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Jillian Aversa

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Everything posted by Jillian Aversa

  1. Very pretty - thanks for sharing! I love Celtic music as well.
  2. Hey, anybody still have that VGDJ animated GIF banner that Wingless made way back in the day? I can't find it on my compy no mo'.
  3. Woot - thanks for the bumpers, everyone! As you may realize, we won't be able to include them all in the first couple of shows; we're basically just building a catalog to dip into one by one over the course of...however long! (Hopefully a long time. ^-^)
  4. Hahaha, nice. I think we'll post that to the site later, so we can test our feed and iTunes. Gotta make sure everything's still working!
  5. Yay, thanks! Torzelan: oops, I think our torrents are broken at the moment. :3
  6. Break out the champagne (or sparkling grape juice): VGDJ is finally back... for the first time since 2007! Hoorayyyy! What is VGDJ? VGDJ is the official podcast of OverClocked ReMix, brought to you by hosts zircon, pixietricks, and Brushfire. Here's what you can expect to hear: ReMix Reviews: commentary and song clips from the latest remixes posted to the site Community Happenings: news following any current events in the community (i.e. meetups, site projects, and other noteworthy tidbits!) OCRtist Spotlight: interviews and featured song clips from a different remixer each episode JudgeQuote!: a random quotation from one of the judges' decisions, read by a person other than the original author ^_~ Russian ReMix Roulette: six random mixes spun every half hour on the front page of OCR. We roll a die to randomly select one of them, which is then played all the way through! Voicemails: from our listeners! And, sometimes... The Flow Basket: music tutorials from zircon to help the aspiring remixer! Game Flames With Brushfire: brutally honest thoughts on various video games Special Features: episodes recorded from live events such as concerts or meetups, composer interviews, etc. A little history: the podcast was founded in 2005 by community members Rayza and Aurora -- later evolving to hosts Rayza and pixietricks, followed by pixietricks and The wingless (briefly), and finally with zircon joining pixietricks as cohost. The shows got progressively longer over the years, so our goal now is to keep them between 30-40 minutes... with the exception of "special feature" episodes (which can sometimes exceed an hour in length). *** New episodes are typically released every other Saturday night at ~10:00pm ET, on VGDJ.net! *** What will I need in order to listen? 1. A web browser 2. A media player (desktop, portable, or both) such as Winamp, RealPlayer, iTunes, Windows Media, or an iPod 3. (Optional) An XML/RSS feed manager that can automatically download new shows and import them to your media player. Or, if you have it, you can subscribe through iTunes! Our posts on VGDJ.net feature button links to the episode mp3s and shownotes (complete with timestamps and working links to all mentioned URL's) for each week! How can I get involved? Your participation is both welcomed and encouraged! Please let us know how we're doing, and if you have any special ideas for the show. You can... Post here in the thread and/or in the comments field at VGDJ.net Email us at vgdjpodcast@gmail.com Call and leave a voicemail at VGDJ-64-KBIT (i.e. 843-564-5248 )! Or, if you're cheap, you can download Skype and call our username - vgdjpodcast - with no cost to you! If you're lucky, we'll even play your message on the show. ^-^ Record a bumper for us to use! ...something to the effect of, "Hi, this is (your name) and you're listening to VGDJ!" - and send it to vgdjpodcast@gmail.com as an mp3 or wav file. Chat it up in IRC at enterthegame.com #vgdj... (and we're usually in #ocremix, too) That's about it. Thank you to Brushfire, whose efforts have made recording the show possible again - we missed it greatly! Let the fun resume.
  7. Haha, I'm really looking forward to seeing this...
  8. Equiniox: we hired a professional photographer, and I'm afraid I don't know what equipment he used!
  9. Yeah! Will post about it when we start our new thread.
  10. No, it really was an interpretive dance!
  11. Yeah, we should all cut Brush some slack. This was just a way for him to start getting comfortable recording, and the format of the show is going to be somewhat different with all three of us. ^_~ I think for a debut episode he did very well!
  12. Yes, there is! I just haven't gotten around to editing all the video stuff yet. It's a big undertaking, and my first priorities lie with changing my name, writing thank-you cards, getting back into the swing of things (i.e. real life). :>
  13. We couldn't get into our starter home! Doug, Taucer, Harmony, and Will performing Dragon Song and Victory Festival! Dancing as Palpable and Amy perform Awww, circle of friends (You can see Taucer, Harmony, Bahamut, Xerol, bustatunez, DrumUltimA, José, djpretzel, Anna, Amy, and Palpable in this one) Again, the full albums are here! Wedding: http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=2104196&id=5405592&l=f9ac4e4e21 Honeymoon: http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=2104199&id=5405592&l=9867764551
  14. If anyone wants to view the pictures from our wedding and honeymoon, here are the full Facebook albums! Wedding: http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=2104196&id=5405592&l=f9ac4e4e21 Honeymoon: http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=2104199&id=5405592&l=9867764551 But I'll post a few highlights in here as well. The wedding ceremony, including DrumUltimA as my Lad of Honor, Larry as the Best Man, and bustatunez as one of the groomsmen! ^_~ Recessing in an array of bubbles Hadouken!
  15. I did a paper on Elfen Lied a few years ago, if anyone is interested in reading: http://soundtempest.net/jill/Elfen_Lied_Gesamtkuntswerk.pdf
  16. Hahaha... Sorry. :3 As for your question, Abadoss, we're still working out some of the technical issues with regards to getting the site working again, setting up voicemail, etc. I think we're going to be shooting for Friday night releases so that people can enjoy the show over the weekend, but not positive yet. Next show will *hopefully* be released next Friday or Saturday, if all goes well. We'll keep you guys updated! Probably going to start a new thread soon with more official info.
  17. Guess you missed the stinger? ^_~ Sorry for all the drama-hype, guys. It was, indeed, a joke that has been in the works for a while now. Long story short: VGDJ *is* coming back, and it is going to be tri-hosted, with brushfire on board! The original idea was to do a videocast, but after a time brush realized that he wouldn't be able to keep that up on his own. Still, Andy and I saw/heard how enthusiastic he was about the show (and what a good radio personality he has)... so we discussed it all together, and came upon the realization that with three hosts, the work is a lot more manageable. Combined with the fact that the two of us now have school and wedding behind us, the timing is finally right. Naturally, with three hosts, there are going to be a few changes to the show format... but good ones - you'll see! (And yes, no more Podcast Alley voting. Nobody cares about that anymore. ^-^)
  18. Damn straight. (Although technically we weren't, but that's okay...)
  19. Okay, what the hell? We've been saying this all along; YOU CAN'T USE THE VGDJ NAME! MY vote is that we have a MUTINY against brushfire. I'm typing this from my phone. In fact, we're on the way to his house right now to beat him up. Ugh.
  20. Hey everyone... Thank you so much for all your well wishes! Needless to say, we had an incredible weekend. There was a DOWNPOUR half an hour before the wedding ceremony, but it stopped just a few minutes ahead of time, and the weather was gorgeous from that point on. Thank you to all our OCR buddies that came, and of course to the performers! You all made the reception - and the weekend as whole - truly memorable. The other guests were raving about your musical talents! We miss you already. Larry, you're the best. Thank you for being our MC! We will be sharing professional photos from our photographer, video footage, and some behind-the-scenes shots from other festivities. But first... to Vancouver! ^_~ And to my new husband: I love you.
  21. Happy Birthday to our favorite Xerol! May you have GOOD xuck today...and for the rest of the weekend at least! (And see you tomorrow!)
  22. Happy birthday, Jeremyyyy!!
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