yeah no shit, i dont want any except IMC18 shared
if i dont want to relive any of them craptastic songs, noone else should
oh yeah and im not joking, if u have them, dont fuckin share them
Anyway, why hide your musical past? You might not like them, but others may. Hell, some folks even liked my Synth Sonic tune, so it's a possibility. Why give people something to blackmail you with?
haha (Missed that part completely, otherwise I would have honored the request. Now, as long as no one downloads the archive for 30 days, it'll go away automagically.. Five downloads already? (Of course, this kind of publicity probably helps a lot.))
At least it was a team effort, he can't take all the blame.
Then again..
Just leave the "drumwork" *cough* in my IMC7 entry out of this.