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Mr. Fox

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Everything posted by Mr. Fox

  1. No, actually I am right handed. OMG Freak +1!
  2. No headaches, just expressions of "Ok, what the fuck is that?" Wow I was expecting a response, but not THAT fast...
  3. LOL Yeah, right. I wish... I myself was surprised the style you've accomplished here. Compared to Aquatic Pressure, this is in a completely different direction. analoq did the same thing with his first few submissions. I'm looking forward to what you come up with in the future. Hahaha me too! Tough I must say that I intentionatlly wont be submitting anything for next few months. Since I decided that I will take the time to improve my skills a little bit more. I mean, I don't wanna keep giving Larry headaches, right?
  4. Wow thanks for the comments guys! And I don't know what are you all talking about, there is no such thing as a Chrono Trigger reference in there.
  5. Flute around 1:15 kicks some major ass...
  6. Yes and no: I covered for that by removing the files completely... they're somewhere else now, until I know the files were received by Malcos. Oh god sorry!!!!
  7. No worries man! You don't wanna ruin the surprises do you?
  8. Wow!!! Excellent, both of them. But I think its not a wise idea to post link to finals in the thread, could one of the project coordinators come here take these links away, please?
  9. Hey Shael/Malcos Whatever happened to Hi, Score? I don't see it on the song list.
  10. The scratch seems pretty good to me. Needless to say that this is tight...
  11. I want sexy Shael + Malcos duet.
  12. I am going on the oposite direction. I am dropping Chun-Li. Reason: I am not satisfied with my WIP and really don't want to keep working on it. My apologies to Shael, I will be following the progress of the project closely and cheering for everyone.
  13. Well if they want it to be a surprise, they have the choice of not listening, and waiting. I kind of did a Dhalsim thing a few mins ago, it's very very early stage though: www.malcos.co.uk/Dhalsim.mp3 I'm unsure as to whether to include the (annoying imo) key change. I think the key change was just to add some variation, otherwise it would just be a constant loop. I may really have to put a lot of originality into this, sounds quite bland at the moment. This is actually pretty impressive for a small WIP man! The beat here is TIGHT! TIGHT! TIGHT! However, I recomend you adding more instruments to keep the song fresh. Fat bassline comes to mind right now. Delicious, really.
  14. But I though you werent going to use the song with my piano sample... Change of plans? KFC didn't know that I didn't want to use your version. Sorry No worries!
  15. But I though you werent going to use the song with my piano sample... Change of plans?
  16. So true...
  17. How about that update on the first page? Theres a diferent collab on Chun-Li. It would be good to have some color labels (like red for free track, green for taken track, blue for finished) or something... Anyway, after my hard drive crash I am re-doing Chun-Li, and Shael (quite cruelly by the way), said that he was glad I lost the older version, cause this one is better. So cheers!!! =D EDIT: Me and Malcos are going to collab in Balrogs End.
  18. Yay, BrainCells! Ok, I am going Txai style and write in portuguese: Iei, Células do Cérebro! Eu me lembro de ter comentado que você andava sumido da OCR. Fico feliz que tenha postado essa música. Acho que é um dos trabalhos mais pesados que já ouvi do senhor, fora "Spread your Fire...". Acho que os synths são uma adição fantástica, por favor explore mais esse seu lado eletrônico!!!=D
  19. I wanna thank Brad for making the nicest sax coffee around here!!!
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