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The Author

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Everything posted by The Author

  1. Revised it: Assassination Improved Eviscerate Rank 3 Malice Rank 5 Ruthlessness Rank 3 Relentless Strikes Rank 1 Lethality Rank 5 Assassination Total: 17 Combat Improved Sinister Strike Rank 2 Lightning Reflexes Rank 3 Deflection Rank 5 Precision Rank 5 Riposte Rank 1 Dual Wield Specialization Rank 5 Blade Flurry Rank 1 Sword Specialization Rank 5 Aggression Rank 3 Adrenaline Rush Rank 1 Combat Total: 31 Subtlety Master of Deception Rank 3 Subtlety Total: 3 I need to fine tune this, last time, it cost me 5 gold to respec.
  2. MoD is not about finding people, it's about being harder to find.
  3. So' date=' where do I take these 2 points? It seems to me that overall, lethality (instead of improves slice and dice) would be a much better overall choise than improved kick. What about MoD?[/quote'] Depends, are you a human rogue? If so I would drop MoD outright. If not then you might want to think of moving those two points out of Lightning Reflexes. I'm a NE rogue. Why should anyone drop MOD? It does a serious difference.
  4. So, where do I take these 2 points? It seems to me that overall, lethality (instead of improves slice and dice) would be a much better overall choise than improved kick. What about MoD?
  5. I know about improved kick, I used to have it and it seemed to not do enough.
  6. Improved kick doesn't really cut it. Since I don't backstab, I use gouge and kick as spell interrupts more than anything. 2 seconds silence is nothing. What I want is a hybrid PVP/PVEsolo/PVE group build.
  7. Quoted from my guild forum: Any suggestions here? I think seriously I will ignore improved slice and dice and go for lethality.
  8. Joined a new guild very interesting. Instead of going for MC because we have the fire power, they are actually focusing on getting set pieces for all members so that we can go to MC and have a chance to survive. So to increase speed, we raid instances, and nothing is more fun than to AOE spams the last encounters before the general in UBRS.
  9. Havent done LBRS in an eternity. I just remember some painful curses.
  10. New theory for the next race: Orcs from Outland. The alliance, in beyond the dark portal and in the third war, did help free Outland from tyranny. What if a clan of orcs that was left back there (being freed from the pact with what's his face) would have helped the heroes from the second war to survive, once the alliance would be in contact with the survivors and the orcs that clan might just ally themselves with the alliance. ... That makes as much sense as the bloodelves too...
  11. The purple item that needs about 12 arcanite bars, 40 thorium bars, 10 blue saphires, 40 wicked claws? The thing worth about 1 month in farming per helm?
  12. A rogue from my former guild (Fate, it got disbanded after one member fucked thing up badly and had members leave the guild because the leader did not kick the guy at the time of the offense.), Shijima claims to be the most awesome rogue out there. He's well geared (all blue and some purple) dagger speced(apparently the best spec there is...) and he is uber. I, on the other hand, am a very casual rogue sporting all blue sword/crit specced sporting Trash blade in my main hand (I still love it) and a Hanzo sword off hand (my friend is the only alliance with the Lionheart helm pattern on bloodscalp so she bought me a gift.) So, despite the fact that I cannot, because of my specs, perform well in PvP, something I do admit quite candidly, I believe I have a rather good build for PvE. We ended up doing a UBRS run together, and in the damage meter, the only person above me in damage was a Warlock with the entire Nemesis set. I outdamaged the Uber rogue by about 25%. Sadly, he is in a major guild and I am not. And now I am stuck with the reality that no guild needs a rogue, and the few that would have me, have no need for a casual player.
  13. It would be cool if it held my 20 000th post as well.
  14. Okay, but what if you take 2 characters that can do any "pick up group" instance but not MC, BWL, or ZG. The rogue gets raped every time.
  15. Hunters have a mostly efficient combat removal tool. I would not know about BWL though, but in MC, a warrior is a good enough puller simply because of the space between encounters.
  16. This thread holds my very first post. Kinda historical.
  17. I just want to have rogues back to the "not sucking" level... On another note, I willl be looking for a guild for my main, since I want to get into higher level gameplay...
  18. Radical Dreamer. He also had his spirit come into my bedroom at night, lay on top of my chest, and nearly suffocated me. Hard. And repeatedly. All night long. A WITCH I SAY! Actually, I said they were good at burst PvP. Beyond that burst factor, they kinda suck. But you need a class that's able to withstand that initial explosion of damage.
  19. .... fresh meat... Err... Welcome to this little cesspool of decadence. I hope you'll enjoy your brain damaging stay here.
  20. Now when we pass your post through the "What we care about o-tron 2500LX" we get this: Try to remember we don't have to be told about you, we will learn who you are through your good posts, and should you become a bad poster, we will learn to hate you as well.
  21. Okay, I have to know, can you really get swallowed by the queen ? I usually killed her with the "Shoot in the mouth to freeze and then cream her" tactic.
  22. Hard mode makes regular easy. Oh no, five beetles at attacking. "hits A" ... Err... 4... no wait 3... err 2... Oooh look at the little critter, so cute... I wont kill it. For god's sake, the chozo ghosts used to be chalenging. I have to act stupid for them to be dangerous. Hard mode made me a great player.
  23. First run got me 20 something hours, 80%. First run on hard 12 hours 88% I'm going for 100% in regular.
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