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Everything posted by Vig

  1. I recognized the original immediately. Next thing i noticed was that the bass synth is really muddy. At 1:05 the balance is really bad. that synth..harmony i guess...you know, the only one that you can hear: not only is it way too loud, it's ugly as sin too. Track gets amazingly more enjoyable once it leaves. And then gets amazingly less enjoyable when it comes back. I can't get past that. start there. change that instrument. it sucks. balls out. NO
  2. I didnt listen to either of the previous submissions so hooray for fresh ears. The track is mixed way too quiet. there's a ton of headroom. The arrangement is pretty cool the whole way through. The samples are rough, but I'd say the problem is not the samples but how they are used. For instance, at 3:15 or so, the string/harpsichord line sounds awfully mechanical. I dont think the strings have a sharp enough attack. The arrangement again, is very good. I'm going to give this a YES conditional on compressing/maximizing the whole track so there is less headroom.
  3. I find it amazing how seriously you people take this game.
  4. Does russia even make cigars? Great arrangement. The accordian and the strings bug the hell out of me. I have decided to begrudgingly let it slide. YES
  5. This track is increidibly tight. Crisp production; excellent use of the stereo field, effects processing, and what I will fondly refer to as "moodular delivery." Some of the ducklike samples in the middle, and the guitar are kind of in questionable taste, but it's nothing bad enough to bring the mix below the line. Arrangement is lean and effective. No fat to trim. The track as a whole is well put-together. YES
  6. Wow, this is the first Skyblazer mix i've seen in my 4 years on the panel. Awesome soundtrack. This track is groovin to be sure. For realz, it's like, DRIIIIIVIN over the mountains n' shit. Unfortunately it's only 1:26, and what's here is strictly a cover, except for all 2 bars of that synth solo in the middle (which does kick ass, though). Expand, create, elaborate, bonerize. NO OCR needs more skyblazer love
  7. I did't hear the original version, so i'm coming in dry, and i'm sure as hell not gonna bother listening to the first version So we all know the vocal intonation is really bad. It's really distracting. Now don't take it personally; everyone's familiar with my vocal prowess, but there are flat notes, more irritating, notes you miss then slide up to, and worst of all, really out of tune harmonies. Jill is right that there are some serious timing issues. It sort of sounds like you're speeding up and slowing down at random points. However this problem is secondary to me. fix the vooocals first. NO
  8. yikes that guitar doesnt sound like a guitar at all. Mechanical sequencing. all the samples in fact are very cheap sounding and mechanically sequenced. The arrangement shows promise, although at 1:06 you are playing two different chords at the same time. pick one. This happens repeatedly in the turnaround. The mechanical sequecning kills it for me NO
  9. hahaha, you really do sound like thom yorke (SP) The drums are sparse in a sloppy sort of way, as is the piano. the reverse effects work well. The arrangement definitely could have been beefed up in sections, but the vocals work really well for me, so it's good enough. YES
  10. Holy shit that is a giant sexy organ. Have you ever had the chance to play it? That thing must sound awesome!
  11. pay attention? larry doesnt even listen to the remixes. He just randomly selects from a pool of epic-length stock votes and assumes no one will read them too closely. Obviously the system doesnt work if you actually read the votes.
  12. not bad, but there are a lot of things you could work on to smooth it out. The whole thing is mixed too low. The instruments, both samples and synths sound primative. this is partly a function of processing...lack of reverb, etc. the solo violin sounds particularly bare. The track is also fairly simple from an arrangement standpoint. there's very little going on harmonically all the way through. the violin line at the 2 minute mark is harmonically primitive, playing parallel octaves with the bass synth. not bad, keep working NO
  13. the 1/4 note line in the beginning bugged me, but it sounds okay in the context of the rest of the song. Great texture overall. I like the transition to the guitar section. Could be a little more full at this point, but it's no big deal. The whole way through I hear all kinds of references to other songs...let it be, everlong, the empire carpet commercial. This is a pretty easy YES
  14. Am i the only one hearing the guitar behind the beat much of the time? the drums sound very weak right up front. I agree with zircon that this feels like 2 minutes of material streched out. the arrangement is enjoyable enough, but too repetitive. Aside from that, the drums and bass hurt the track to some degree, and the guitar performance could be tightened up. borderline, but NO
  15. You lay some good textures from time to time in this track,but on the whole, the arrangement is too sparse. In an ambient piece one would expect the ideas to be slow to develop, but here they really dont develop at all. there's a little bit of movement halfway through, but it goes as suddenly as it comes. there are lots of melody lines which sound rather akward, but don't have any harmony behind them. i think this track needs more direction. NO
  16. the samples are not up to the tasks they are assigned. attacks are too slow for the parts. there's a glitch at :55. the arrangement is really sparse. (see 1:40). there's really just not enough going on here arrangement wise. NO
  17. groovy. Enjoyable. Here are some things to work on.. off the bat the piano part is a bit too complicated...sounds unnatural. although there's some good arrangement in terms of groove, horns, piano fills the track is mostly a cover. needs more substantial arrangement. Shows promise though, and a good first mix. NO
  18. The samples hurt but the arrangement is very strong, particularly the second half. The piano sequencing is a bit dry, as is some of the string/horn partwriting. lots of parallel octaves. On the whole, very enjoyable. YES
  19. I'm not a fan of the retriggering effect on the guitar. The glitch effects are waaay overdone in my opinion, and they distract from the fact that the song is kind of repetitive. As I said before, the effects would be cool if used correctly, but they are used too much, and too often the samples are retriggered way off the beat. I didnt have any real problems with compression or volume, but I was litening on headphones. I think the glitch effects really need retooling. NO
  20. This is good stuff. Creative and well-produced. Gotta say though, and I'm sure this won't come as a suprise to anybody, but at 1:30 this is short. It's not really lacking anything in particular, but It's really a bit underdeveloped for an OCReMix. NO
  21. difficult track to remix. This track is really plodding. There are some cheap-sounding guitar samples, and lots of percussion. LOTS of percussion. I think the percussion would be a bit more interesting if there were a bit more stereo separation, and if they different drums sounded...well..different. with the same distortion on everything, there's really not much variety. sounds like a big distortion mud. Aside from that, the original soundtrack is only nominally involved with the track. little going on in terms of arrangement. NO
  22. those strings are hurting right away. The attack sounds really artificial. Throughout the piece they are playing lines that are too fast for the attack. Furthermore they are too far out front and sound too harsh. The lack of a bass part is noticeable. the track sounds shrill on the whole. Lot of sonic problems need to be addressed. NO
  23. heh..havent heard that roland airy flute sample for a while. sounds dated these days. Yikes, after about 1:45 there's lots of crunch. check your levels..that amount of distortion isn't okay. there are some decent textures, but the arrangement tends to go from too dense and muddy to too sparse. I also think the beats could afford to be louder. This has good going for it, like i said, some of the textures are great. Fix up that distortion, and pay attention to the soundfield. try to identify when the frequencies are too packed and get muddy. subtract to clean. NO
  24. the drums are definitely on the cheesy side. However this track is pretty solid. The arrangement does use a lot of different melodies, but the transitions are natural and they lend some dynamics to the track. the guitar performance is good, and the left/right setup works great. The guitars provide excellent counterpoint to each other. The track is fairly simple and straightforward but htere's really not a lot to complain about. YES
  25. I think you are wrong about the trend of the site, but at least you have the taste to point out two of the best remixes we have posted recently.
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