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Everything posted by Vig

  1. I don't mind that the first 2 minutes has no low end. The parts just arent there, and i think it works okay for the track. The mids do fill out at the point of crescendo, but it still could use some thickening in the low end. I'm with Zirc and Zyk on this one. Close, just beef out the bottom. NO
  2. And I'd just like to reiterate that I won't mind at all if this passes; I'd just prefer to put a little more pressure on remixers to push themselves creatively.
  3. interesting concept, but the writing is a bit too simplistic. discrete and unrelated ideas tossed togethers. The piano is drowning in verb. I'm not hearing the track going anywhere. In fact, it doesnt. Just putters out. Needs a lot more composition, more ideas. NO
  4. I'm certianly enjoying the track. The track is certainly "enjoyable". Howver, I also enjoy Indian cuisine, but I don't expect to see a bowl of curry on the front page anytime soon. NO
  5. Fairly pretty, but painfully simple. The textures never do change, And when there are only 2 or 3 instruments, this getsto be a problem. the Track is boring. The writing isn't particularly interesting or complecated. There's nothing terribly objectionable about the track, but it has very little going for it. This is an easy NO
  6. The first thing I notice is that the track has some great textures. darkish fanfare and understated basslines. Solid dynamics, in part thanks to the mild case of medlyitits. I feel like this does detract somewhat. The tune doesn't have a unified direction; it just jumps from one tune to the next. It's crappy ending is especially indicative of this. I think it needs to have more direction as a track rather than a collection of tunes. NO
  7. I've been putting this one off for a while because of the fundamental question larry cited: if it's unobjectionable but unexceptional, should it pass? In this case it's hard to call, because the production is really tight. Perhaps nothing I haven't heard before, but I really can't complain. Ultimately it comes down to arrangement, and again it's a tough call for me. The dynamics are good enough, which is key. Ultimately though, I'm going to say there aren't enough musical ideas presented over the course of the song, and that the relationship between the remix and the original is too tenuous to make it a solid pass. Ultimately what it needs is a bit more compositional sophistication. Very close to the line on this one, but I'll make the call. NO
  8. Addressed a lot of my issues, filled up the space that was in the original version. Still a YES
  9. Yeah, sounds nice, but this is a straightup cover. Good chops, but now it's time to make it your own. NO
  10. the rhythm guitar part is really monotonous, but aside from that, the arrangement is quite creative. What is really holding this track back is the recording. The guitars sound really dry and thin. EQ required! NO
  11. not bad by any stretch, but the drums get quite tedious. It seems like the arranged material isn't terribly creative. Almost original + drums. Then there's some original material which provides some dynamic variation, but isn't remarkably engaging either. I'd say it needs a bit more complexity and depth. NO
  12. I really like the piano part. The dark EQ is really effective. The oboe however, is too far back. Strings and horns sound okay to me. I'm loving the arrangement. On the whole, I'm not thrilled by the samples, but the beautifully creative writing makes up for it. yES
  13. ah, feces. If there's any idea that cannot be expressed using feces as a medium, I don't know what it is. Nice sound to this track. The ensemble is really tight. Guitars, accordion, etc. are very well arranged. The lyrics are about shit. It's lucky you can barely understand them. I don't find the subject material particularly engaging, but I can't really think of a reason to say no. This beats out Funky Monkey Love for best music with the worst lyrical content. YES
  14. Is it my imagination or do the strings sound really weak? especially compared to the percussion (stormdrum?) which overpowers everything..including the sampled vocals. To be honest, I'm biased, because I've never found any music relating to halo in any way to be interesting, and this is really no exception. But the arrangement seems to be alright. The soundfield is bothersome though, so i'm going to say NO
  15. I think the EQ of this track is really harsh. The strings don't have enough body, and they have too much bite. The track needs more midrange and less high. Aside from the sonic harshness, this EQ lack of balance causes the parts to blend together...there's not enough separation. Aside from that, the arrangement is okay, nothing to write home about. NO
  16. This is a fairly easy decision. Great guitars, good if not revolutionary arrangement, lots of nuance in the production. If I have a complaint, the tempo changes sound awkward...a function of doing them on a sequencer. Oh well. Solid stuff. YES
  17. Off the bat, nice textures, but the muted trumpet in the right channel is a sore spot. I'm hearing chrono trigger. The low end is sounding a bit boomy to me. The string-esque leads are also a bit harsh. I'm sort of on the line on this one. The groove is put together well, but there are some relatively minor production gripes, and i'm not hearing enough that's keeping my interest. borderline NO
  18. that trumpet sample is really bad. Your panning scheme is really really weird. The drums are hard left, trumpet and strings hard right? Sounds really awkward. There are always chunks missing out of the frequency spectrum. This one needs a lot of work. NO
  19. production issues: Mixed too soft, bass too boomy. Piano too quiet. Lots of timing issues. piano comping is bland and repetitive. Aside from that, the piano solo is really good NO
  20. right off the bat, the problem here is clearly the samples. GM just ain't cutting it. Matching the cheap samples is the mechanical sequencing. very little rhythmic complexity. The compositional ideas are pretty good, but you need a lot more nuance in the execution here. NO
  21. I'm hearing some blending/mix issues..it's a bit muddy, and could really use more in the mid/high range. Aside from this my other complaint is timing. The timing is off in lots of places. Got to pull it together. Aside from that, this is a solid track that needs to be longer. Good stuff so far. NO
  22. For a track with some interesting textures, the sequencing is incredibly mechanical. Why does the vox double the vibraphone? The vox and cello sample sound incredibly exposed and awkward. Aside from this, the whole track is a little harsh...not enough lows/lowmids, too much high. NO
  23. I feel like this is a pretty good start. The production is fine, the groove is good, the concept is great. It's just too short. NO
  24. I really liked the piano part in the beginning. Well done. Unfortunately, the rest of the track is pretty rough to my ears. The vocals lack body and intonation. Oh man...the piano is freaking awesome, but the rest is really straightforward and rough. I'd like to hear this concept executed a bit better, cause right now I've got to say NO
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