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Black Mage

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Posts posted by Black Mage

  1. At the bottom of the main forums listing, it says that the "Most users ever online was 702, 03-30-2008 at 09:19 PM."

    I'm trying to think back, but am drawing a blank. Did something big happen that night (like an album release), or do you suppose it was just an anomaly?

  2. I have 150-ish remixes some properly labeled and tagged, others not so much, but that's about it.

    I'd certainly like to see the site get some life breathed back into it. I liked having both OCR and VGM as music sources.

    Luck to ya!

  3. Though I know some here have their critiques of Jonathan Blow, but Braid is an excellent game on the indie genre. The game mechanic is pretty unique, as is the game art. The music is also beautifully atmospheric, albeit licensed from musicians like Shira Kammen and Jami Sieber.

    It's usually about $15 on Steam, but if you keep your eyes on their weekend deals you can find it for $5.

  4. So far I'd have to say that my favorite track from the album is The Good Doctor, those last lines from Dr. Light...I want to cry from the sheer awesomeness...

    They've waited so long for this day.

    Someone to take the death away.

    No son should ever have to say,

    My father worked into his grave.

    Men sleep tonight with hands of bone.

    They will awake with hands of steel.

    And with these hands we will destroy.

    And with these hands we will rebuild.

    And we will stand above our city,

    rising high above her streets.

    From tops of buildings we will look

    at all that lies beneath our feet.

    And we will raise our hands above us,

    cold steel shining in the sun,

    and with these hands that do not bleed,

    my father's battle will be won!

  5. My album finally arrived yesterday. Trés awesome!

    You have to buy the physical album and read the book as you listen to the music to fully comprehend the story and know what's going on, especially during the instrumental segments.

    ...I wish they went more places with their "futuristic spanish western" sound towards the beginning of the album as opposed to the "Top Gunx10000" sound that composes most of the album.

    I agree with you, there. I loved the quasi-western/tech-noir they had going in their first album, and in the early portion of Act II. It really sets the scene. I still plotzed when I heard the album, though. I think the different styles are a way to differentiate the older, more grizzled life of Dr. Light from Joe, the younger, hot generation; as well as the old city vs the new.

    I also noticed that Act II is at the top of Amazon's opera album sales.

  6. A couple really powerful items.

    Black Hole = almost surefire way to remove anything.

    Large Air Vent = Moves things. VERY powerful and trivializes many levels.

    Pegasus = Great compact flight, unlimited and not hostile

    Dragon + Mind Control Device = Great melee attack flying mount. Hostile until mind controlled.

    Dragon + Shrink Ray + Mind Control Device = Compact powerful attacking unlimited flying mount.

    Fighter Jet or Stealth Bomber = Great ranged flying attack vehicle. Fighter shoots forward, bomber drops bombs mostly downward.

    Spaceship = fastest non-combat flying vehicle I've found. Shorter than UFO.

    Also try Science, Xray Goggles, NVG, LOL WUT, Wand, Spell book, Nuke.

    Fun times.

    Via XKCD, you can also summon the Large Hadron Collider...and it too makes a black hole...awesome...

  7. The Protomen - Father of Death

    Last night I dreamed

    I climbed to the top of a mountain of metal

    and for miles I could see

    the destruction of man.

    Speaking of which, The Protomen's second album, Act II - Father of Death, hits in one week! I've been waiting for this for freakin' ever.

  8. Black Mage are you using macro lens?

    Actually, I don't even own a DSLR (though I do have a Nikon FM10 and N60 35mm SLR's), I shoot with a Canon Power Shot SX10 IS. Technically it's a point-and-shoot, but it gives me almost as much control as I'd get with a DSLR (it even has manual focus), minus the interchangeable lenses. For my macro shooting, I just switch into super-macro, one of my favorite settings. In that mode the camera has a minimum focal distance of 0mm, so I can actually focus on the lens glass.

    I'd love to get a good DSLR (EOS 5D Mark II), but my SX10 is a good value for what it can do and what I can coerce it to do. At the moment, though, I can't really justify blowing the better part of my life savings on a 5D MkII.

    I really wish I could get some sort of a digital back for my FM10, though...that would be kick-ass, having a completely mechanical/manual DSLR!

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