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Everything posted by Compyfox

  1. Phone jacked? There were enough blocks to call, some couldn't either due to the fact that their phone didn't work. Not to mention that Larry gave a lot of opportiunities in the last shows - if nobody calls... sure is not a fault for the phone being jacked or something. Well duh... 7am here and I wanted to sleep through, guess I'll call it a night.
  2. Once again, we come to an end. Let us all celebrate the (2nd) ending of VG Frequency and wish Larry "good luck for the future": VG FREQUENCY Show #84.99 FINALE - SUNDAY, 2am EST *Actually the night to monday! Larry loves to confuse us till the very end. * Here's a small overview of the most salient timezones for you. The DST is still messed up, blame those who "invented" DST, heh. Small World-Timetable Los Angeles (CA, USA): 11:00pm Calgary (Canada): 12:00am (Monday, Midnight) Chicago (Illinois): 1:00am (Monday) Atlanta (GA, USA): 2:00am (Monday) Rio de Janero (Brazil): 4:00am (Monday) Reykjavik (Iceland): 7:00am (Monday) London (England): 8:00am (*, Monday) Paris (France): 9:00am (*, Monday) Oslo (Norway): 9:00am (*, Monday) Germany: 9:00am (*, Monday) Kapstadt (South Aftrica): 9:00am (Monday) Helsinki (Finland): 10:00am (*, Monday) Moscow (Russia): 11:00am (Monday) Hong Kong (China): 3:00pm (Monday) Tokyo (Japan): 4:00pm (Monday) Sydney (Australia): 6:00pm (*, Monday) (*) currently observing daylight saving time (DST) This is the very final show of VG Frequency According to Larry - no calls tonight! I wish you a lot of fun with the very last show. Thanks again, Larry, for making our weekends a bit brighter, not to mention funnier. Maybe you return with VGF one day after you moved, found a job and have enough money to start a small "home radio station".
  3. I just hope he reads that... else - no music. I informed him at 0:30am to 1am or so... should be enough time for him to get the stuff, prelisten, insert in his preliminary list and get on with the show. I just hope he really got my eMail, too.
  4. Yeah, he really should. I sent him a small package too. Via email and PM. So hurry up, Mr. Oji!
  5. If you speculate that I call like last time, I guess that won't happen. XD
  6. My support lacked recently, so I will try to catch up as good at possible at least for the last 2 shows. And one of them is tonight! VG FREQUENCY Show #84 - SATURDAY, 10pm EST *Finally! And remember - the crew wants to call too!!* Here's a small overview of the most salient timezones for you. The list is fixed in terms of DST, but chances are that something might be wrong (I hate DST changes!). Small World-Timetable Los Angeles (CA, USA): 7:00pm Calgary (Canada): 8:00pm Chicago (Illinois): 9:00pm Atlanta (GA, USA): 10:00pm Rio de Janero (Brazil): 12:00am (Sunday, Midnight) Reykjavik (Iceland): 3:00am (Sunday) London (England): 4:00am (*, Sunday) Paris (France): 5:00am (*, Sunday) Oslo (Norway): 5:00am (*, Sunday) Germany: 5:00am (*, Sunday) Kapstadt (South Aftrica): 5:00am (Sunday) Helsinki (Finland): 6:00am (*, Sunday) Moscow (Russia): 7:00am (*, Sunday) Hong Kong (China): 11:00am (Sunday) Tokyo (Japan): 12:00pm (Sunday, noon) Sydney (Australia): 2:00pm (*, Sunday) (*) currently observing daylight saving time (DST) Some thing(s) you might be interested to know: Tonight's show features previously unreleased material from the "Chrono Symphonic Special Edition" (read here for more information) Have fun while listening to VGF#84.
  7. This will be a hell of a long night for you, Larry. Some regular stuff, Chrono Symphonic with at least 100minutes, then everybody wants to call all of a sudden (not only those related to C.S.), then there's DST changes (summer-time) plus you want to do the final show! Yup, this will be a hell of a night for you. Regarding the "Bonus material", I'll hook you up in a couple of hours.
  8. arrrrr! Nah seriously. As somebody who has to turn around every penny twice I know what the stuff costs. Collossus for example (1000USD). Okay there was a groupbuy, but even here it was still way over 600USD, similar with StormDrum (which still costs a bunch), or the hosts that GLL uses - only Logic and ProTools were missing. I mean... not my problem, but it sure is obvious that there's something wrong with some of those lists unless you're rich, have a sponsor (rare issue) or work as tester for that specific firm you got the VST/VSTi/host from. It simply glares at you. Sorry if I'm a bit picky about that, even though my vest isn't purely white either. However only till I pay for the next tool, which always gives wallet a critical hit. Now please excuse me while I use the toilet flush, arrrr! *for those who don't get it, the answer to the "closet pirate"*
  9. oh-kay... and what of that stuff "weren't" warez? o_O
  10. Rename it to "OCR Cribs" and maybe they will.
  11. Actually it is a MIDI controller that can "act" as a mixer. But it's not a mixer as in terms of analog/digital mixer where you put your audiocables into it. That's actually the BCA (Behringer Control Audio). I also considered getting one, but I dont have any space on my desk left, doesn't fit below either. But it's definitely a cool device. I might get a BCR now that it's only 130Euro, but I'll go to Musikmesse 2006 first to see if Behringer has anything better or "new" up their sleeves.
  12. Second to last show, according to Larry-O. VGF#84.99 will be the very last if he didn't change anything in the last minute.
  13. Now that there's the "Chrono Symphonic" special is announced, I also released a couple of old and new informations about the upcoming release of the Chrono Symphonic Special Edition. More this saturday.
  14. A long time ago that something actually happened in here. But I promised to keep you updated in terms of the "Special Edition", not only to show that this thing is not forgotten, nor dead. From now on, till the official release, I'll post infos in irregular intervals to keep you a bit "on the edge". So let's get down to bussiness! Official Releasedate: TBA *stays like that till the CD is really finished - and no, I don't even give out rough estimated release dates* Format of the Release: Audio CDs (via torrent) The "Special Edition" will feature 10(!) extra tracks additional the "Regular Edition" released in January. The production code of the Bonus CD is "Return Through Time" The planned playlist order of the Bonus CD might be something like this (changes possible!): TRACK 01 - Compyfox feat. Kevin "Lorenzo" Sisk - Prologue (featuring narration by Kevin Sisk as "Gaspar") TRACK 02 - Emperor - The Story Begins TRACK 03 - SirRus - In Search of Light (completely reconstructed) TRACK 04 - PLBenjaminZ - Determinded TRACK 05 - Tyler Heath (Unknown) - Predetermination TRACK 06 - Rexy - Belthasar's Opus (Source Tune: "The Epoch") TRACK 07 - Rexy - Peak of Incantation (Source Tune: "Singing Mountain") TRACK 08 - PLBenjaminZ - The Final Battle (previously unreleased, based upon "Theme of Lavos") TRACK 09 - Reuben Kee/pixietricks - To Far Away Times (Orchestrated Version) TRACK 10 - Compyfox - Epilogue The "Special Edition" will also include several Bonus Material like recorded Interviews, Production Reports, Outtakes and more... This is all for the time being. More in the next weeks. And once again, sorry for the delay.
  15. To those who're interested: Chrono Symphonic will be featured in next's VG Frequency episode (EP #84, Sat 3/25, 10pm EST) along with interviews and some previously unreleased material that will be available on the upcoming "Special Edition". I'll talk about some new infos regarding the "Special Edition" in the official Chrono Symphonic Project History thread later. Just gimme a bit to pin down some stuff.
  16. This is what "sub groups" are for. If you have a "send channel", you can abuse this one for recording your guitar, but if I can still remember, only mono, and only if you plug the adapter or "plug" half into the slot of the send. You have to test that.
  17. Okay... first of all I recommend getting a bigger mixer, which makes routing way easier. Behringer has very good solutions for that. Things to keep in mind: - Future Uprade possibilities (always get one mixer bigger than you really need - you don't know WHEN you need it) - At least one sub-group or something that has an own stereo output (not Tape Out!) for recording stuff a bit better. Those stuff is essential! Then you can hook up your material how you want it to be. The sub group is good for recording - for example voice or your guitar, while you can have a mix of your arrangement on the other channels. Very handy. You can go around that if your mixer has "inserts" for the channel or if your mixer offers "direct out" for the channel (but this is a bit more advanced. The rest is simple: - Microphone to a mono channel (via XLR or not, doesn't matter - but if you use a preamp, do NOT use phantom power via the mixer) - Guitar to the mixer (if the Guitar Rig 2 thing is a preamp and not just a controller, else the sound comes out of the PC VST Plugin) - PC to the mixer (stereo bus, if you use multichannel cards, you can route them through the mixer too, but you need additional channels), however I'd get a 1/8" to RCA adapter cable (with RCA to 1,4" plug adapters) or a 1/8" to 2mono 1,4" plug adapter cable. - Keyboard(s) to the mixer If you have a subgroup, you can route your individual channels from the mixer (with switches) to your PC input for recording. Alternatively "control room" or "master out" goes too, but deactive "monitoring" in the PC, else you get a deadly feedback loop. The rest is up to you, mixing, recording and the like. Ah yeah... you said you got active speakers... simply hook them up to your master out (mixer) with either XLR (if the mixer has XLR outs) or with proper adapters. That's it. You got it pretty much nailed down by yourself already.
  18. DUDE! You're confusing those on the other side of the globe! XD
  19. Depends on the point of view. But it makes you a better person in terms of "legal usage" at least.
  20. blah, blubb. I was was wrong - sorry. I meant EKM. DUH! This happens if you work 3 days in a row on a track and only go away form the PC to sleep.
  21. SORRY! Nevermind... was a stab in the wrong direction. I ment EKM, not you. I'm terribly sorry.
  22. Not to threat you, but it was really funny that as soon as I posted "I smell warez - so who's honest among us" that you were the only one who "suddenly" edited your post. I won't imply anything here, this is not my job. But I'm not blind or crazy either. There was more than just "Sonar" standing there. And as someone who paid years for his stuff, I know what the material costs - and this post looked(!) like massive warez usage. Take it, or leave it...
  23. I wrote that comment because EKM has his list a lo of tools like Ableton Live, Cubase SX and Reason, etc. So this sure is some nice stuff ...or a warez list, cause those tools sure aren't cheap. And it was strange that somebody uses at least 4 different sequencers at the same time, and most of them with the same possibilties. Nobody has a white vest (we could make a long discussion out of it), but this screamed for a comment. Sorry about that. Back on Topic, please. EDIT: Oh yeah,I totally forgot on page 1 that I also have ReBirth 388 v2.x in my equipment list.
  24. Well... as this thread showed, it was already done, however it's not standardised yet. And as long as it isn't, you can't use "enhanced MIDI" rather than what is already available.
  25. I smell a lot of warez users in here - so who among us is honest? Anyway... main weapon of Choice is Cubase SX3, for engineering it's Wavelab 4. The rest can be found on my homepage: Equipment List (might not work with IE5.5 and below, you have to scroll by dragging the text) This list lacks a couple of stuff however that got recently added: - Propellerhead ReBirth RB-338 v2.x - Wusik Wusikstation v1 - Rayzoon Jamstix - Steinberg Waldorf Edition (PPG Wave 2.v, Attack, D-Pole) - Peter Siedlaczek Complete Classical Collection - HG Fortune STS-21 and ProtoPlasmTS *still testing before final implementation* - Boris K Synthesizer Bundle (Meddle, Intro, VS Oscilloscope) *still testing before final implementation* Also there's a typo on the page: I'm not using "Elemental Audio Inspector" anymore, but "Elemental Audio Inspector XL". I definitely need to update that page.
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