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The Author

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Everything posted by The Author

  1. As you can see, it didn't come out. If they say "the patch is NOT coming out" they are not going to surprise us. They only lie about releasing things early. All part of life, I guess... Oh well, maybe the one after this one will be even bigger. Maybe they will be able to cover 2 classes next patch since they probably won't add any notable content...
  2. Yes, yes it does. The proc causes you to do more damage with a sudden burst do to the nature damage. Thus agro. Okay, let me rephrase that: The debuff does not cause aggro. It does not cause aggro like an AOE attack. And it does not cause more aggro than if you had scored a crit. It causes less aggro than a crit actually. It basically causes the same aggro as a regular Dal Rend sinister strike hit. If you cannot manage that kind of aggro, you suck as a rogue and should reroll as a priest.
  3. Bliz had lied in the past. Seriously it's today or in January.
  4. The polls. At the polling station.
  5. Well, 100 extra damage right there. Unmitigated by armor, mitigated by nature resist... Oh and the nerf is due to a programing mistake present in every "on attack" procs. Basically, the proc damage would activate certain proc options like sword spec or lifestealing. In addition, it sometimes added extra damage due to heroic strike, which led to chains like "heroic strike, sword spec proc + heroic strike, thunderfury + heroic strike, random damage enchant (flaming for the proc rate) +heroic, sword spec + heroic, thunderfury + heroic, flaming +heroic" with all the heroic strikes ending up not costing any rage. Throw in a hand of Justice, and a Darkmoon fair card: Maelstrom, and you have an even deadlier chain proc. That's what they are removing. I think they should, on the other hand, increase damage enchants's proc rates because of the actual loss of power. With my rogues I have seen horrible proc chains as well. But nothing causing as much damage as this one has.
  6. True, but the thunderfury procs once every 2 or 3 hits. And it's proc (I can't look it up right now) deals about 500 damage if I remember correctly. That's 166-250 extra damage every strike. The proc's damage and effect causes no extra threat, and well, DW two oversized swords rock.
  7. Dal Rend's main hand, thrash blade off-hand until you complete the set. After some playing and testing, it seems that thrashblade's proc gives a free main hand attack. Good DPS right there. If you are ambitious: Main Hand: Thunderfury Off Hand: Chromaticaly tampered sword Deadly. Looks weird on anything, especially on gnomes... I cant wait to see that guy with the updated bloodfang... Oh, and for anyone who plays horde, (tauren specifically) and who has a good lootlink database, can you use dressing room to show what a tauren in updated bloodfang would look like? I'm curious. EDIT: Make it a warrior so that he can dual wield the two weapons I named ...
  8. Heh, I play on Earthen Ring as well -- Name is Meleganis, lvl 60 undead rogue. Dagger + Back = dead lock.
  9. Yeah, I wish 1.9 would come out already, I want to respec my pally without paying...
  10. Well, if he is on dialup, a router would probably kill their connection. If he is on DSL or higher... simply so the bro pays more... I guess...
  11. Shadow Link in Ocariana of Time is a pain in the ass too. Only if your not using the hammer. or the bigorron sword. Or the fishing stick... >_> >_>
  12. You can't. Unless you create a new game, use new game plus and use that save as the original save.
  13. Dude, in New Game +, I have soloed Lavos. In an actual game, killing Lavos in undersea palace, with little equipment... gotta be hard.
  14. You most likely cannot kill Lavos at the undersea palace unless you use New Game+ ... Ah dammit, now I want to try.
  15. ... Kill left bit. Kill right bit. Kill lavos. 5 minutes tops.
  16. Since most pally specs are and will be: 10 10 31 in no specific order. Oh and there was another update yesterday to pally talents on the forum. Have a look, it'll make retribution pointless.
  17. If the pally goes for that talent that is rather deep in the paladin tree... (well, deep for a secondary tree...) Lucifron downed in our first guild only run of MC. For over half the group, it was their first MC run ever, and we even were undermaned (35 I think) and we had a 59 and a 57. I'm starting to think we might get to be one of the bigger guilds in Bloodscalp soon enough. Next week, or the one after, we might try Onyxia, and knowing us, we will down her.
  18. This thread is the hardest boss. It cannot die. That's been said about 34 times. Cannot you call that a conclusion? It got 34 votes! As I have said before: This thread is historical. My first post on OCR is in it. ::runs to first page to look at the date:: I didn´t realize this thread was so old. You can also see how long I lurked, and how long it took for me to go to unmod and call it home.
  19. This thread is the hardest boss. It cannot die. That's been said about 34 times. Cannot you call that a conclusion? It got 34 votes! As I have said before: This thread is historical. My first post on OCR is in it.
  20. Oye, damn ye, I'd have t' start all over again. Unless we can transfer characters now. Horde or Alliance? Alliance.
  21. Bloodscalp, Jannael. Or look for my alt guild Chains of Oblivion.
  22. Yeah, next week, the guild is gonna start farming trash mobs in MC. Apparently, ZG will be on "farm status" sooner than expected, as a run can be done in 2 evenings.
  23. Arcane Missile Arcane Explosion And... well... That's it. Oh and improved blizzard rush. 2 or 3 frost mages, a group of mobs: Mage 1: Blizzard (gets aggro) Mage 2: Blizzard (+crit +slowed mobs and so forth) Mage 3: Blizzard Mage 1: (swarmed) Frost Nova, blink, Ice Block (removes aggro) Restart blizzard. Mage 2: (swarmed) Frost Nova, blink, Ice Block (removes aggro) Restart blizzard. Mage 3: (swarmed) Frost Nova, blink, Ice Block (removes aggro) Restart blizzard. Fight over.
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