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The Author

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Everything posted by The Author

  1. Well, okay, there is one character that was a human in a robot suit, rather than a fully artificial being, which the Tin Man would be.
  2. And yet, he's better at this music thing than me
  3. Apparently, Notch did not know about slenderman... He exists within our collective unconscious. We forget about him because our minds can't survive knowing his existence.
  4. He is everywhere, always standing, at the corner of your vision. http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/slender-man
  5. Gecko, I have to apologize. Back when Oblivion got out, I ridiculed the game based on my crappy experience with Morrowind. And as such I ridiculed you for liking it. I tried Oblivion finally when a friend got me the GotY edition on steam. Rather than judging it from my morrowind hating perspective, I went in knowing that I liked Fallout 3, a game that shares a lot IMO with Oblivion. And I have to say, I like oblivion, and Skyrim is on my watchlist. (Although Oblivion is still far from being my favorite RPG, if only because the leveling system is somewhat broken, either you have to willingly exploit it to get the most out of levels, or you get to raise stats poorly if you go with it more naturally. A revamped leveling system is a good thing for Skyrim.)
  6. I should go back on the OCR server, see my cottage and twisted tower... been a while.
  7. There is no such thing as bad press. We all remember who rebecca black is, and we all listened to her new song. You even posted the video on facebook. That's visibility, and it's the first step to being popular, and eventually being successful.
  8. Well, she has a career, good for her. Well... "career"...
  9. But if you move the spawn, won't that make it easier to have people build in new places?
  10. All I can get is a crappy black and white choppy mess, seems like I would need better video capture software.
  11. I made a piston based bridge that stays up for about 20 seconds leading to a gate that is "hidden" in the walls of a mountain I am slowly turning into a massive keep in minecraft. I really need to make a video of this, but anyway, it makes me proud.
  12. Spawn town should have signs explaining some of the rules for the server.
  13. How do you get that short link? Anyway, I'm filling up my OCR circle. nevermind got it: gplus.to/theauthor
  14. I kinda wish I had fraps to make a video of my current castle on a friend's multiplayer server. Well, actually, I do have a software that is supposed to do that whole capturing thing but it sucks and it's either: my computer is laggy as hell, or the video is a black and white choppy mess... Lets just say I probably went overboard with pistons and redstone.
  15. Big problem is not listened counts, but playlists based on stuff like personal ranking. Because YES, I HAVE FAVOURITES.
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