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Everything posted by Compyfox

  1. Aw please, Jill. I didn't stop because of being "forced" to. I've had (and still have) other stuff to do, also I know when to stop. Not to mention that I have a life "outside" of OCR. However this is something that you still have to learn in your young life. Happy birthday anyway.
  2. A week and a half of engineering went into this. Most of the time for the vocals alone. And I have to say this is one of my best engineerings so far. Would have loved to have move vocal takes for some better mixing possibilities, but this does the trick too. I especially like Reubens Piano part. I tried to get a MIDI for it (engineering issues, etc) but it was played live, so there was this particular recording only. Very impressive. I had some issues with the japanese vocals however, but overall a great performance, very dynamic. All in all it's an excellent song that not only represents Chrono Symphonic. And to those of you who liked the orchestra version of "To Far Away Times" (as it is called on Chrono Symphonic), maybe you'll like the remastered version on the upcoming Special Edition of Chrono Symphonic, too.
  3. Oh look who's in here again, our board sheriff. You know what? Find your own resources, do your own researches from now on... maybe somebody else will help you... but you don't have to expect it from me anymore. I asked him a couple of questions, you imply that I flame him. Okay... fine. Go ahead you friggin paranoids, maybe I'm on the way for world domination and you conspiracy theoreticians can do whatever the hell you want! Now THIS was an insult and a flame. Go run off, complain to DJP as you always do. This was another flame too, btw. Sorry that I hijacked your thread for this, Argi. I hope I could at least gve you a little bit of informative material. In the end it's up to you what you do. But personally I don't see a reason in Podium if Cubase can give me what I need (and is already full fledged). Congrats to all others.
  4. Then why not go with Stylus RMX or Basement Arts ReFlex? Loop Player, Beatconstructor and drumkits... all in one. Stylus is 250USD, ReFlex if I'm not mistaken 100-120USD. @Catlein: Who're you? Never saw you contributing anything in this section of the boards? And where was there flaming invoved? I only asked Argitoth questions, gave him hints and enhanced his knowledge base. "OMG COMPYFOx IS POSTING AT OCR = FLAME!" - You guys sure are paranoid...
  5. Oh...kay. VGF... tonight... and stuff. VG FREQUENCY Show #80 - SATURDAY, 10pm EST *Will Mustin call in this time? We will never now! Tune in next week to... er... VGF... WMRE.* Here's a small overview of the most salient timezones for you. Small World-Timetable Los Angeles (CA, USA): 7:00pm Calgary (Canada): 8:00pm Chicago (Illinois): 9:00pm Atlanta (GA, USA): 10:00pm Rio de Janero (Brazil): 1:00am (*, Sunday) Reykjavik (Iceland): 3:00am (Sunday) London (England): 3:00am (Sunday) Paris (France): 4:00am (Sunday) Oslo (Norway): 4:00am (Sunday) Germany: 4:00am (Sunday) Kapstadt (South Aftrica): 5:00am (Sunday) Helsinki (Finland): 5:00am (Sunday) Moscow (Russia): 6:00am (Sunday) Hong Kong (China): 11:00am (Sunday) Tokyo (Japan): 12:00pm (Sunday, noon) Sydney (Australia): 2:00pm (*, Sunday) (*) currently observing daylight saving time (DST) If something changed in the timelist, and I didn't fix it, sorry. I'm just too lazy and I'm still loaded with a crapload of work to re-setup my studio. Anyway... Have fun while listening to VGF#80.
  6. If you mean that I troll just because I correct stuff and analyse a couple of things... okay... whatever Then I ask myself why I answered his questions or offered him tools related to the content too, rather than flame him to death? You guys have a twisted point of view, really. Slowly moves into paranoia...
  7. Then you should have made that clear. There's more than just "Cubase" out, you know? And no, no relevant informations about SX4 out yet. Only requests by users. If that will ever take fruit is another thing. Wait wait wait wait! Even in your first post you wrote that you might change to Podium. Then why all this rukus?!
  8. Okay, now that I have the time to answer a couple of things, I'll do so. So what? That's happening with other tools too. You chose to go the SL way and now you complain that SL is not good enough for you. You did researches, you said you will totally own this tool, that you read the manual and stuff, and now you say that this thing is limiting and not what you expected. Again the question: Why get it in the first place then? There are no "pure MIDI plugins". They work on a specific base, else they're MIDI tools (standalone). So they have a certain format (VSTi, DXi, MFX, Au, RTAS). VST Plugins however are a totally different world, like already mentioned. And I don't tell you how "great" Cubase is. I just remind you of what Cubase is capable of that you seemed to have forgotten. Please... Before you compare something, do not imply something that isn't true and covered in feature lists. Yeah I know what Cubase 4 is. Cubase 4 (pack) is an all in one recording solution for beginners. Cubase 4 once consisted of a recording device and Cubasis (Audio). Now it constists of a special Cubase SL or SE version and there're more limitations given of course. However the price is fair for what you get. If you consider getting it instead of SL, you have to keep in mind that this would be a downgrade for you rather than an upgrade. Oh yeah... this sure is old stuff. I barely touched them (cause I didn't need anything of that so far), but I know from a couple of friends that those either work as "VSTi" or MIDI inserts in the inspector of Cubase SX (inspector, MIDI dropdown menu). So it's not true that they don't work. As user of Tobybear Plugins I can also confirm that those work in Cubase SX/SL since SX1 or SX2. Don't know anymore. They don't work in VST3.7 and VST5 however. But since SX is out, we're not talking about them anymore. As with the other plugins, they either work as MIDI inserts, or VSTi that can be later routed how you want them to be with the input/output selector (MIDI) in the inspector of your MIDI channel. So it's also not true that they don't work. Well if you're talking about MFX plugins, this is a totally own issue. MFX plugins are Cakewalk internal plugins. Like Cubase has their own internal effects/plugins/VSTi that only work with Cubase only, or the Generators and FX from Fruity Loops can only work with Fruity Loops - MFX only works with Cakewalk Products. Basicly Cakewalk Sonar. The MFX Wrapper you're talking about worked on Cubase SX(1) only if I can still remember. You might be lucky that this still works with later versions but it didn't work for me (SX3), neither was I in need of MFX plugins from Sonar. So I can't go really in depth. Still getting the MFX Wrapper is a bit tricky however and takes a lot of researches and time. Not to mention that this thing is simply discontinued (nobody was really interested). The Steinberg FTP still has this somewhere, but to spare you from searching I simply uploaded that thing. Included is a quick manual too. MFX Plugin (for SX1) The rest is trial and error. Don't be upset if it's not working for you. But those mentioned MIDI plugins do definitly work. If there're users at KVR who're not happy about Cubase and want to switch to Podium due to those simple reasons, they simply don't know how to use it. And sorry to say this, but yourself included Argitoth.
  9. Sure I know about CUbase 4, but I will go in depth about that later. Still I wait for your examples of your so called MIDI plugins that won't work in Cubase. Before you don't do that, I don't believe it. To be short: I want proof. And yeah: DXi, RTAS and AU is a different thing. But AU is based upon the VSTi engine, however mac related (later VST for mac was developed, but this is an other issue) and DXi was a sideproduct from DirectX, which used a similar technology than VST, but had a different header. RTAS is an own language by ProTools though - that's why not so much is existing. It was first aimed at hardware accelerated systems before they moved into a native system basis. I'll go in depth about that later. Don't have time atm.
  10. Enlighten us... What do you mean by MIDI VSTs that don't work with Cubase? Please name a few. I'm very curious about that myself. On the other hand "MIDI VSTs" don't exist. You could mean "VSTs controlable by MIDI", which is a completely different issue. VST plugins are audio effects - and they can be "controlled" by MIDI (for example wet/dry ratio of a reverb). If we're talking about MIDI plugins, we talk about tools like arpeggiators, step sequencer, etc. And those are "basicly" VSTi's (aka instruments). Unless they're engine internal. Then they're really MIDI plugins. Please don't shuffle that. You're sure of that? Can you tell the future? If so, what's the lottery numbers for tomorrow? I could need some money. But joke aside... If you don`t like Cubase, then why did you get it in the first place? I personally see no reason to "switch". Well only because of two things, but this is stuff I rarely use: 1) No Convolution Reverb 2) Crappy support - which isn't really a reason to switch SX4 is announced for a couple of months now. Musikmesse 2006 is coming up end of march too. For Steinberg are working a couple of programmers, for Podium however only one person. What do you think is finished sooner? Else I don't really see a reason for this mumbo jumbo that Cubase "sucks bawlz" (literally). Steinberg is and will still set set standards! Without Steinberg no VST technology. Without VST technology no software instruments/effect plugins. Therefore... nothing of what we're used to now that makes the live a bit easier in terms of production and engineering. No matter if it's for starters, or professionals.
  11. Sorry but, then you have no right to complain. Cubase SL has these limits for a reason. If you'd suffled out a bit more then you'd have gotten a tool that has no limits on groups or complex routing. I mean...you took researches, bugged us with questions what to get and if this tools suits your needs, etc. Or maybe you're just spoiled with the possibilities you have lately. I still use VST5 on my laptop from time to time and you know what? 4 send channels, 8 VSTi racks, still 8 inserts per channel. You think tracks from the 70ies and 80ies were made any different? I have to remind you that there was still hardware only involved and routing was way more difficult than it is now. And the keywords is: Multieffect Module With this you can use more than 8 Insert effects. On the other hand... I barely used more than 6 insert effects either. 7 at the most. And like already mentioned... there're still send effects. And compared to elder tools - you can not only use one alone in the send channel, but you can make a send effect with 8 subeffects. Er... wrong... totally wrong. Cubase SX uses MIDI insert effects since SX1 (same with SL). A bit more difficult with a couple of tools since VST5, but it uses MIDI insert effects tohave an arpeggiator for example, pitchshifter, automatic input transformer/filter, logial editor, etc. On the other hand. Cubase can also let VSTi's (not VSTs, you seem to not understand the differences yet) control other VSTi's. That can be done with the freely routable input/output of the MIDI tracks. So you see... Cubase has everything of this already. Then why change to a tool that's still lacking these implementations and, even with upgrades, will be far from what Cubase already has to offer. Another thing you don't seem to know (yet): At the Steinberg boards, there's already SX4 announced. Not official, but the programmers answered to a question regarding further upgrades (literally) "we won't workon SX3.1 anymore but on a newer version", which implies that SX4 is coming up fairly soon. Don't imply something that isn't true, Argitoth. Steinberg may be slow in terms of new features and bugfixes, support may be crappy as hell - but they're not sitting on their hands doing nothing. All in all... Cubase is everything, but definitly not non-intuitive. At least in my opinion.
  12. Addage to the XG software synthesizers: I digged out my old copy of FF7 (PC) version. Looks like my memories were too dusted. On the installation disc (4CD Version) is not the S-YXG100 but the S-YXG70 which combines the S-YXG20 (XGlite mode) and S-YXG50 (XG mode) into one. So there were in fact 4 versions of that software synthesizer. Unfortunately (like already mentioned) this thing is discontinued and Yamaha erased every trace of information about it.
  13. Okay that's it, Andrew... I responded to a question and answered it at the same time. He insulted "me" in the first place - didn't use the search function, nothing! I feel free to write DJP now. I'm sick of being told to keep quiet as if I`'m a fucking troll of this forum. See this as first official complaint against you, a ever-so-noble judge!
  14. I'm 26, I have no job and have only like 300bucks for the month. I started making music with 14. I bought my first synthesizer (300bucks) with 15 from hard saved pocked money and recently bought an old synthesizer (software) for 80bucks. I can only buy every half year something new. Mostly used stuff. Samplepackages are easy to get nowadays. Not to mention that they're cheaper than 10 years ago. I get fed up with people whining about not having money to pay expensive stuff and use "warez" as main excuse. Use the search function, there're tons of threads giving you enough hints to get good stuff for fairly less to no money at all. And the thread I linked is a good starting point (however there is no "free" orchestra VSTi). Admins/Mods please close this thread.
  15. http://www.ocremix.org/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=21071&sid=6b0179579410b139fb97a2d0ea80a152 Or pay for your sound. Like most of us did.
  16. I only downloaded it to check this specific part, and you know what Jill? FUCK OFF! I thought you're professional on this (like "due to personal reasons that're not important to discuss here"), but you aren't. Please do me a favour and look for somebody else to make fun of to push your ego even more. I had my reasons to stop the torrents and as it is my tracker (sorry to say this), I can do whatever the hell I want. Thanks. It was on voluntery base anyway... BTW: I also listened to the interview of Claado (Chrono Symphonic) as I'm a part of the project myself, of course. It sounded so... scripted. It can't be helped, but Rayza and Larry do more fluent interviews IMO. At least it was neutral, but nothing that wasn't already asked in earlier shows already. OMG! COMPYFOX CAUSED DRAMA+1!
  17. OMG it's on. I get up, and it`s on! Dis' is called "breakfast show" nowx0rz? Mornin' TV is böring anyway!
  18. What about reading the manual first. But I'm pretty sure that's not included in warez. Like I said in another thread: FL5 is discontinued and talking about warez isn't allowed here.
  19. Folks... at this moment, Argi isn't interested anymore. He already knows what he wants to get but still asks questions and will whoop our ass later. Also... the links I posted were kinda useless afaik (2 MIC ports, one per channel). Leave him be, this thread will die by itself eventually.
  20. Shael 4 Judge!
  21. XG keyboards "are" synthesizers. Just see it as "upgraded sounsprectrum". Like I said: GM - 1 Bank, 128 Programs XG - up to 128banks, up to 16384 Programs Theoretically of couse (my MU-15 has only like 650 programs or so). Didn't see any synthesizer so far (neither hard, nor software) that used that to it's full extend.
  22. I'm not "that" amazed (which doesn't mean I'm not). Sorry. Sure it costs money (money I don't have, so that's where I'm envied). Sure this is a lot of (impressive) stuff. But... do you really need one extra keyboard for only one sound? Does she really use "everything" in each new production? It's not the equipment that makes you famous, it's what you make out of it. And to be honest, less is sometimes more. Why I think that way? To be honest... I met a lot of people recently who were all like "OMG I GOT THIS AND THAT SHIT! <insert listing of equipment over a couple of pages here>" and I was like "what style do you produce" and they were all like either RmB or Pop. And after hearing this I'm simply not interested anymore. If she's a collector. Fine with me - sure was a lot of money she spent on that stuff (in other words - woha!). But I'd be even more impressed if she's a well known producer/engineer that uses all of her equipment. She has one benefit over all software (and warez) user however: - No CPU issues - wider range at "sounds" on her disposal So yeah, count me in to those "woha" sayers.
  23. At this state of the board, if nobody writes anything, it'll be dropped of the boards anyway. Also... why "delete" something if others might have the same question= Blah 24-bit here, blah 32-bit there. More bits means a better resolution of the amplitude in a digital form. The more bits, the rounder it is. If you work with CDs in the end anyway, you render it down nonetheless. This is where dithering comes to place. The more bits you have, the more "information" you have at your disposal (subtract the recording headers too. i.e. 24bit is in reality 19bit, while 16bit is in reality 11bit), the better it sounds. This is all. Depends on you and of course on the souce. But in most cases 16bit is totally enough unless you work with Surround Setups, which I'm pretty sure you're far from that. Your mom is old... er... Everything is old if you look at that. Think about it. A couple of years ago 8bit was the standard and 16bit the future. Now everybody talks about 24bit (Creative cards for example), but "the future" is 32bit to 64bit floating point (if it's by the weird minds of the industry). Do you hear the difference? If proper engineered, the magic is gone cause you don't hear any difference. Well not with "consumer products" anyway. BUT... You have "golden ears", so to please your e-pe... er... meet your requirements, I can (and will) always recommend Edirol recording equipment. Unless you're like "screw dat shit, I want a DAT recorder" (but they're not only expensive, in your case they're old-old-old cause they can only go as high as 20bit!) Two links: http://www.zzounds.com/item--EDIR1 http://www.zzounds.com/item--EDIR09 The rest is up to you. And before you scream. Yeah, they have built in mics. But they're one of the best on the market atm. And if that doesn't work for you, you can still connect a microphone. Do more researches next time, Argi. Usually you're the "god of wisdom" among as, aren't you?
  24. Invest more in RAM rather than CPU power if you're going to use Romplers anyway (sample players like EWQL, etc). If you're using basicly synthesizers and hardware - your choice. But so far... 64bit doesn't work "yet", unless you use patched versions of XP64 and the soon released Windows Vista. That can use the new technologies without problems and how they were aimed at. Else it's only good for playing videogames.
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