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Black Mage

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Posts posted by Black Mage

  1. A DS Golden Sun game coming in the future? We can only hope so.


    I would love to see Golden Sun DS. I really got into both games on GBA. They didn't really break much in the way of new ground for RPGs, but they were fun and enjoyable.

    Personally, though, I think I'd like to see a greater emphasis on alchemy in any new games, and less on the Djinn. Having to collect ingredients to transmutate elements to make and upgrade weapons, making precious gems from rocks and turning beavers into gold...yeah, it'd kick ass.

  2. It's cool that Jim Davis actually likes the comic. Like the site says, he could have hit G-G with a C&D order, but he didn't. Rather, he tkaes enjoyment from it. Too bad more artists can't be so light hearted as Davis when someone reinterprets their work.

  3. Playing the Irish whistle, I came to find that learning by ear is actually the traditional method by which one player passes along a song to another. Sure, there is plenty of sheet music covering the likes of the Silver Spear, Lark in the Morning, Garrett Barrys, The Foggy Dew, and The Kesh, but each person who plays those songs, plays them differently. One player adds their own crans or taps or other flourishes, and those changes and habits are passed along to the next player. We all stick to a basic framework, which may be provided by sheet music (or the dots, as we call them), but learning by ear gives a song greater life, as it breaths and greows and changes over time.

  4. Okay, I've come to the inevitable conclusion that when an Orc Lord, through the swap of a single jewel, executes a 7-move cascade, not once, but TWICE in a row, that there is some chicanery about within the circuitry of PuzzleQuest! God f%ckit, and I was about to crush that bastard's skull in!

  5. This past month I finished The Last Report on the Miracles at Little No Horse, a story about an ex-nun who looses her lover to a gangster's bullet as he tries to save her from him, takes up the robes of a priest who dies in a flood, and poses as Father Damien Modeste at a reservation in North Dakota.

    I read The Hobbitt (finally), no explanation needed here, I'm sure, and have been making my way through a book of the essays and poem of Ralph Waldo Emerson and Thus Spoke Zarathustra. Though that one is slow going.

    Next I want to read Dancing in the Streets: A History of Collective Joy. It's about how our western society has lost it's sense of communal celebration and the spontaneous expression of joy.

    I also want to read more works from Paulo Coelho. After having read The Alchemist I want to know more of his works. All the while I've been reading and re-reading The Prophet by Kahlil Gibran.

  6. I am in need of finding some good quality sfx from Kirby Superstar, but am unable to muster the google mojo to find any. Mario? Easy. Zelda? Piece of cake. Kirby? Not so much...

    Does anyone know of a site?

    Many thanks for any help.

  7. What version of Firefox is installed? I hope not beta 3. Try installing NoScript and not allowing google-analytics. But first check out other browsers if they have a similar problem as well. NoScript is a pain if you're always going to new sites and having to allow every single site that's linked to a site because of the nature of the extension.

    My dad, running a beta? I don't thin he'd even know what that was. He's running probably the same as me, The IE on his compy doesn't do it. I may have to have him copy all the bookmarks in FireFox and do a complete wipe of all things FireFox from his system. I tried uninstalling it, but I guess it backed-up certain files and plug-ins, so when I reinstalled it, the jumping continues. The thing is, what few add-ons I've put on his computer and also on mine, yet I have no problem with this issue.

  8. This is the most accurate version of what the monster looked like, I was able to find:


    I kind of figured the "leaked" design was just another component of the viral marketing campaign.

    Word to those who haven't seen it yet...see it in the theater! You have to have the copious amounts of über-bass that can only be found in a movie theater. There will be no equal on the small screen.

  9. Some time when I get my wifi connection for my ds settled, I'd like to challenge you. Don't worry, I'm one of those that actually like to see through a game to the end :)!!

    Sounds good, schwaltz. So far none of my friends have gotten the game. Kind of a bummer.

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