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Everything posted by Vig

  1. Everything about this mix sounds rough. The writing is mechanical and sounds loop-based. There's clearly a lot of ctrl+c and ctrl+v going on. The balance is poor..some frequencies are sorely lacking, while others are overwhelming. Sloppy production plus lazy writing = NO
  2. you set up an interesting groove, but when the melody comes in, first of all, it has nothing to do with anythign else that's going on in the song, and second of all, it sounds terrible. The vocal sample is dry and ugly. There's no harmony going on here. The melodies are pasted over the groove. This could have got the letter as far as I'm concerned. NO
  3. I'm suprised it's such an unusual feature. I've got a BENQ 24 inch widescreen LCD, on which you can change the settings to either strech the signal or maintain the ratio.
  4. I'd speculate the reason there's no sizzle is because it was perhaps recorded at 22khz..The intro is really crunchy. Is that intentional? It sounds pretty bad. Aside from that, I'd say the track is too monochromatic, crowded, and repetitive. What they said. NO
  5. Well-arranged. I would say there could be more stereo separation. I certainly don't have anything to say that's NO worthy. YES
  6. Vig


    Shpongle. Infected Mushroom.
  7. Wow..great sound, great sequencing, geat production (low level, though). I just wish there were more here. Please write more. NO
  8. never heard the original before. It's pretty cool. Oh! That's what it reminds me of! "Distractions" by Zero 7. You know, the track is really mono, you chould boost the bitrate up to 192 and reduce it to a mono track and save some space and increase fidelity. I don't know why larry's swooning about the piano tone; it's missing chunks of frequencies..I'm not counting that against the track, because it was clearly intentional, and it achieves it's purpose, but I wouldnt describe the tone as "beautiful." I think this is a nice piece, and really enjoy the style. My main problem with it is that it gets a bit repetitive. This is a rare case when a 3:30 song would be passable if it were only 2:30. Either that, or make the arrangement a little more dynamic. Either way, I'd like to hear you submit again, cause this is really close, in my opinion. NO
  9. The guitars really lack body. The piano delay is a bit too wet. You might consider sending the delay return to a different channel. The sequencing is also really mechanical, and the delay just hilights taht. The mix in general is lacking in low-mids. NO
  10. Off the bat that "nylon guitar" sounds like poo. It's also kind of shrill, you might consider dropping the part an octave, or at least changing the key. There's not much else going on. The slapback gets awfully irritating, and there's nothing going on in the mid or lowranges. NO
  11. Oh man, the intro does not fill me with confidence. That piano is sooo bare and mechanical. Ah, okay you're reharmonizing it, which works really well. I still wish it werent' so mechanical. oh no, it's a medley. Nonexistant transition. The string parts are boring. add harmony, add rhythm. anything. Saria's song is incredibly straightforward. You really need to interpret it more...you had some good ideas with the first track. Too straighforward. Make it your own. NO
  12. Ah...chocobos. How cute. The lead instrument bugs me a bit...you might choose something a little less grating. The writing is okay, if not revolutionary, until the halfway point where there's some real creativity that does a lot for the song. I agree that it's a bit short. I'd like to hear that middle idea revisited or expanded. NO
  13. Loving the dark piano harmonies right off the bat. However, the string sounds a little bare, I think you need a solo, not section sample for that part. The oboe isn't present enough. Oh man, this track is really well written and dark. I'm loving it, but those two problems really hurt. I'm torn as to whether it can pass anyway. Relatively easy fixes would get this to be supersolid in my book, so i'm going to go NO and say please resubmit
  14. I don't think the problem here is lack of reverb at all. The problem is that there isn't enough going on in the low range, which leaves a significant hole. With that in mind, the writing and sequencing is well done. Good dynamics and partwriting. Compositionally this is on a level much higher than what we usually get in the genre. In spite of the lacking bottom, the arrangement is rock solid. Don't see how I can say anything but YES
  15. Diggi's pianos always sound mechanically sequenced. It's part of his style. I don't know why this is a problem all of a sudden. The choir sample fits with this tyle, but I'm having a little more trouble digesting it. The beats are awesome. As to the more artificial sounding areas in general: He gets away with doing this stuff because there's plenty in here that doesn't sound mechanical. There's plenty of subtlety to contrast with the vox and acoustic piano, so they have a purpose and a function. When you listen to the drums, and the electric piano, the more mechanical stuff sticks out in a good way. Typical Diggi Dis. Beautifully concieved and executed. YES
  16. I was going to write off larry's comments about the drums (without exception he says the drums have no meat, regardless of how the drums actually sound), but This time he's actually right. Even for a metal track, in which drums are very frequently overshadowed by the guitars, they are awfully soft. The track isn't poorly concieved, but the arrangement is actually dumbed-down from the original. The chord progression is simplified, and there's generally less going on harmonically. This isn't necessarily a suprise coming from a metal remix, but questionable harmonic decisions are made in terms of how the chord progression is rewritten. The lead guitar doesnt cut through ver well. Make it louder. NO
  17. Awesome title. I think the synths at times are a little rough, and the writing/composition is definitely on the simple side. The piano part is really unrealistic and akward sounding. A lot of parts are kind of stepping on each other's toes. You need more space in the writing. NO
  18. oh man that lead synth is hideous. The sounds are rough, the composition is oversimplified, and it just drags. Start by changing the lead synth. NO
  19. Organ sounds good. Great intro. But it doesn't really go anywhere. I agree with DS; this sounds like the intro to a longer and more developed track. Keep what you have, but take it a lot further. NO
  20. Medleyitis, sure....at least the segments move in a good dynamic progression. No transitions. This would be more problematic, but what's here is really great. Doesn't really make much sense not to pass it. YES
  21. Great writing, great arrangement. I don't have a problem with the drums per-se, but I do feel like there's a hole, namely in the 250-500Hz range. Got to fill out the low-mids. That's a critical body range, and it does feel a little hollow without it. I dont think it would take much to complete this mix, and I wouldn't have a big problem if this passes,but I think it needs to fill that space. NO
  22. The solo piano is cool, but mechanically sequenced. Would sound a lot better if it were performed live. Too quantized, velocities too even. Guitars are...a shock. What's the crunching sound in the right channel? That doesnt' sound good..why is it there? As far as this section goes, the guitars need more mid/highs to cut through a bit more. The section where it slows down kicks ass. Although the mix gets really crowdd at this point, I think the second half of the track as a whole kicks ass. What you need to do is clean up the beginning, sweeten the piano sequencing. Give it more character. NO but please resubmit, this track has lots of asskicking potential
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