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The Author

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Everything posted by The Author

  1. The main map is about as big as the map for an early GBA CV. It seems almost as big as Aria of Sorrow (less bosses though...) But then you have about 8 paintings, which are about half the size of AS each. Hell, this game may be as big or even bigger than SotN.
  2. I dunno, but I cant wait to see what the trophy will be for the portal. The AQ beetle was nice, even if I only saw it once and the guy transfered to another server...
  3. So my friend is part of a Naxx raiding guild, actually one of the first guilds on bloodscalp, and a very friendly guild at that. I've been running with their PvP group lately thanks to my friend. And its great fun. I love ripping through a warrior in 5 attacks.
  4. Dungeon 4: Best boss battle. You cannot say the contrary, it was a devilishly fun battle and it should have lasted a lot longer.
  5. I actually liked that fight, and the song. Boss 4 is one of the fights I would love to do over and over again. But, like I said before, I just wished you could combine items 4 and 5.
  6. And casting sanctuary is a bitch. Its a long casting time. You will fail, a lot. And they you will fail again.
  7. Also, Units shipped =! Units sold. It most likely will, eventually, but it does not. And one week from now, they will have a hard time selling consoles. And January is not a great month for selling stuff. Oh well, as long as they don't have a third massive recall, it should be okay.
  8. They do know the year ends on december 31st, right?
  9. Okay, latest numbers according to Wikipedia (again, the only VG related source I can consult from work). Wii: Units sold Worldwide: 1 million+ as of December 7, 2006[3] United States: 476,000 as of December 1, 2006[4] Japan: 372,000 as of December 5, 2006[5] Europe: 325,000 as of December 13, 2006[6] Australia 32,901 as of December 10, 2006 [7] Xbox 360 Units sold Worldwide: 6 million[1] (as of September 30, 2006) United States: 3.8 million[2] (as of December 7, 2006) Japan: Less than 180,000[3] (as of December 11, 2006) PS3: Units sold Worldwide: 384,836 (as of December 3, 2006) North America: 197,000[4] (as of the end of November 2006) Japan: 187,836[5] (as of December 3, 2006) With the 360 though, I have doubts concerning their 6 million figure. It does seem however, that the PS3 is trailing in that launch. Heck, if the Wii keeps up selling this fast (1 million in 1 month) it is possible that it reaches 12 million by this date next year. The PS3, at this pace would be at 700 000 and the 360 would be at 12 milion as well. Assuming, of course, that all consoles keep selling at the same pace. Obviously, there will be an increased production of the PS3. If they don't pick up production, the PS3 will be in serious trouble.
  10. Unless you had a T3 connection, you lagged on AQ gates opening. And well, it happened back when Blizz had major server issues... Kinda like when DM first opened. It was hard as hell to get there, too many people in the instances. Hell, plaguelands on invasion week was hard as hell.
  11. Comments on the build: I tested it out with rank 1 mutilate (silly me, not used to higher ranks of talent skills for rogues) and I was somewhat satisfied. When I got rank 3, I fell in love with it head over heels. I did some battlegrounds last night, and I was lucky enough to get to hit a warrior flag carrier. I was in his back, and I ripped through his HP. Later, in AV, I managed to poison a shammy and see him try to remove his poison unsuccessfully. Funay. I crit at around 1000 on plate wearers, and well, that just does not bode well for clothies now does it? Lobotomizer's proc just seems to work well with this build. Once I manage to get a GM's weapon, I think I'll be able to hit clothies for 2000+ damage, and 2500 with double GM will be realistic. I also do not have the best gear ever, so by aiming for BC stuff, I think I'll be even more destructive, even if people are gonna be stronger by then... It has been a while though since my rogue felt like an assassin and not a swashbuckler.
  12. I am loving the mutilate build. Its a different style from the sword fight I am used to, but a lot mor satisfying. I can see this build going places.
  13. Actually, I think I'll convert to daggers tonight and try it out. If I don't like it, I will just have lost 7000 honor on the lobotomizer, and not 22500 on the GM dagger.
  14. Suzumebachi, no one is making you play. If you hate it that much, walk away bro. Also, I was at 6000 last night, I used to make about 2000 a night with 3 AVs and about 150 kills. Last night I got 3 AVs, 2 WSG, and 1 AB. And 315 kills. That should be a bit more honor even with the readjustment they made. (No, not everything is a nerf... what are you a hunter?)
  15. I may convert sooner than expected. I can afford a lobotomizer. Its a step down from brutality blade in so far as DPS, but it is compensated by the proc. I just need to get some gold (its 15 for a respec and I have 16 gold.) I need money for my poison crafting. Although I could sell some of the battleground obtained runecloth...
  16. No comments? Oh well... I should be around 9000 honor tonight.
  17. Being a NE, I can play around with MoD: This is a mutilate build I think would work My current build is this And here is a backstab build I am concidering: BS build
  18. Nothing in improved poisons? (Not that I remember if they did anything with that skill post rogue patch. I'm just saying that they were pretty essential to apoison build, which mutilate finally made viable) I rarelly use exposed armor as it is, and a mutilate build would benefit more from the tougher poisons and deadlier poisons... I,ll play around in the calculator tonight, if you tell me it is possible to make the poisons work (and since serpent sting counts as a poison), I guess I'll do it more. I only use poisons in PvP, and its crippling/mind numbing, usually.
  19. So basically, the fight is like a traditional dagger rogue. Open with ambush, wait a while, then gouge, then mutilate... I'm guessing your finishing move is always kidney shot... How does mutilate fare in PVE? I mean, most mobs in MC are immune to poisons and well, I remember may mobs resisting poisons. And you manage that without using improved gouge? That extra 1.5 second would help the energy regen and the timing... Could you post your build, I'm curious...
  20. But you need two daggers. Right now, I "only" have a brutality blade sword mainhand as an epic weapon. If all goes well, by next monday I'll have one grandmaster's dagger. As for off hand daggers, the selection is smaller. Right now I use Crystal Tipped Stileto for the 24Ap bonus. Its a 55 blue, and its pretty decent. Other daggers available include the Keris of Zul Serak and I can always go and get another barman shanker. I could also, conceivably, get a lobotomizer or an electrified dagger, or simply hold on until I get a second GM's dagger. However, I want to switch my combat style as soon as I get the GM's weapon. Also, how badly does mutilate hit compared to backstab? The math tells me they should hit the same on a non-poisoned target.
  21. I'm all about hybrid builds. I was thinking of actually going in with a little assassination, some combat, and mostly sub. I'm still not sure though. I have been having great levels of fun in AV with my sword build, and I starting to think I may regret changing the combat style of my rogue. Especially since the only reason I concidered this in ther first place was the gloves I got in a PuG MC that give me +5 dagger.
  22. So... no dagger rogues? What are the must have skills for dagger rogues? I spent my time trying to make a good sword build so my knowledge of dagger rogues is limited. Since I dont have my dagger yet, i would love to study a bit more in depth everything relevant to dagger oriented fighting. I'm guessing the must have skills are improved backstab, improved ambush, and improved gouge. I don't think I need ghostly strike or hemorage. Beyond that, I'm stumped.
  23. If your parents sign a consent form and send it to DJP, you can be here at the age of 5. IJP290, listen to these people. MIDI is entirley dependent on what the listener has on his computer. If you want to have some fun, download the trial version of Fruityloops, load the midi in there and export it to MP3. Also, criticism is always gonna have negative aspects unless you are the best musician in the world. Do not be pretentious, you are 12, and you have a lot to learn. Deal with it. Learn, grow up, and get better.
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