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Everything posted by Tricklozen

  1. http://youtube.com/watch?v=T1j6k1hxfcA But, did he remember to equip Str Bonus, Vit Bonus, Mag Bonus, HP Bonus, and Spr Bonus, I wonder..
  2. http://youtube.com/watch?v=T1j6k1hxfcA
  3. The Chemical Brothers "Believe" Probability: 256%
  4. That's easy. Search for Ben Liebrand GRANDMIX 1990 to start with, and you'll get to hear most songs with a beat, in a kickass mix. (Apparently Liebrand didn't do all mixes entitled GRANDMIX. Details on his website etc. These are bootlegs. Aired on radio twice. Impossible to license for a proper release.) "Trip-hop": Anja Garbarek - "Big Mouth" Album: Smiling & Waving (2001) "Eletro-dance-pop-whatever": Bel Canto - "Birds of Passage" Album: Birds of Passage (1990)
  5. I agree. The same ideas and stories are communicated in all the other media. The main difference is that most video games demand constant attention. It's the interruption in concentration that may cause violent behaviour in some people, and again, because some games demand constant attention, players may not act out their frustrations immediately, but I don't see it turning people into something they weren't before. Another point is that most parents don't want to understand game concepts, such as save points/save games, and become frustrated with their kids for not turning off that damn video game when told to do so, and the kids become frustrated for not being understood. (I focused mostly on kids, not people in general.) See Alan C. Kay's talk at the American Film Institute. The main point builds up from around 5+ minutes, but see the whole thing (with annoying muzak). Keywords: media, normalcy, education.
  6. I can't help but love most aspects of VIII. (The cause and effect of having a holiday; I'm at level 50 and have only completed the Fire Cavern..) Anyway. The original MIDIs were ripped from the PC version (same goes for VII): http://www.mirsoft.info/gmb/music_info.php?id_ele=MTc0Mw== (Scroll down and look for Music Download in this sea of colour and text.)
  7. Sure. PM me the link if you want, and I'll have a quick look.
  8. I can check if the project file has an incorrect chunk size, but I doubt this is the case here -- well, who knows -- but I assume most plug-ins have their own internal data formats which add to the complexity in verifying the integrity of the data chunk, so, if the content has been otherwise corrupted I won't be of much help. You may have a better chance if you sent the project file to Image-Line, as suggested by Legion303. Ask in the FL Studio forums.
  9. Did you mean: triclosan Yes. Yes, I did. (Formatting shamelessly stolen from analoq.)
  10. I don't use protection because I'm stupid|smart|suicidal, but yes, NOD32 is the chosen one. It's the best of the ones I've seen in action (McAffee, avast, Norman (barf), Norton (barf^2), AVG, Kaspersky), though it has its quirks like most things on Earth.
  11. VirtualVCR is an alternative: http://virtualvcr.sourceforge.net/ F - toggle full screen H - toggle display of tool bar and status bar (windowed mode) T - toggle "always on top"
  12. Figuratively.. Story - 5/10 Music - 2/10 (Can't mute it either, but I'll include Sound - 9/10 in this context.) Graphics - 9/10 Voices - 9/10 Overall - Trite, which best describes my general feeling while playing the game, and after completing it (the main story, that is). The voice cast impressed me the most.
  13. I haven't checked the CSS, but Firefox is having a rendering problem with regards to the BBCode tag code. 1 1 2 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 The more lines, the bigger the gap between the last line and the bottom border, increasing with 4 pixels for each added line. Note that the /code comes right after the last digit every time. There are no new lines added afterwards. Have a look. (I've seen this several times, but thought it was obvious enough to be noticed, thinking it was being looked at already, however, in case this might be a local problem with Firefox 1.*) Firefox
  14. Adding to the information about the file format (had some hours to kill ). It is inspired by the standard MIDI file format. The files I have looked at have two chunks; a header chunk (FLhd), and a data chunk (FLdt). The header chunk appears to use the structure of the MThd chunk in a standard MIDI file. Using the data from the original file in question: 46 4C 68 64 06 00 00 00 00 00 04 00 60 00 46 4C 64 74 B1 77 00 00 C7 06 35 2E 30 2E 31 00 C8 10 Structurally: The header chunk "FLhd" (464C6864H): Offset Type Data Description 00000000H D32B 464C6864H Chunk identifier (FLhd) 00000004H D32L 06000000H Chunk size (6 bytes) 00000008H D16L? 0000H Type? 0000000AH D16L? 0400H Count? 0000000CH D16L? 6000H PPQN? (Propbably, 96 PPQN.) The data chunk "FLdt" (464C6474H): Offset Type Data Description 0000000EH D32B 464C6474H Chunk identifier (FLdt) 00000012H D32L B1770000H Chunk size (30641 bytes) 00000016H D8 C7H Version string prefix. 00000017H VLQ8 06H String length 00000018H D8 35H 2EH 30H 2EH 31H 00H ("5.0.1\0") 0000001EH ... Types D32B 32-digit (binary), big-endian D32L 32-digit (binary), little-endian D16L 16-digit (binary), little-endian D8 8-digit (binary), endian-neutral VLQ8 variable-length quantity, 8-digit (binary) quantity. There is a general string format; prefix, length, data, as already seen with the version string prefix at the beginning of the FLdt data chunk. If the chunk size value is zero, it could be calculated by taking the file size and subtract the offset to the FLdt contents. In this file the FLdt chunk data offset begins at 16H: FLdt chunk size = File size - FLdt chunk data offset File size = 30663 FLdt chunk data offset = 22 FLdt chunk size = 30663 - 22 (16H) FLdt chunk size = 30641 FLdt chunk size = 77B1H (base 16/hexadecimal) FLdt chunk size = 000077B1H (32-bit, base 16/hexadecimal) FLdt chunk size = B1770000H (little-endian byte-order) ..but who knows what really needs correction in a damaged file (except the people/person at Image-Line). Either FL Studio tolerates errors to a certain degree, since it was able to load the original file, or it lacks integrity checks on the chunk size with regards to the file size (meaning holes can be added at the end, since the original file was set to 22 bytes less than the file size).
  15. Only heard WIP#3. First couple of listens (monitor headphones, no treble or bass eq, "as is"): [0:40] ) (That's what emoticons are for.) After a couple of listens (crap speakers, no treble or bass eq, "as is"): [2:41] Some slight dissonance with regards to singing (sustained voice, not chanting). It doesn't detract much. Dissonance isn't necessarily negative here, but I'll mention it anyway. [4:03] Somewhat piercing lead when played loud. (Hard to notice with headphones.) The bass sound fits really well, but it could be wider (feels like there's more room for it due to the overall treblish soundspace). It may be a subtle thing. Love the structure of the song (especially the returning bassline, waiting for it), detailed percussion, swirling synth sounds. The chanting adds depth and credibility to the theme. Some of the sounds and elements give associations to Astral Projection (Dancing Galaxy), Man with No Name (Moment of Truth), Hallucinogen (Twisted). Feels finished structurally. Cool take on this one.
  16. You are obviously familiar with C++ (and BASIC), but I just wanted to make it clear that the term method is never used in the C++ standard (in this manner anyway). The general term for a function that is part of a class is a member function. void aFunction () {} class aClass { public: void aMemberFunction () {} };
  17. You may need some reference material with introductions, then. Danny Kalev: http://www.informit.com/guides/content.asp?g=cplusplus&seqNum=4&rl=1 If you don't have it already, get the standard definition of C++ (ISO/IEC 14882:2003 should be the latest publication). Try searching for it. Bjarne Stroustrup (defined and introduced C++, read his FAQ etc) http://www.research.att.com/~bs/C++.html
  18. I gave Shael Riley's song a listen. It leans a little bit more to singing in my view. For an example of my understanding of your words, try Anne Clark. "Killing time" "Fragility" "Shades" "Self-destruct" "Elegy for a lost summer" "Our darkness" "The sitting room" (...) "Our darkness" (Total Eclipse remix) (Shatner. <3)
  19. Congrats, and thanks for all the mix!
  20. MIDI does lend itself more to interactive music than streaming audio, in the sense that one could control individual sounds, but rarely, if ever has it been used for other purposes than to fade between alternate sections of the same song, like in Super Mario 64; upon entering water, a string section fades in. In that sense, streaming audio could be used to the same effect. How would this be done, then? Would the same song fade in but with a string section mixed in? That would clutter up the sound immensly, so the best solution would be to keep the string section as a separate stream, mixing it in real time on top of the base song, but that would require more system resources and hardware support to pull off, because two streams would now be read from the media and mixed in real time (consoles in particular have little memory). This leads me to the answer why Zelda TP did not use streaming audio; hardware limitations. Although there would probably be more than enough storage for streaming audio on the media, the GC may have no way of mixing two or more streams in real time in a timely manner while also loading other game data. Sound effects are always available in memory, which is why all the GC has to do is load the sounds once and use the musical performance to generate an audio stream through its hardware mixer. A readily available example of interactive music using DirectMusic: http://www.lynnemusic.com/directmusic.html The engine uses the meta-data about the sounds and segments to align playback or adjust to key changes.
  21. I'll leave it here for now: http://home.no/tricklozen/Protricity_-_Mad_Last_Stand.mp3
  22. I'm (still) using Cakewalk Pro Audio 8 by Twelve Tone Systems, Inc. Barret's Theme was the second song where I bothered recording tracks separately and doing the mixdown in Cakewalk (unfortunately late at night wearing headphones).
  23. Barret's Theme is.. not my favourite track evar, but it has its parts, and cuteness too. Nice work, all! (Nice work will never die!)
  24. hehe.. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania is five hours behind GMT/UTC, expressing the deadline as: 2006-12-31 23:59-05:00 GMT/UTC. The GMT/UTC for the deadline is: 2007-01-01 04:59+00:00 GMT/UTC My geographical location is one hour ahead of GMT/UTC, the deadline for me is: 2007-01-01 05:59+01:00 GMT/UTC Fayetteville, Arkansas is six hours behind GMT/UTC, right? 2006-12-31 22:59-06:00 GMT/UTC
  25. Submitted. (Oil, Cloud!)
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