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The Author

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Everything posted by The Author

  1. Well, 7PM PST... But seriously, I can see implementation problems, but for fuck's sake, wasn'T the patch tested and tried beforehand? And the whole "redownloading" the patch was annoying to begin with.
  2. Oh for god's sake, another 2 hours...
  3. Given that hunters can take mobs 6 levels higher than them anyway, I wouldn't worry about it. Blizz really needs to get their ass in gear and get the servers up though...too eager to try out my new build, but it's taking them for friggin' ever to update. Which is good, since they are gonna do it right.
  4. So I downloaded the patch with the background downloader... I start the game, and I have to download it AGAIN? Freaking hell...
  5. From WoW's website: All ranged weapons have been increased in reaction to that. Each DPS point they give a weapon is identical to 7 agility from the old system. It will balance out with the added crit, and the improved mechanics. EDIT: They also "fixed" thrown weapons to be a viable alternative: "Thrown weapon items no longer stack, but use durability instead. One unit of durability is lost per throw, and these items can be repaired." In fact, here are the patch notes:
  6. So basically you are getting the warrior treatment... Well, can't say blizz has had great perspective with all their changed, low level characters are often punished for the higher character's abuses.
  7. 2.0 comes out this week. Free respecs for all and new talents. And the hunters mechanics are getting overhauled. A lot... I have no clue if its for the best or not. However, once I hit 55, I'll get a water elemental on my mage. Which is like, next level. So maybe wednesday.
  8. And, for the fourth night in a row, I gained a level. I would like to thank the crystal spires of Ur Goro, for their free 10000 XP really helped. I now have very serious doubts about being able to do it a fifth night in a row...
  9. I think the Mario Kart level means no Captain Falco.
  10. Errr... No queues nor kickings here in about a year. Everything worked fine. You get used to the flight time. Usually, I stick to one region for a while, then I move. During the flight, I get up and go to the bathroom or something. Raids would be epic, if it were not for the fact that90% of the time people are either drinking for mana, or arguing about drops and strategies. I would go for another couple of Onyxia fights though. These are amazing. Not even Ragnaros comes close to the Onyxia fight. Especially since Ragnaros only has like 1 phase and 1 special move where he submerges and sends his sons. And most guilds now down him before the first submerge.
  11. You, sir, have made my day. If you ever chose to come to bloodscalp, I promist to run you through any instance up to SM at least once. ... Hmmm... I think my mage deserves a little Dead Mine vacation. If I was game, I would go for a Rage Fire Chasm run, but for now, only my NE rogue has done so. (well, my tauren shammy too but that's kinda too easy). Anyone else do that? Taking high level characters through low level instances just for the hell of it?
  12. Look at the new frost tree. It is seriously hard to not put everything in it, I have never seen a tree balance damage, defense, and combat control so well. Not one talent that I do not like in there.
  13. I have to ask, and I'm assuming you are in the beta, will the Tier 2/tier 3 no life player be pissed at the quality of items available in BC? I mean, will it be easy to have tier 2 equivalent items?
  14. I just did tons of level 50 quests and I took care of annoying quests that were just way too easy at my level. I could try to go for it again tonight but that would be stupid. So I'll probably do it...
  15. 3 levels in 3 days, and I only had like 2 bubbles of rest exp today... I don't think I'll make it to 52 tomorrow. Still, going from early 48 to 51 in 3 days... damn I'm good.
  16. Shadow Priest, Elemental Shamy, Frost mage. "Get the hell away from me" team. Using a grounding or windwall totem would keep ranged attacks limited. The priest fear incapacitates, and the frost mage immobilizes.
  17. I play a "try and get to me" frost mage. I used to have an "oh, instant wool" mage, but the poorly built arcan tree finally got to me. Frost is just aggravating. I don't put any points in fire or arcane, because I will still have very good skills either way. I can always ice barrier and go arcane explosion. There are not that many frost immune mobs out there. Those that are frost immune still have to deal with my damage mitigation. Ice block always works. Fire is nice, but frost is sweet. "So you have combustion, that increses yoru crit rate once every 3 minutes?" "Every time my target is frozen, my crit rate goes up 50%." (well, by 60 it will, I invested in higher crit damage before the crit frequency. Not sure it was the best choice, but the mental math says that 50% more crits is the same as 100% more crit damage.
  18. So I made it, I am now 50 with my mage. I decided to grind somewhere where there is runecloth, and decided on sorrow hill. I gained about 400 rep (I alternated between the skellies there and the beasts around the bulwark to avoid farmer infestations and horde infestations. Level 50 was good for me, new frostbolt and new cone of cold, and some new water (filling up about 5000 mana on 1992 mana water is LONG). I am digging the mage gameplay like I used to at first. I still think and plan like a rogue, but I can hit ennemies without getting hit. And now I can finally open a portal to Darnassus, YAY useless!!! My rogue will swing back into action by teh time burning crusade comes out. With some friends, we will build up a 5 man team so that we can hit most instances there.
  19. Well... I could run you through SM anyway... if you can get through the door... Hell, if I had time to convince him I could have a tier 2 mage to help. If she still played I'd invite a tier 2 priest as well
  20. Did you kill all ennemies in the room? That usually does it. I can't seem to recall any particular puzzle there, just the pain of shield bashing magic...
  21. I forgot about that chest... maybe item 4... I don't think I got the chest... I'll check tonight, maybe. Must be a heart piece.
  22. I think I may be able to run you through most of scarlet. What's your class/level?
  23. I have my doubts about blasted lands at 49... The reality on Bloodscalp is the following: 1: Horde numbers are higher than alliance numbers. Its about a 3 to 2 ratio. 2: The following territories are most of the time under horde control: Felwood, Azchara, Southern Winterspring for felcloth and timbermaw rep. 3: Burning steps is vastly unoccupied. I don't know why, but I think everyone seeis it as extremely dangerous, and decide to not go ther until they are 60 and realise it's no big deal. 4: Before the PVP additions, the plagues were pretty much a neutral territory with random gank wars. About the download, from Wikipedia: As of 24 October 2006 several Blizzard posters have announced that the PvP review will in fact take place in the upcoming Patch 2.0. The last patch, 1.12, was designed to be the final major update before the expansion, but the pushing back of the release date to January has allowed them more time to implement certain aspects before it arrives. EDIT: Also, as for my mage: I have done the rep quest for the Timbermaw. I have done the 3 quests in Azchara available to me. I have done everyt non-elite quest in the searing gorge. I also have done every doable quest in Hinterland until maybe I hit friendly there. The only quests left in STV are elite, and I have done most quests in Tanaris, except Zul Farrak because I can't seem to get a group to go there.
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