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Everything posted by Compyfox

  1. I could have worked one extra day on it, and not mde the night through and slept all day. I'm also for simple textlinks... like Dark Side of Phobos (and all other projects). Which is simple, nothing special. No random link script needed.
  2. I just hope I didn't f*ck up the project. The more I listen to it, the more I get the feeling, something's gone terribly wrong. But for now... sleep. *and one or two days off*
  3. Time to bump this, and give a little "info". If I got that right, Larry is on "winter vacation" (well earned if I might say so, hope someone sends me on vacation) and there won't be a show till 20th January. I think our radio host should give us some info about that.
  4. Fear not, cause I'm wit' ya! *and I mean that seriously* Waiting won't be that long anymore... trust us. And no... not today anymore.
  5. Trust me, I am.
  6. Discussions about that are still taking place. We'll inform you (or better: you'll see it for yourself) when we release Chrono Symphonic.
  7. You bet. But I'll keep quiet regarding the content.
  8. It's not a "mp3 teaser", it's a regular release! Claado wanted to release it this year as he's occupied starting at the dawn of the next. It was also my fault (as mentioned a couple of times) that this release was postponed that often - Murphy's Law, can happen! Another thing is that I still work on a lot of the bonus material, meaning that some stuff has yet to be finished too. Even if I wanted to, I can't release it (and by "it" I mean the "Special Edition") before new years eve. If there're "releasing standards" for remixing projects now too, great... We can't (especially I can't) and won't do it any different. And what's so confusing on different releases and/or release dates? Like I said... it's not any different with DVDs, video games, audio CDs, etc. Now if we do a torrent release "later" than the regular one, then there'll be screams for "why there is no torrent release" and that it's not good to "release it via homepages only - in modern internet times" (again that bandwidth discussion again). I don't get it why we have to give in, do it like somebody else started it cause he felt like it, and now all others adapt that idea? (mp3/flac release). This is no stunt we try to pull off here. This is how we planned it in the last couple of weeks. You "still" get the lossless version - but a couple of days later. And if another project would have done it that way, I'd have gotten both versions too. However I'm not the project coordinator. Claado has the final word on it. But I don't think that there will be massive changes anymore.
  9. If it goes by me, the MP3 only version via the OCR tracker. DJP offered me the first time this came up to do an additional seeding on his tracker, too, if there will be something like an 'enhanced edition'. He just needs to adjust his tracker on the mainpage. The main reason we do a mp3 "only" release are bandwidth issues (as in some listeners are still on dialup, especially over the holidays). Of course there can always be changes in the last minute (like maybe adding a lossless encoded version), but if you remember - "Relics of the Chozo" was also first released as OGG version only. A couple of weeks later (and due to popular demand) came a CD ISO. I mean... "Hedgehog Heaven" was released as MP3 only project, so was "Bound Together" (not OCR), "Duck Hunt: Repecussions of Foul Lamentation" (also not official OCR) or "Relics of the Chozo". "Kong in Concert" was released as lossless version from the start, "Dark Side of Phobos" and "Kirby Rise of the Star" was released as "multiversion" (mp3/flac). Not to sound defensive or impolite, but do we really need to stick to that standard? That's what the "Special Edition" is for. It's like a DVD release - take the "Lord of the Rings" DVDs for example. First they were released 3/4th a year later than the cinema release to fresh up the storyline for the next part, and a couple of week/moths later came a Special Extended Edition. It's kind of similar for our case too. First we release the "Regular Edition" to celebrate the "10th Anniversary" of Chrono Trigger (better late than never) and a couple of weeks later, to keep the party "running", we release an enhanced version and show even more hommage for this game. BTW: The "Special Edition" is planned to be released as Torrent via "Studio Compyfox" as main tracker. Mirror/Backup is ThaSauce so far. Of course a lot can change till the release of the special edition. That's why I said I can't go in-depth on that yet. More soon.
  10. Some news about the release(s): Chrono Symphonic will feature 25 tracks only! That means that the audition tracks won't be included in this release. The "Regular Edition" will be a mp3 only version as of late, too. The release date is still a thing to be posted, but it will be "this year". Not 2006! Chrono Symphonic will also be released as "Special Edition"! Before anybody screams that we do a mp3 only release: The Special Edition will be released as lossless version (only). Or in other words - CD images. A Special Edition won't be one without some "bonus material". I won't spoil anything yet, but one thing is for sure... the waiting is totally worth. The Special Edition will be released in January. No set release date either. I keep you updated...
  11. Good, if you have questions regarding Cubase, you know their boards. And does that mean you only bugged us with hacked software so far? Glad that I didn't answer one of your single questions. Happy holidays anyway. What I got for X-Mas? - Rayzoon Jamstix (beginning of december) - a mp3 stick (cause my selfsoldered cables for my cellphone were busted, and I'm not in the mood building a new one) "Quiet days" aren't over in out family yet. Chances are I still get a 100-150 Euro budget for new samples (I pay the rest if needed, but I have an eye on a certain orchestra package...) And yeah, I guess I'll celebrate x-mas and birthday alltogether while building an own synthesizer: - MIDIbox SID or - MIDIbox FM (planned for summer) You can read more about that in the Make your own chiptunes thread, or dig out the old NES sound Emulator thread.
  12. "Damn... that's the second time those alien b4stards shot down my ride!!!" *cough* Okay okay... thanks for everything all that jazz. I'll keep you updated. And yeah... it's "Compyfox" or just "Fox". But nice campaign you started there, Roe. Till in a couple of days or so.
  13. There's unfortunately nothing than just waiting.
  14. Bad news for VGDJ in terms of Chrono Symphonic: http://www.ocremix.org/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=45588&start=1620 Sorry.
  15. Bad news, everyone. And yeah... you can blame it on me, it's only fair as I screwed up more than once. "Chrono Symphonic won't be released before X-Mas or on X-Mas." - or in other words "not this week" (hell even the teaser is wrong now). There're reasons Why it isn't happening. And most of them will be only excuses for you. For example that I can't force myself on working on it 5+ days in a row from teh point I stood up, till I went to bed. Or private issues I had before, being sick 3 times in between (last time knocked out for over a week), constant headaches the longer I work on the material, concentrating issues. I... simply need a break, can't take it anymore, everything is crushing down! *sigh* Like I said... All're excuses (however with a truth behind it). I'm really terribly sorry. Both Claado and I (and especially I) promised you to get this done by the 22nd. "My" deadline was the 20th to get things done. And I failed... again. *Maybe I'm just not made for this* I can't and won't give you a new releasedate (even if there is one already), neither can I give you any other news other than I'll be also quiet for a bit. Forcing myself to work on that project doesn't make it better, it's the other way around. Again... I'm terribly sorry for being such a hassle (and whatever else you wanna call me) to you. I guess i's back to the old habit again - which means... "waiting". Again, I'm terribly sorry. *reminds me of Working Designs - ironic, isn't it?*
  16. Masamune is by EllyWu and the FX was turned to 30% wet. Not very subtile if you do a direct comparision.
  17. Okay... I got something new for you. This time no fancy narration or stuff. I just can't concentrate atm and I was fooling around with the impulse response of the Promenadikeskus Concert Hall. Remember, those files don't necessarily reflect the final product: The Masamune (clean without any effects) (0:52min, mp3, 1.04MB) The Masamune (Impulse Response Fingerprint only) (0:52min, mp3, 1.04MB) Just another quick hookup of what to expect in terms of "sounddesign".
  18. Wait wait wait... fill me in. Why is it an eyesore? Because it looks like a school audience hall from first sight? Well I had like 3 others at least that looked the same (and more cold). Or is it because it's not a hall in the US but Finland?
  19. After hours of prelistening, testing, even more listening to material, switching effects on and off and hours of indecision (8 hours at least!), I finally found the right "sound". Or in other words... finally the needle in the hay. Chrono Symphonic will be 'presented' in the "Promenadikeskus Concert Hall" in Pori, Finland! It took me a while and the last contenders were the Vredenburg Hall in the Netherlands, the Philips Hall in the Netherlands, the Todd-AO Scoring Stage in Los Angeles and the Promenadikesus Concert Hall in Finland. The last one got the deal. It sounds warm, natural, not too fuzzy (the Todd-AO was standing till the last minute, but it's reflections were either too harsh, or not even there). A nice environment for a 40-60 seats orchestra. The vocal tracks won't be engineered with a "master reverb". Instead the piano/orchestra only get's the reverb and the vocals stay fairly clean (only minimal reverb as send). With this in-depth engineering I make sure that the vocals don't drown, but then again are still fitting to the whole setup. Info about the Prominadikeskus Concert Hall: The 700 seat hall was designed by Architect Company Guttner and built in 1999. The acoustic consulting was provided by Akukon Oy Consulting Engineers. The hall is roughly shoebox shaped with dimensions of 33 x 23 x 15 m (length x width x height) yielding a total volume of approximately 9300 m2. here are balconies on both sides, and the floor rises towards the rear part of the hall. A variety of diffusers has been installed on the walls, and the hall has a set of hanging reflectors above the stage projecting more early sound both to the audience as well as to the musicians. The upholstered seats have a folding seat cushion with perforation on the bottom plate, yielding a relatively small difference between the absorption of an occupied and an unoccupied seat. The first three rows of seats can be removed but they were present during the measurements. More about the convolution project can be found here: http://www.acoustics.hut.fi/projects/poririrs/ Now that this is off the table, I have to get back to work.
  20. Still doesn't tell me which and where.
  21. Which polls?
  22. A torrent will be available.
  23. Lemme quote myself: And I'd check the Chrono Symphonic thread, there was a "release date" mentioned. And yeah, I'm still stuffed with a crapload of work to actually "finish" it.
  24. o_O Well... the teaser sounds a bit... different than the original one (however SatQ changed like 3 times since the teaser was released), so it's okay. At least you didn't go off on my accent (why does everybody dig my accent anyway?!) - oh... you did... textform. XD So much for staying up, working 24/7 on Chrono Symphonic and not getting any sleep. "Hey Brain?! What're we gonna do tonight?!" "The same thing as every night, Pinky. TRY TO TAKE OVER THE WORLD!!!!" "NARF!" Yeah call me insane. I know that I am since I'm like... 13?! *and never denied it, btw*
  25. Well I just realised that I have to "think different" (what a slogan) anyway. I can't simply go and layer a master reverb over the vocal tracks. That'd totally mud up the long and carefully engineered vocals up (the realization comes always last). I have to go "in depth" here - which is fairly easy as I have vocals and piano/orchestra seperated. And now the fun starts again: Which soundstage. Then again... now I can use smaller ones. And for this, the perfect solutions would be (in order of size): - Promenadikeskus Concert Hall, Porj, Finland - Philips Hall, Netherlands - Todd-AO Scoring Stage, Los Angeles, CA *starting biggest to smallest* Still not easier to chose from. But now I can focus on certain sounds: Small Orchestra recordings compared to Film/Game Score recordings. And there goes the night for me. I'll keep you updated. EDIT: OMG VGDJ was just released with the trailer of Chrono Symphonic... and it sounds sooooo different. *not to mention that SatQ was changed about 3 times since then*
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