range, bring a boss there and you kill your casters. Anyway, I'll stick to finishing my SC (2 pieces missing, and it's not like I dont have equivalent gear (cadaverous armor and gargoyle slasher) I just want a complete SC and a complete rend set before I move on to bloodfang.
  12. My guild downed Hakkar for the first time yesterday. It was also the first time they got to him but I don't know if it was the first attempt or not. I sadly was on the bench. I think I'll wait until that instance is on farm status before going there, they seem overly serious about it (up to yelling at some people on vent) and that is just bad karma.
  13. Aye, just reformatted, and trying to get back on track toward endgames (just saw a video of molten core..can't wait). Still not seen Onxyia tho..i'm leaving that surprise for when I'm doing it myself Really frustrating considering I've already paid and activated my subscription. Onyxia is something. The "instance" itself is straightforward. 4 mobs, 1 corridor, and then boom, dragon's room. Probably as big as the central island of Thunder Bluff. At that point, all hell breaks loose. Molten Core is a longer run. My former guild only made it up to Magmadaar but even that can take a while.
  14. Install again. That installer is a messed up piece of software... Or if the install was completed and only the patch is missing, delete the patch content, defrag, reboot, done.
  15. warcraftmovies.com Learn2Click on the proper link mecca; don't worry. It's so easy to level that you'll be 60 in no time, and then stormshroud will be garbage. Even shadowcraft ain't that great. Shadowcraft beats not having shadowcraft. Unless you have 8 different specific blues that rarelly drop, it's safe to say SC will be a good bet. But, still, Cadaverous armor, eye of rend, devilsaur leggings, devilsaur gloves, (or blademaster's leggings and gargoile slasher) shadowcraft bracers, and shadowcraft belt, is a good combo as well. (bracer and belt are BOE so you can buy them on AH...)
  16. Boars will get a nice charge ability next patch.
  17. Every class is easy to play. But I have never questionned my equipment as badly as I do with a rogue. Every item you chose can radically weaken your character.
  18. Rogues are not easymode. To reach that level of damage, a rogue has to do much much more than just "spam SS for the win." I have respeced 5 times so far, and depending on what items I have, I may have to do it again. Good rogues demand constant tweaking. Small readjustment in our strategies, and the best understanding of aggro since we always walk on that thin line between aggroing and doing nothing. Selecting enchants on weapons demand a good understanding of the group dynamics. We lack healers in the guild, so I have to go for self reliance enchants like lifestealing and crusader. This is done at the cost of better damage. One could say healer is easy mode. All you have to do is stand around and throw healing spells. I seriously doubt all of you have studied carefully, spending almost an hours expirementing between various equipment sets. Selecting the offhand weapon and testing it can do a up to a 30 dps difference if you pick the right one. And sometimes, it means taking the less obvious choice. Pop quizz: best offhand between http://thottbot.com/?i=38570 Trash blade and http://thottbot.com/?i=5252 Hanzo sword for a sword specialist? Same question but for a hemorage rogue? These questions are how rogues get so strong. Thinking about every detail possible, evaluating all options, and doing hours upon hours of calculation and experimentation.
  19. "I'll take 3 deathweed and a crystal vial please, vendor." Buffs are disguised in the form of poisons..a 30% chance to hit an extra 120-200 with EVERY strike? I like those odds! Any class can take care of any one mob 2 to 4 levels over. Heck, with my lock, I soloed a 20 elite when I was 18. And about poisons, you forgot to read the label: "Will not work on elementals, demons, undeads, and random creature with high nature resistance. Will take a debuff slot. Will cause extreme levels of aggro. Will disapear if you enter an instance. Possible side effects may include: Pissed off mobs, pissed off warriors, pissed off warlocks, pissed off raid leaders, and pissed off wallet. Your local shady dealer is not responsible if you realise that in the high end game, only one boss will be made easier with poisons such as Mindnumbing. Also, we are not responsible if the act of poisoning your weapons will break stealth."
  20. We're a melee class that has NO armor. Any mage has more armor than a rogue. Where is our 30 minute buff/defensive mechanism?
  21. Priest is the easiest: I mean, I powerlevel my priest. And she'S holy! Any surprise, I can fear, then I can shield and cure myself. I win!
  22. 1. Caster +damage, like with Frozen Wrath, comes at the expense of ALL OTHER STATS. Unlike you guys, casters have to rely on mana. Greens with +spell damage are garbage. You have to build up a massive set of MC level gear; eg 8-10 or so pieces of gear before you start seeing changes. 2. It's not a direct addition. Only spells that take more than 3 or 3.5 seconds to cast (or so) get the full effect from the +damage. Frostbolts do not get the full effect. If I got a full suit of all BWL gear and Warlord's gear, my 1.5 second cast Mindblast would hit for about.. 200 damage more? For a FULL set of endgame, "godly" gear. So instead of 500 it would hit for 700. Of course, I would also lose spirit, mana per 5 seconds, maximum mana, resistances, healing power, etc if I took this set of gear. Wow, uber. Sorry, but casters take it UP THE ASS in terms of itemization. Rogues have it easiest of any class. Rogues is the hardest to play period. I have played every class, heck, I even started a second rogue, just to test out if it was just because it was my first character, and no, the rogue class is overly complicated compared to "I win charge heroicstrike" comboes.
  23. I stated group PVP for a reason. As soon as a rogue starts attacking one target in PVP, he ends up marked, DOTed, and feared. If he is lucky. If that does not happen then your server sucks for PvP. Rogues have had constant nerfs, and it is apparent you have never played one to not see them. Stealth, both in PVE and PVP has been nerfed to the point that versus some mobs (Dogs in BRD and ghouls in strat for example) you are safer unstealthed. In PvP now, at level 60, with 5 rank MoD, a hunter could still see me 20 yard away. I'm also a NE. 5 rank MOD should mean "nearly impossible to detect." It should not mean "hey a hunter" Mark, Sting, Pet, FD Ice trap. It used to be that I could fall without breakin stealth, now I get 1 damage from falling I break stealth. Mages used to be incapacitated when they were cheapshotted, now they can blink. Weapon speed used to influence instant attacks, not it has been standardised for the worse. If there is an AoE silence, I break stealth. If there is a slowing totem, I break stealth. If I resist a Arcane Explosion Rank 1, I break stealth. If a ennemy warrior uses a battleshout next to me, I break stealth. If a hunter uses multishot, I get hit and break stealth. If a shammy uses chain lightening, I break stealth. Itemisation for rogues just plain suck. Fist weapons are non-existent until MC (I originally wanted to be a fist weapon rogue), good maces can be counted on the fingers of one hand. Good swords are rare in end game. When a rogue has Dal Rend, he will be stuck with those until MC is in farm status. The sword set in ZG is crappy for sword rogues, dal rend outdps it by a wide margin. And when Blizz will notice that, they will probably nerf it badly. Daggers, pre ZG, are worth nothing. The only good option has been nerfed by the attack speed standardisation. Our damage only marginally scales with gear. What we mostly gain is AP, but it is at the cost of HP. I almost lost 700 life since I left cadaverous for SC. And while, yes, we do gain some damage, 1 agility = 1 AP 1 str=1AP. Instead of warriors: 1 Str = 2 AP, or hunters 1 Agi = 2 AP. If we focus on agility gear, we end up like my rogue, 800 ranged SP (Because in ranged, 1 agi = 2 AP) and 600 melee AP. Rogue DPS increases basically only by the DPS increase of his weapon times 1.5. If he is lucky. A good item usually has something like +13 agility +7 str. Meaning +20 AP, or +1.2 DPS. A good item enchant (lets take Frozen Wrath on a level 60 item) is about +23 damage on frost spells. Frost bolt takes what? 1.5 second to cast? 2 seconds? Even at a 3 second cast, that frozen wrath item will give a +7.6 DPS upgrade. That is damage not mitigated by armor. Eviscerate, the best burst damage finishing move, is mitigated by armor and unmodified by attack power. At level 56, with a gray mainhand dagger, and entirely naked, a rogue can do as much eviscerate damage as a level 60 in all epics, using thunderfury. Speaking of aggro breaking: Rogues Feint: 7 second cooldown, can be blocked, dodged, parried, missed, or resisted, melee range only. Feint death (hunter skill) can only be resisted, usable at any range. Priests, Fade, can only be resisted. Mages, Ice Block, talent ability, cannot be resisted. Vanish, 5 minute cooldown, needs a regent, needs the rogue to not have DOTs. Also, will increase aggro on stealth breaking mobs. Funny story about how stealth increases aggro. In Strat, our hunter pulls a lone ghoul. I stand between the ghoul and the hunter, ready to cheapshot it to "protect" the mail wearing hunter. The hunter, which is currently attacking the ghoul, loses aggro to ME, a stealthed rogue. Many mobs will stop when running to the aggroer, whack me once, and then start running again, negating my stealth advantage. If I dont put myself in a good position, I will miss the first part of the fight. If I do, I get cheated out of my strenght. Our energy bar. I cannot spam SS like mages can spam AE, simply because sinister strike uses up 40 energy a strike, meaning that it is instant, but that I need 4 seconds to restore that energy. Backstab uses 65. Meaning 6.5 seconds to regain that energy, Recently, some good rogue builds had been made. They depended on weapon swap for a good ambush followed by a sword style combat. Now we have a 1 second global cooldown following weapon swaps. Try playing a rogue, maybe you will read patch notes differently. Over the last year, we have been nerfed at every patch.
  24. Priest I can see have a slight damage ability added for Holy and Discipline, with a bit more utility thrown in Shadow. Rogues... Well... rogues... we have a lot of very small and very annoying issues. Mainly how every time a cloth is buffed, it is made harder for us to kill them. We are supposed to be caster killers but we have no defenses against them... that is probably my biggest issue. The other is that at first, rogue had a roguish style. We were the assassins. Killers that went unseen. Then people complained about how dangerous a rogue was. And we got condemned to being "DPS in Leather." I think blizzard, for rogues, has to solve some problems: Raid/Group PVE utility. Redefine our PVP role. SOLVE THE ITEMIZATION IMBALENCE. Stop the abusive nerfing because we used our abilities. Seriously, some people complained that "a rogue killed them when they were at half life." I don't complain every god damned time a priest mind controls me and throws me in the lava. If we, as rogues cannot use our abilities, then warriors should not wear armor and mages should not cast spell. As such, Rogues may need many small adjustments, but the class would benefit from a complete overhaul. If stealth cannot be our main weapon anymore, then give us mail, magic resistance, and some kind of group buff.
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