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Everything posted by Vig

  1. holy moly that's some sharp. Might be more tolerable, but the sax is waaay out front. push that back plz. The balance on the instruments is really bad, and it's distracting. the snare is way too quiet, the sax is WAAAAAY too loud. the arrangement aint bad, but you could introduce more ideas... worry about the mixing first. this is just waaay off balance and it's distracting me from the substance of the song. NO
  2. This is really sweet. The saxophone is great, and the piano comping is great. The arrangement is obviously just a 2 minute vamp on the 8 bar melody. But dont, my friends, make the mistake of thinking this is a cover/rip. The sax does much more than play the melody, and the piano and strings provide plenty of harmonic interpretation and dynamics. I think it could be longer, but there IS a dynamic curve. There's a crescendo and climax. I really dont know what else it needs. The only problem that NEEDS to be fixed is that it's too quiet. this should really not be too hard, so I'm going to say YES and lets email the guy about boosting the volume.
  3. The cradle track is a remix of the james bond theme, but it does at least have an original feel and some other original material. Meaning, theoretically i have no problem with a remix of that track being an OCReMix. This track aint bad. In the first half anway, the original track is clearly touched upon in the low piano riff at the very beginning and slow strings. However, in the second half, it's really just a remix of the bond theme with very no reference to the remixed goldeneye track. On the whole I feel the track is a little too reliant on the drums, and the rest of the material is rather thin. (see 1:30) NO
  4. Really like the interpretation. Great fusion adaptation. At times i feel like the guitars are a bit dry for my taste, and sometimes the soundfield feels a little empty, but the instrumentation and composition are great. YES
  5. off the bat, the guitar tone and performance need some work. the bass guitar should be much louder. I can barely hear it. Aside from that, there's little to no arrangement to speak of. This is just a simplistic three-piece cover. we gotsta have teh rearrangements. NO
  6. Right from the start that synth is really annoying. what is with the harmonic flub at 1:05...that's ugly. This track is very little besides original + drums + wrong notes. NO
  7. I'm quivering with anticipation. With an introduction like that, it must be a good track. The arrangement is very creative and evocative at times. Certainly a different spin on a popular track. The samples arent great, but they usually don't hurt. There are times when the string attacks are too slow for the part, and this sticks out. The first 2:00 is original material, with harmonic allusions to the original. This whole section is pretty strong. Then the track mellows out a bit, which kind of drags. I like how the melody is not the focal point of the mix. a lot of emphasis on harmony. However this technique is overdone, and the track sort of meanders without destination. However, overall the track has good dynamics. some of the lines arent well-written, lots of parallel octaves and such. I'm on the line on this one. I'll decide later
  8. glad that you plan to become active again. The lead instrument is not great, and the leads disappear behind the saws. Those saws are far too prominent; they are in-your-face the whole time and it gets tiresome. The vamping sections are pretty cool, but they are too simple and repetitive. You have a good foundation for the groove, but it never really changes. Work on sound design and making a more evolving groove. NO
  9. Apart from that, i suppose I'm out of my element here. It's too bad you didn't submit this when you made it 6 years ago, cause it would be an OCReMix right now. Unfortunately it now sounds quite dated both on the production and arrangement end. It's not bad, but it's too straightforward..there arent enough creative ideas presented, and it falls into beginner mistakes like lots of empty space in the arrangement (string section @ 4 min) And on the production end, the highs are notably missing, and the track ought to be louder. Among other things. NO
  10. as larry lasyas, this iss very straightrforward. Not much arrangement, repetitive, not much complexity. YOu must make the trakc your own, or at the very least use REALLY good samples or fat beets to tap into our groove/sample bias, etc. (that isa jooooooke) NO
  11. The intro reminds me of radiohead. The encoding is hurting the track, but there's really nothing to be done about that besides perhaps just boosting the high EQ. I'm at 2:00, and the track is really sounding like you ran a bandpass on it. There's no bass part, and the highs are cut. There's an audible bass guitar after 2:30, but then it slips away behind the mix again. I think you need to work with the bass EQ to make it more audible. The guitar performance is pretty good..definitely enjoyable. The arrangement and composition are pretty good, if pretty straightforward. The track gets rather repetitive. I think you could solve both of this track's problems by shortening it by a minute or two and boosting the encoding. It's really longer than it needs to be, and the encoding is really hurting the track. Hope you can fix this. NO
  12. really rough...the guitars make me sad. Some of the intentional distortion could work in moderation, but this is just really rough. A bass would be nice. so would high frequencies. NO
  13. The idea was thrown around a looong time ago. Ultimately there arent enough hours in the day. While I do care about how the community forums are administrated, I already spend way more time than I ought to thinking/talking about it, and really the panel, voting on remixes, setting the bar, and discussing musical policy, is WAAAY more important to me than forum administraiton could ever be. I loved the unmod community and was active in it periodically, but ultimately I'm here for the music. At some point down the line it might be important enough to me that i would want to be a community forum mod, but I don't see that happening anytime soon.
  14. For what it's worth (not much, obviously) I have been a vocal advocate for UnMod as a community and a forum for a long time. In the end this didn't amount to anything because literally NONE of the mods are sympathetic to the very concept. An unfortunate elitism, a prevailing attitude that people who post primarily in unmod are less important than the rest of the OCR fanbase, coupled with the understandable prejudice caused by interacting with "unmod" almost solely when retards would venture out to cause trouble has formed an OCR mod staff that has really no sympathy or understanding for unmod at any level. It's unfortunate. This has been a large part of the reason why things have been so out of control lately (the other part being that lots of people in unmod have reacted in an immature and unproductive manner). Dave's post doesnt suprise me at all. He has always been a bigger fan of unmod than anyone on the mod staff. As someone who has appreciated the unmod community over the years, I do have high hopes for offtop. And for the record, I think Coop would be a fantastic mod for that forum, and I have reccommended that he be considered for the position.
  15. Neither did I. Which is why we got suspicious in the first place.
  16. yeah, nothing more to be said. Simplistic and repetitive. MTV music generator might be sophisticated enough to produce the latest Hip Hop megahit about the female anatomy, but it's not sophisticated enough to make an OCReMix. NO
  17. Creativity > rehash. CT has a great OST. If that's what you're looking for, listen to that.
  18. Larry's right. This is a decently pulled-off adaptation, but there's very little original presented. and HOLY CRAP it's long. Just really not enough going to justify it. NO
  19. I think it's quite presumtuous to speculate what music might sound like in 1100 years. Yeah, i'm 2 minutes in and i'm really not hearing much zelda arrangement going on. It's pretty much a straightforward cover with fairly interesting drums. There's just not enough arrangement here. NO
  20. NSF + Samples etc? ah by 1:15 there's some new stuff going on. The arrangement is fairly straightforward, but the production is pretty slick. Yeah it's cheezy, but it's not as bad as larry makes it sound. NO
  21. Where's that picture of djp with "drums over it" to your credit, you change some aspects of the melody, etc, and you show at least some basic grasp of production techniques, but this is largely the original with drums over it. The subtle touches though, make me think you have more talent than this project showcases. NO
  22. This is great for a first submission. Some really good compositional and instrumental ideas. Surely enough though, there are a number of beginner mistakes. First problem I notice is that the the rhythmic lines, delays, and LFOs are quite repetitive and rhythmically tiresome. This problem is exacerbated after the 1:45-2 minute mark, when more delayed and LFOed synths come in, and by the end it sounds like there's an overpowering triplet pulse to the whole song. I thought the ELP section was a great interlude, but I noticed the cymbals were sequenced rather akwardly. Great composition as far as i'm concerned, and great arrangement, but you have to fix those little production issues. I hope to hear a resub, and I hope to hear more in the future. NO
  23. really missing highs/midhighs. I found the introduction scratching rather annoying, and the transition was sudden and akward. Not much in the way of arrangement, but there are some good bits; the performance is good, the concept is good. It sounds good when you come in with a second guitar in the right channel. I'd like to hear more stuff in the future from you. NO
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