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Everything posted by Vig

  1. The drums sound good. good eq. The string sample is a bit dry and exposed. The biggest problem with the track is that the arrangement is fairly undeveloped. It doesnt really go anywhere. The energy level is sedate the whole way through. The groove and sound is good, but you really need to develop the ideas more. NO
  2. UGH. Can someone just write a script to automatically delete submission emails that contain "okemon"? I'm hearing what larry's talking about; the chorus bass sounds like shna. I'm hearing some interesting harmonic ideas. Some of the partwriting is very engaging, but this track isn't really very enjoyable. I'm not going to trash your samples, because I think your samples could work just fine. I think the problem is that the track is lacking in texture and emotional context. There are instances of interesting writing, but the groove and sound of the track are very dry and uninteresting. You need to add more emotion by adding more dynamics, sound texutre, etc. I think you've got some good ideas to start from, but this isnt complete yet. NO
  3. I can hear some of the issues cited, but I'm not hearing them as anything close to deal-breaking. Weed demonstrates again his lyrical talent, and as usual, there's a good deal of creativity and emotion on the musical end. The understated guitar is effective. sure, some of the balance and samples are a little rough, but the track accomplishes what it goes for. I enjohy it.. YES
  4. oh man this intro is baaaare. Xylophone is really hurting for more activity and texture. The sequencing is very mechanical, as are the samples, which leaves the piece sounding harsh and amateurish. You really need to do something to give the piece more humanity NO
  5. Very solid. Lets see what I can rip on: There could be a bit more stereo separation, especially of the leads; they tend to all sort of sit back in the middle. I think that's all I've got. This is very good stuff. Tons of sweet ideas and textures introduced over a fairly consistent trancy groove. Meh. Why say anything else? I've got my mouth to feed. YES
  6. The strings sound really artificial in the beginning, mainly because of the attacks. The guitars sound weak for the very same reason. They seem to exist in a state of sustain that has no beginning. (on/off) As for the arrangement, the heavy feel is pretty cool, but everything seems to move too slowly. Each section lingers for too long, and new ideas are introduced too slowly. This could be shorter and it would feel tighter. The soundfield sounds pretty uniform throughout. I'd like to hear some breaks, some change in instrumentation. The sequencing is pretty mechanical, as are the parts. Needs more human. NO
  7. What!? 2 Pokemon remixes in a row with YES votes? This must be a mistake. Yeah, so the thing with talented remixers remixing pokemon...at the very best it's like you're molding the venus di milo out of a giant pile of poo. Sure you've got some chops, but you're putting them to waste on this crappy material. Imagine how much better your art could be if you had a better source to work with. I feel like this remix is a skanky hobag dolled up with makeup, sexy lengerie, a corset maybe, which make her look tappable under the dim maroon lights of a sleazy bar with a broken jukebox and a sticky floor, but tomorrow morning you KNOW you're gonna feel dirty. YES *BGC edit* Best. Vote. EVAR.
  8. Giggity hoo-wah, I'm hearing that 4 on floor biz. I'm hearing some creative panning, but I'm also hearing the cookie-cutter arrangement and dumbed-down harmony. I don't know. Theres nothing egregious going on, but this is relatively uninspired. I'd like to hear more risks taken, more balls busted, more chicken tenedered. NO
  9. I can't remember the original take, but here's what I've got to say about this one: judging by my previous comments, it seems' you've fixed the produciton to some degree. The bass is still a bit boomy. Your monitors might not be giving you enough low end signal (listening to my remxies, I used to have the exact same probem.) My issues this time around are with the soloes/performance. I'm having trouble being objective here, because being at berklee, I get to hear the sickest fucking cats imagineable, and it's really not fair to compare. Even taking that into consideration, I'd like to hear a bit more harmonic sophistication. A bit too much pentatonic for my taste. I think Jill had some decent comments, so maybe listen to her. NO
  10. My first thought was that it sounds kind of junky, but there's definitely some respectable production value involved. I can definitely see what Jill's saying when she says it's a "traditional" remix, in that for the most part, it takes a very small chunk of the original and builds a..fairly generic beat and groove around it, without much in terms of arrangement. However, I would say that the final minute is quite redeeming, providing an overall sense of dynamics and progression. The vocals do quite a bit for the track. The first section of the track is relatively stagnant, but not in a particularly repetitive way. There's plenty of subtle wankery going on; delay tricks and so on, and while there's not much in terms of harmonic progression, the remixer has clearly done more than copy+paste. Again, I think the final minute wraps it up in a very solid way. YES
  11. Can I just bring to everyone's attention that this track is called "Catpoop Overture?" OK This track is put together better than the vast majority of medleys I hear around here. The different tracks transition seamlessly, and they follow a unified dynamic curve. To be honest, I was planning on voting YES until I heard the ending, which blows. Gimme an ending and you've got a YES. NO
  12. TL;DR That said, this track is sonically dull...where are the highs? It sounds like I'm listening to this track from a room away. Aside from that, there are guitar and BASS tuning issues. That bass is waaaay the fuck out of tune. NO
  13. Wait, why do I need to revote? My singular concern has not been addressed, and therefore my vote does not change.
  14. This is going to be one of those that I have to listen to half a dozen times, isn't it? <sigh> Yeah. So this remix is far from revolutionary, but There's plenty of personality and embellishment to separate it above the realm of covers. There's a great deal of articulation and movement. On the production end, I really don't have any complaints I feel are worth mentioning. Samples didn't bother me, nor did part balance. Maybe I'm going soft on this one for some reason, or maybe you all are crazy. YES
  15. You're off the panel. Enjoy being a full-time student/schmuck.
  16. Yeah! Or...you know, like...flame on...whichever is more entertaining for the rest of us. afk
  17. Interesting concept, but I'd say the execution and samples are kind of hurting this one. the guitars are particularly heinous. the instruments and the track in general seems to be missing low frequencies much of the time. Conceptually, i think the first minute is far more interesting than the second two. The sparse passages bring the track to a halt when the beginning had so much momentum. NO
  18. short, simple, but well-executed. The dynamics work...it's not groundbreaking, but there's nothing to complain about aside from the ending. Please set your bounce times a bar or two longer. YES (what larry said)
  19. The balance is way off in this track. The beats are waay too obtrusive. I can hardly hear teh original, which is okay, because there's barely any arrangement. This is the original w/drums. Far as I'm concerned, this could have gotten a letter, or a N.O. NO
  20. I think you've got some fantastic textures and musical ideas. the triplets in the background synth lend a really slick feel...a lot of momentum. The samples work well, and I like the vocals. The only real problem I have is that for fairly long streches, teh arrangement doesn't seem to go anywhere. Ideas are introduced and then abandoned, never to be heard from again (see: the vocals). Then there are long streches where there's very little going on. I think you should take what you have and try to form a more coherent arrangement from it. No. (R/S)
  21. hmm...i'm having the googlepages problem...1 min. then repeat. wtf?
  22. If you're set on making the pokemon OST listenable, I imagine making it industrial isn't a bad place to start. <listens> yeah. As I thought. The original is completely awful. TO made it listenable by essentially making it his own. Good enough for me. Pokemon has a terrible soundtrack, afk. YES
  23. nice intro. problems start at around 1:21-1:25, where the transcription is really poor. some of the notes used really clash with the string hits. The interlude is very helpful dynamically, because the string hits do start to get tiresome. the same rhythm over and over and over is really not a great idea. I remember Jared Hudson did something like this in an early version of his CT going west remix. I had a headache by the end. In spite of these imperfections, the arrangement is pretty good, there's sufficient subtlety in the partwriting. borderline YES
  24. strange, for me the track is 6 minutes long and it has an abrupt cut at the 1 minute mark back to the beggining. My biggest problem by far is the pads. they repeatedly play really ugly notes (specifically, the major 7th on what ought to be a dominant). This sounds not like deliberate tension, but an accident. I can't get past it. sorry. NO
  25. that dry guitar hurts. It would be less out of place if it were further back in the mix and perhaps had some really wet guitars to contrast with. In fact, all the guitars sound weak. Aside from that, the arrangement is fairly repetitive, and the drums also sound thin. beeef. NO
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