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Everything posted by Compyfox
If I'm not mistaken (from the files on my HDD), "The Last Battle" wasn't finished and then there was a HDD crash involved from the side of PLBenjamin. He's still on the project with "Denadoro Climb" however.
Ah okies, Larry. Thanks.
Okay... Chicago is where it's at. Somebody can gimme a quick hookup in terms of callers? I pretty much slept in quickly while Rexy was on the phone (sorry Bev) and got up again while a certain popsong is running on infinite loop on the stream. At least that's what my impression was.
Er... CHz... Canada - Alberta is on CET as far as I know. But okay... Gimme one central state/town and I'll add it the next time.
Fixed it, TO.
It's about that time again! VG FREQUENCY Show #73 - SATURDAY, 10pm EST Plus: Enjoy whatever the heck is aired before VGF. Those two chicks have a fanbase now! Here's a small overview of the most salient timezones for you. Small World-Timetable Los Angeles (CA, USA): 7:00pm Calgary (Canada): 8:00pm Atlanta (GA, USA): 10:00pm Rio de Janero (Brazil): 1:00am (*, Sunday) Reykjavik (Iceland): 3:00am (Sunday) London (England): 3:00am (Sunday) Oslo (Norway): 4:00am (Sunday) Germany: 4:00am (Sunday) Paris (France): 4:00am (Sunday) Helsinki (Finland): 5:00am (Sunday) Kapstadt (South Aftrica): 5:00am (Sunday) Moscow (Russia): 6:00am (Sunday) Hong Kong (China): 11:00am (Sunday) Tokyo (Japan): 12:00pm (Sunday, noon) Sydney (Australia): 2:00pm (*, Sunday) (*) currently observing daylight saving time (DST) Have fun while listening to VGF#73.
Well Bliz... somebody has to give an okay to everything.
Status: critical error Homepage: Claado is working on it.
I just asked what Smoke wanted to ask for a while. And I even misspelled it. YAY! Broken accent and missing vocabulary for the win! XD
Actually, this was the whole conversation: "Larry, do you have a pubefro?" It's all about hair. And yeah I know that my english sucks, kthnxbye. EDIT: Maybe Larry should call this episode "Don't mess wit' ma fro!"
You funkin' wuss! I stay up all night just for VGF. And if not, I sleep at least 1 hour before it! Now that's the spirit!!! Show me some love!
Fucking Liverpool accent for the win! */me hides manically laughing in the darkness*
Is a judge, is on AIM frequently, reads PMs Wrote just a couple of posts ago that he's glad to answer your Q's Try to PM him, I also see him in AIM from time to time Rellik was last seen by me less than 48h ago in #ocremix Did you try to PM him? I just talked to him via AIM and he was upset that I asked for the eMail adress in your name. Contact him via PM or the eMail on OCR! Tyler Heath frequently roams around (which means every night) on Esper.net in the channel #soundtempest as Ty. If you wrote him an eMail, give him a bit time. Last time I saw him was in #ocremix - haven't heard from him either for a long time. Sure, no rush. But don't bitch at me if it's not done by Nov 30th (which might happen, unfortunately).
Try a PM with Russel. He answered here on OCR a couple of pages ago as I was still looking for the mixers to get their stuff to me. And I hope that Frankenstein thingy was a joke, heh.
Er Zeality... you didn't insert the pic and didn't fix the typos either. Just FYI.
Most of them where WIPs
Search function! Sharing commercial sold sample CDs is forbidden and declared as warez here.
Hm... I guess in December will be the Chrono Symphonic special too. Heh... 2 Special shows around x-mas. Nice. Will VGF go on X-Mas vacation this time too, or will Larry air every weekend no matter what, Paige?
Zeality: Remember to keep the old ones, too.
I hope you didn't clog the server and snagged the torrents.
I at least try. If it's getting december, blame my private life outside the internet. It won't be X-Mas though. And now (please) stop whining and nagging me of when I'm done. kthnx.
No, not this week either.
No matter how often you ask and bug me, it urges me to stay even more quiet. Come on folks. It's not the end of the world if you still have to wait. I have a private live too and I'm not a borg connected to the collective called "OCRemix". It will come out, this month (aka November). That's all I can say atm. I should start a paypal account and ask for a hollar for every question I get regarding "is the mastering done yet"... I'd be rich... or could at least buy a new instrument.
Like I said... it's not a "must do" for Larry, and you could have thought of that too so you could have recorded for yourself. And official release will come out. But due to chronological releases, it can take a bit.