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The Author

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Everything posted by The Author

  1. It displays 4 players but we were 5 on a server on monday.
  2. I have been ARAMing a lot lately. You learn a lot of champions you would not play normally, and you figure out some builds that work out nice, and others that dont. I had my first penta there too (although I am much more proud of my near-penta with Leona.)
  3. Jungle Udyr is a beast. And I have the best gank success rate with him for some reason.
  4. For best ganks, always pick Udyr. (If by level 18 you want to solo Baron, then pick Irelia...)
  5. You just made my day and killed Hillide's ESA's bandwidth. It's a marvelous day
  6. Yeah, don't you remember the conference aboard the company yacht? Everything is 100% legit.
  7. It leaves me ambivalent, I kinda like the game, it does the Sim City thing well, the problem is all the crap surrounding the game.
  8. Actually, she fought him three times before Other M. The first time they met she didn't fight but saw him kill his family, the second time, didn't he kill the chozo adoptive family? She fought him for the first time in 1 (and mecha ridley in Zero Mission), and twice on Zebes in Super Metroid, where she freaking BLEW UP THE PLANET after she killed him. To be honest, Ridley coming back from the dead once more, it would be a bit shocking to say the least. Throw in the fact that Samus kinda spared Bunny Ridley a couple of times, which he paid back by killing a lot of people, yeah it would be traumatizing a bit. Don't forget, Primes didn't happen in the official canon.
  9. Out of curiosity, when will the album be shipped, because I have to change address in the next few days and I don't want everything to end up at the wrong place.
  10. Wind Waker was good for the first part, and the last part. But the middle part, yeah it was horrible.
  11. First steam sale with a job... it was brutal. I got Fallout New Vegas, Train Simulator 2012 (don't ask) and a bunch of indy games out of it. I think the final tally was 60$
  12. I think I was kinda close on my call for who Amon was. Also, once they go into Space Avatar 2000, it will be an earth bender avatar who will have to figure out how to bend unobtainium while taming the flying dragon beasts.
  13. Well, who knows what spirit bending does to one's life...
  14. Cue an Ironforge err Imperial City Jumping Conga Line!
  15. ITS DOWNLOADING! Yay. Too bad I have to go to that kickass exclusive event at a Star Wars themed exhibition instead of clicking my mouse like a rabid mouse clicker...
  16. Yall make me angry... I get stuck at updating setup files.
  17. Unmod was epic and you will never experience it EVER.... And the sidebar sucks.
  18. I play her as an aggressive support. So far my red runes are attack speed because I'm not sure I'd get much out of spell pen. I got mana regen and health regen in yellow and Ap per level on blue. Movement speed quints (my Teemo runes basically). I doubt I coule play her as a straight up mage like I do with Morgana or Janna though. She takes a lot of getting used to, but a good support that has unique abilities.
  19. But on an AP build, is lichbane viable? I mean, his cooldowns are a bit prohibitive, but it would help with the burst damage aspect.
  20. I almost want to try lichbane, zohnya, shurelya, abyssal scepter, ninja tabi and force of nature on him. It would be expensive butvwith his cd lichbane would work I think.
  21. Nautilus is a blast. More of a dpsy tank than a tanky dps but I like him. If leona is the best initiator (and you know this is true) he migh as well be the best closer. I know tagging ahri with his ult means her running away is in vain and thats just funny. Thinking of playing him in a grab teamwith skarner and blitzcrank... Maybe even ahri with her charm... Would need a fifth grabber though.
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