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Silent Mike

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Everything posted by Silent Mike

  1. I added everyone in the database. Hoping to get fun good matches out of this
  2. So uh, I have the american version early. Anyone down for a match? And can jap versions can play against US versions?
  3. I've tried to copy my brawl data to an SD card and the wii wouldn't allow it. Apparently it's not just me, they made it so games with wifi block the copying of game files through sd cards. Which sucks cause I can't copy my friend's file with all the characters we got together.
  4. I may or may not be trying out for this clan thing. We'll see. Does anyone play this game with the classic controller? How well does that work out, compared to the gamecube controller?
  5. http://www.gamestop.com/gs/ssbb/tournament/ssbbtourney_rules.asp Have fun with those timed one minute matches.
  6. This video shows some kind of bowser glitch that lets him attack repeatedly in the air by cancelling the koopa claw with a jump right before landing, I think. http://www.gametrailers.com/player/usermovies/175036.html Don't know about it's practicality, but looks cool.
  7. I know there's one already out there, but do you mind uploading the Halberd theme since you have a better quality version? Also thanks for the Fire Field song.
  8. Can you up the F-Zero tracks? I think Fire Field might be in there.
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zMQuZqbMQlU&feature=user Dark World theme from LttP.
  10. Done. In Target Test. This guy too. I'm getting these from this youtube account.
  11. Two HIDDEN Characters fight one another. Spoilers: WW Link vs Ganondorf. Both still seem to be clones, but with their own unique animations and stuff, like Luigi.
  12. The Japan Dojo has a different video with Snake, Kirby, Mario and Ike. http://www.smashbros.com/jp/gamemode/wi-fi/wi-fi06.html Also, new japanese commercials shows off stage creator and some new SSE clips.
  13. I have a Mac, but I can use a PC too. I don't get why people get so defensive about this stuff, it's just computers and shit. Who cares what other computers and OS's are being used by other people?
  14. A Luigi's Mansion stage would be pretty cool.
  15. New videos of the Halberd at IGN. Complete with sweet Bowser body slams. http://media.wii.ign.com/media/748/748545/vids_1.html Anyone know what song is playing in the background?
  16. Photos from TGS about Snake:
  17. There are also two versions of Wario. One with a bike and one without. It's not like he's gonna pull the bike out of nowhere, that'd be silly.
  18. Uhhhh I was being facetious about snake... But I was talking about the STARTING line up, not including hidden characters. I thought there was a general agreement that snake would be an unlockable or something.
  19. Snake's in this game?
  20. I hope it's one of those and not the newer song they used in Squeak Squad. So I noticed something in the "Characters" page of the Dojo: Now all of this is just speculation, but ASSUMING that the starting line up for newcomers and vets are going to be an even 8 vs 12 respectively, to make the characters page even, then there are only two newcomers and one more vet to reveal. If that WERE the case, Captain Falcon is the only vet that needs to be revealed. It would also support the theory that Lucas is replacing Ness as a newcomer. Which would leave just one more newcomer to reveal for the starting line up. Either someone new or Metaknight, if he ends up not being unlockable. Also, it means that Luigi and Jigglypuff are still secret characters, like in the last two games. Along with any other secret characters from Melee. I don't know if I'm the first to post this or not, but I can see this happening. Then again, I don't know if Sakurai would actually plan out the roster to accommodate an evenly organized characters page of the website.
  21. They were both part of the Four Horsemen along with Benoit and Eddie Guerrero back in WCW and WWF.
  22. Dean Malenko and Perry Saturn better watch their asses.
  23. I really hope they include the Stage 1 song from Star Fox Assault. The game was mediocre but that song would work really well in Smash.
  24. Bananaphone What Is Love
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