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Everything posted by Tricklozen

  1. By the way; http://bambombim.googlepages.com/ironmix IronMix Challenge 1: Hornpipe2_-_Factory_Default.mp3 is not green, but it was included in the archive I uploaded. IronMix Challenge 8: Analoq_-_Thin_Glow.mp3 analoq's "Thin Glow" IMC8 entry was submitted to OCR, http://www.ocremix.org/remix/OCR00909/ (TR-909) but it may not be the exact same version.
  2. yeah no shit, i dont want any except IMC18 shared if i dont want to relive any of them craptastic songs, noone else should oh yeah and im not joking, if u have them, dont fuckin share them TOO LATE! MWAAAAAAAAAAAAA HA HA HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! Anyway, why hide your musical past? You might not like them, but others may. Hell, some folks even liked my Synth Sonic tune, so it's a possibility. Why give people something to blackmail you with? haha (Missed that part completely, otherwise I would have honored the request. Now, as long as no one downloads the archive for 30 days, it'll go away automagically.. Five downloads already? (Of course, this kind of publicity probably helps a lot.)) At least it was a team effort, he can't take all the blame. Then again.. Just leave the "drumwork" *cough* in my IMC7 entry out of this.
  3. Didn't have that many IMC songs, but anyway: Classic_Smack_-_Fantasy_Painting.mp3 Dev_VJ_-_Nanaki_Searches_For_Truth.mp3 Hornpipe2_-_Factory_Default.mp3 Sadorf,_Mae,_and_Sir_Nuts_-_Tales_Of_Solitude.mp3 Tranquil9_-_Devil's_Groove.mp3 Tricklozen_-_No_Christmas_For_You-IMC7.MP3 (obviously..) Unknown_Break_Beater_-_Devil's_Lab_Experiment_36.mp3 Wintermute_-_Jenova_Rose.mp3 IMC_collection.zip: http://www.savefile.com/files/366088
  4. It is indeed the hardest boss. Its incredibly powerful attack, "Rollback", throws the entire forumverse back in time! I could never find that post again. Lost. Forever.
  5. Jennifer may giggle. yarr ha ha (I apologize.) Looking forward to hearing more .oqq's. Good old days long forNO CARRIER
  6. Subtitles plz....
  7. This is a really enjoyable interpretation of the original. It's all just flowing along, like a sea of stars. So, what is it now, the fifth time I play it in a row? Pleasant bass. But yeah, nicely done, Sir. (HOO HOO? I hate the sound! As I hate Hell, all Gorons.)
  8. You're welcome, Lar.
  9. You can find RealAlternative here: https://webdrive.service.emory.edu/users/loji/realalt110.exe Download. Install. Run. In RealAlternative; File|Open File... Copy and paste the following link. http://www.emory.edu/WMRE/wmre.ram OK.
  10. But here's the nice thing. Someone wrote "Media Player Classic" (spiteware?). It looks identical to version 6 of Windows Media Player (keep it simple), and it includes codecs for RealAudio and RealVideo formats. But why stop there? There's also a QuickTime codec (!). Away, begone, buggy Apple QuickTime Player (hopefully for good). Procedure: 1) Download the "Real Alternative" package, which includes the tiny executable for Media Player Classic (MPC) and the required codecs. http://www.k-lite.tk/ (See downloads to the left.) 2) Install it (it won't fiddle with file associations, that's for you to do in step 3, which is optional (you can open the file directly)). 3) In Media Player Classic; View|Options... (O). Under Player|Formats, check/tick the RealMedia types. ..and then just open the link; File|Open... (Ctrl+O). You could for instance try this one (copy/paste link).. http://www.woi.org/stream/woi-fm.ram BURP - Boycott Use of Real Player It's basically the same procedure for the "QuickTime Alternative" package, which also includes MPC. Animatrix (.mov) played fine, and now in full screen, not "fill screen".
  11. Let's go back. Way back into time. The piano, the lead, and the standard, but necessary eighties vocal samples, help take this piece back to the eighties dance mix era. I haven't played this game, nor have I heard the original music, but I love the drive of this remix (despite its distorted sound). Eeexcellent.
  12. Soothing. Mysterious. Kalm. It has a nice flow created by the harp and the deep strings, almost hypnotic. I would have taken more advantage of that part, meaning I would have extended it. But it works perfectly as it is, you just want to listen to it again.
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