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The Author

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Everything posted by The Author

  1. Malphite with 6 tiamats... It's just nasty. Also, I love Cassiopeia. However, I just ate it big time in two pvp games, but then again my friends weren't paying attention to team comp.
  2. Mixed blessing though, the CDR was needed for pure physical characters, the selection was lacking, and at best you got like 35, if you sacrificed boots and used ghost blade. In addition, the loss of the debuff aura means the item no longer reveals your position. I think it's not perfect, but it's a good approach. Might be just me, but I won't mind the new Stark on a Tryn simply because of the cool down reduction. However the active on the locket is bullcrap. 200 damage is basically not even one attack from a level 18 champion... I mean mages do like 100 per attack at that point, 200 is not enough. Also, when they removed dodge from the game, they failed to remove it from bots... It's kinda annoying. I have level 15ish friends who stay away from PVP games and it's kinda odd to see Shen and Cho'Gath dodge attacks. (Mind you, I'm rocking a 2.5 AS teemo at that point, so one dodged attack doesnt change a thing... it's just sloppy)
  3. I'd like to try her, but I'm out of IP, and I have to save as I'm almost level 30, and quintecenses aren't cheap. And I'd love to get Wukong as well.
  4. And if the match up is wrong, tell your teammates and switch. You don't have to stay silent, some champions are just better against other matchups. Lord knows with a well played Anivia, a Tryn / Akali combo isn't really a threat and you can rake in the gold from under the tower.
  5. I think the problem also stems from the fact that the player base doesn't really explore each skill set, but that's something in every game. You get wikis, and pages saying "do this to win" but all that means is that everyone is cookie cutter in the end. Using similar abilities in different characters is one way to force players to adapt. Just having an ability scale off of life instead of AP or AD is good enough to spawn a new approach to the game and a new playstyle. But they can't very well have a character change to allow that variety now can they?
  6. If they scale differently, have different cooldowns, and are on different heroes, then it is different enough. I mean, it all comes down to abilities that: Kill, protect, heal, or control / move. Other games may be more creative, but I think that because Riot has a professional competitive aspect to the game, they have to focus on the championship balance.
  7. Had a game, went as Leona with my friend as Blitzcrank, had a bit of a rough start against a Chogath and Veigar combo. The chogath started trash talking, but on one push when we got the Veigar, we saw cho gath chilling under the tower, AFKing. He got pulled out, and killed. He started bitching about how we sucked, always running and only killing AFk people. Then we started getting him more and more, because Leona, she starts weak, but once you got some cool down reduction and defense on her, she's dangerous.
  8. I'm also enjoying Orianna, but I like champions where you have to be more involved in their skill use.
  9. No need for deep posts analyzing the mechanics of it, I just think Poppy is one of the more fun champions I have seen.
  10. Spammed the spam... err Tweeted the tweet.
  11. How about attack speed and AP, using surge to complete the build. You get bioarcane barrage doing the job, but can still dish out high damage abilities.
  12. So, after a discussion with a friend that said that attack speed Kog Maw is the only good Kog Maw (more or less) I decided to try out my Anivia setup on him. No bio Arcane barrage, and straight up AP / Mana regen. On a game against bots on beginner, I went straight 18 kills, 10 assists, and if I hadn't been stupid on the last push, would have gone without any deaths. The output of damage was ridiculous. At the end, I had Archangel's staff, chalice of harmony, sorcerer's shoes, will of the ancients and rabadon. It was brutal. I did more than a third of my team's damage, and each spell took out chunks of life from my targets. So, is my friend doing the Kog Maw thing wrong, or did I just get lucky?
  13. Six is probably one of the better stories out there. The mechanic of the game (espers) was somewhat flawed, and it started a nasty trend in final fantasies. However, storywise, it is one of the best games out there. Even today, Celes' theme from a pivotal moment in the game can still evoke tears, and the snowfield song from the intro is just the best song ever. Play it, you won't regret it (well except if you regret missing out on that gem or the fact that no games like that are made these days.)
  14. Well, as for FF stories, I think FF4's is on the same level as 6, which are both superior to 7. FF8's story is something else, it's good but like Fallout 3, it's not for everyone.
  15. What about Janna. Wears nothing and makes blowjob jokes. I feel dirty playing with her, but she,s so good...
  16. I think I'm in love with Galio. A tank with a reasonable damage output and support role... I'm in paradise.
  17. Lets make a thread devoted to the merits of slapping Brandon in the nuts. If he disagrees, he has no say in it, right?
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