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The Author

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Everything posted by The Author

  1. "So, is Marth a Roy clone, or a Link clone again?" And don't forget random selection.
  2. ... Ok, why not put all the characters under one slot, and cycle through them. Or an even better idea: you put them on a page with an icon representing them, and by using the joystick, you select your character. You could even make it so that you have many characters on one sheet.
  3. By how much did we multiply the media size from GC to Wii? 4 times, 5 times? Assuming they double the graphic quality, they can still include twice as many characters and stages... I don't think they would cut any characters.
  4. O RLY You can't trust anyone nowadays...
  5. Different patterns for most attacks (like the pills versus fireballs) and different strenght... but yeah, dr.mario was pointless.
  6. What rogues need is a damage opener for swords and maces. A sword rogue in MC doesn't even havd to stealth. Level 60 as a rogue kinda sucks.
  7. While that is not entirely true, it's the rogue's job. They are the assassins. They are supposed to be the highest single target damage output. They don't heal, they don't buff, they dont have long range damage. They cant port, travel form, wear plate, do AOE damage (other than blade fury), use mail, wear shields... Fuck, what do you want them to do? not deal damage in addition to everything else they can't do?
  8. Ok, ok... roguies ar overpowered, warriors are weak... anyway, sorry for having an opinion that is not yours.
  9. I learned more about aggro radius, threat ranges, and anger management playing with a rogue than playing anyother classes. But again, you just are another "omg rogues are overpowered" player. Warrior is easy, you can block, dodge, parry and you have high armor and life...
  10. We wear leather. Crappy leather. Seriously, rogues die quite easily. Hell, 2 of the classes we are supposed to be good against (warlocks and priests) have ways to destroy us easily. In PvP, if the first hit isn't perfect, you have two choices: Vanish or die. Also, Blade Fury and Adrenaline Rush are in the combat tree. You should compare them to same level abilities in various trees. Abilities like a mages's blast wave, combustion, ice block, ice shield, or a priest's shadowform or vampiric embrace... Also, we have basically the same role as a warrior (be in melee range and deal as much damage as possible) but we have less than 6000 armor. It is also exceptional to see a rogue with more than 4000 life fully buffed. However, a combat rogue is made for facing multiple weaker ennemies or one powerful ennemy as long as they don't cast spells. Level up a rogue instead of playing a near 60 one, you will learn a lot more than you think about the game... It would probably make you a better warrior. Oh and geko OMG!!! if you want that money, you go up to the mob and stick your hand in his pocket...)
  11. Lloyd would be the only choice, he was the main character. Zelos was a Kratos wannabe...
  12. So, is 1.11 out today? I still haven't revisited my mage... its a shame what they did to arcane mages... I now have no reasons to go arcane as a main, I think I'll do a "frostfire" mage...
  13. Funny story, I haven't even re registered, and I already know of one guild that wants me in their ranks... I can't believe I'm that famous or anything, but some of my friends would like to have me in their guilds for some reason... Oh and for your warrior, get a friend, play with him. Warrior + Healer = lots of fun.
  14. Meh, it only needed to download 1.10, 1.10.1 and 1.10.2
  15. Enjoy the game as it goes... You'll get to 40 and 60 soon enough...
  16. I broke... Installing WoW again... I should be able to play in 3 days... with all the downloads and crap... I bought the second batch of CDs... so from 1.1 to 1.11... long downloads ahead...
  17. Best grab throw: Grab, shake, launch!
  18. Go ahead and make it look better. Seriously, it's not like I am a mod or anything, I just picked similar looking colors...
  19. Bowser Baby Bowser Captain Falcon DeDeDe Donkey Kong Dr. Mario Falco Fox Ganondorf/Aghanim Ice Climbers Jigglypuff Kirby Link Luigi Mario Marth Metaknight Mewtwo Mr. Game & Watch Ness Pichu Pikachu Pit Princess Peach Ridley Roy Samus/zero Suit Samus Snake Sonic Young Link Wario WW Link Zelda/Sheik It's simple: Black are characters from SSBM. Blue are known 1st/2nd party additions. Green are known 3rd party additions. Dark blue are 1st/2nd party suggestions. Olive are 3rd party suggestions. Seriously, edit the list yourself with your suggestions, I don't want to go through and read every thing, and it will avoid repetition.
  20. Man I know, it bugged me that they gave that pansy-ass moron C. Falcon the same moves that Ganondorf already had. or vice versa, whatever. Anyway, it was so pointless having two characters with repeat moves. Pichu and Dr. Mario really bugged me. Yes Ganondorf is a clone of C. Falcon BUT Ganondorf is heavier and a tad slower, so the same moveset has been applied to a different character type. Its like giving a Fighter class the same spells as a Mage. The Fighter's stats are different, but his moves are the same, opening up a whole new strategy (*cough*Battlemage*cough*). I see why they made them completely different characters, but it really isn;t necessary. A simple costume swap will do. Yea, that's true. Ganondorf was HELLA slower and more durable. They just should'a had different moves. O well, SSBB will do me proud. Do you have any opinion actually worth something?
  21. I'm not sure what your reasoning is for wanting Pit to be the only oldschool character which didn't go into further generations; are you saying you'd just prefer to have more recently created/used characters in SSBB? The Ice Climbers weren't in anything else as I recall either, and a lot of people comment on liking them, so I don't know why you'd want one character being "representative of that period." Speaking of the Ice Climbers, there seems to be double talk going on. Some have been saying that whole thing is a rumor, others a lie, and other people have just been accepting it. So, which is it really? Is there actually reliable info on this?? EDIT: I guess we have the answer above huh? All of this is assuming thst the article linked is 100% true.
  22. Update the list with some possibilities: Bowser Baby Bowser Captain Falcon DeDeDe Donkey Kong Dr. Mario Falco Fox Ganondorf/Aghanim Ice Climbers Jigglypuff Kirby Link Luigi Mario Marth Metaknight Mewtwo Mr. Game & Watch Ness Pichu Pikachu Pit Princess Peach Ridley Roy Samus/Sero Suit Samus Snake Young Link -> WW Link Wario Zelda/Sheik So far, we have 27 names... We can add 10-11 blue ones, none from the old school era, as Pit will be the one representative of that period.
  23. Please add to the first page and update the list. (I use cyan for suggestions...)
  24. Bowser Captain Falcon Donkey Kong Dr. Mario Falco Fox Ganondorf Ice Climbers Jigglypuff Kirby Link Luigi Mario Marth Metaknight Mewtwo Mr. Game & Watch Ness Pichu Pikachu Pit Princess Peach Roy Samus/Sero Suit Samus Snake Young Link -> WW Link Wario Zelda/Sheik So far, we have 25 names... We can add 12-13 blue ones, none from the old school era, as Pit will be the one representative of that period. And 2-3 green ones, none from the oldschool. (By oldschool, I think it means that it was never updated past the 8 bit era...) Lets try to fill this up. We need 15 nintendo characters from recent games.
  25. I think it was mentionned that there would not be any clones in this game. Different move sets for different characters.
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