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Everything posted by V___

  1. In four Saturdays, this thing is happening. I still have to get confirmation from everyone other than myself and Fireman Joe. KEEP THIS THREAD ALIVE PEOPLE, and offer information, various tit bits (hahaha) of knowledge, etc
  2. Wow, seems like 100% of voters support the 30th!!! Ok, 30th it is, suck to be you if you cant make it. Whos bringing friends?
  3. http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=9813 We pre-empted your request
  4. Usually, if I'm inspired to mix, Im grabbed by a 1-2 bar riff from a song. I'l take that and put it down, and improvise on the rest. Commonly I'l change the chord progression to suit my imrpovised ideas. Usually I screw with the rhythm of those 1-2 bars too. Its rare that I bring in the 2nd theme from the original, instead making one up that fits my mood. So when Iv finished the 'mix', it has near the begining of the 'theme' something that vaguely resembles the start of the original song, and the rest is pretty much made up from scratch. Personally, I start thinking 'yeh thats an original'; It has little taken from the original, not even the same chord progressions. However, the INTENTION was to make a remix, and I do use 6-8 notes in the same order as the source. So I'm conflicted as to wether I can call it my own work. Drawing a comparison to another artform, painters may draw inspiration from anothers painting, and then create their own works which has a similiar motif in pattern or colour. They may even sketch an object from the original and use it as a pivot in the artwork. But at what point can the original claim ownership of the inspired work?
  5. If I win, I'l donate the money to Liontamer for a YES vote (btw, the Scumball song IS progressing, I'l PM it to ya when I get it to a higher quality level)
  6. I probably wouldnt have set this up as a competition. Request forums are good for this kinda thing, with a title like 'Kingdoms Hearts I'l pay $$$$' and put details in there. I'm thinking bout remixing it, but I wouldnt accept cash, but I also dont have alot of time (work n all) Good luck with this though.
  7. ;( I mixed this a long time back and did a crap job, but thats all I can hear in my head. Stupid request forums.... Plus this is too complex for a quick joke mix.
  8. You guys need to decide by Monday... If nothing is decided, I'l vote-break, and that means it sticks with the 30th. Who else is bringing stuff? Check the list at the bottom of the first page....
  9. I'm suprised FJ's peice wasnt as well received... Seriously, the lyrics were stupid/crazy as hell! How can you resist 'I dont run Windows, its a crappy OS, Custom made colour coded woodblocks for me thanks'. I'l get him to paste the full lyrics in here.... That said, Analoq's was quite tasty, looking forward to next PRC: WTF may be joining in
  10. If any of you guys wanna come fly cross to Aussieland, more than happy to invite you to our meet out of pity....
  11. Hmmm... On one hand, moving it forward a week would allow an Adelaide-ian to join our group, so we could have someone to laugh at about their backwards ways... On another hand, moving it forward a week allows DunnoWhatHuh to fully attend, his study woes releived. On the third hand (or limb), keeping it as is is kinda cool, cos last time we met was 1st July 2006... it was a great way to usher in the financial new year, and closing it off the same way would bring tears to my eyes, if not just because I have to look at FJ again.... *shudder* DATE!!! WHAT DATE DO WE CHOOSE!!!! Choose quick
  12. Aww I was expecting cheesy trance.... Regardless, very awesome entries from what Iv heard so far. Will register then vote EDIT: umm... I just submitted my vote, and got a little 'Vote saved' message, which is all fun and dandy... but the ability to vote again turns up down the bottom. Programmers may want to check that out. If I revote, would that submit a new vote, or overwrite my old vote... in which case I'd want to have the ability to check out my old vote. Other than that, very nice interface, nice work on the suggestion analoq.
  13. I'l bring my laptop, my DS, and Wiimote. Laptop has Reason 3.0 and ACIDpro, but I'l need good headphones and a mic to go with em. The hardest thing to get is gonna be the Dreamcast... It has the best fighting games imo (Marvel vs Capcom, Powerstone), but we have SSBM I guess. Any GC/Wii fighting games worth mentioning/requesting?
  14. Yay! Very nice timing... I was needing some new songs... Plus a Malcos album has (once again) inspired me back into a musical mindframe. I'm really digging 'Skint for the Rest of the Month'. That powerful bass and the sweet strings mix really well, and its such a wonderful change when the piano solo comes in at 1:20. I'v already started trying to 'remix' this 'And You Will Never Change', 'Cognitive Dissonance Expired', and 'Beneath the Cool Exterior' definatly need a mention as well.
  15. To be snide, if you did come here every day you'l notice the regular appearance of threads just like this. Anyway, they prompt the same responses all the time 1. There are mixes, check the WiP forums 2. There are a number of TP mixes in the judges queue http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=8897 <-- check it, it has a link to a WiP of mine for Midna's theme that I'm not finishing .
  16. Ok, cool, so I'm hearing interest, thats happiness. I'm not hearing confirmation of the date or time however... Anyway, heres a list of things we'l want brought for the day, put your name next to what you'l bring (list a game if its not on there and you wanna bring it): NINTENDO WII EQUIPTMENT Wii 1 - Watkinzez Wii 2 G: Warioware - Watkinzez G: Rayman Wii - Watkinzez G: Monkeyball - Watkinzez G: DBZ G: Wii Sports - Watkinzez G: Super Smash Brothers GC + memory card w save data - Watkinzez G: Misc Gamecube Games - FiremanJoe Remotes - Watkinzez (2) - V (1) GC Controllers - Watkinzez (2) - FiremanJoe (2) SEGA DREAMCAST Dreamcast G: ?? Controllers NINTENDO DS DS - V (1) - FJ (1) Games (NOTE: I have a flash cart, so I'l bring a DVD with misc things to load onto it) MISC Laptop w/ Music Composition software - V USB or 3.5 jack Microphone Headphones DVD/CDs to share - V, FiremanJoe
  17. DATE: Saturday, 30th June 2007 TIME: 10:00 - 10:30 LOCATION: Sydney Town Hall steps WHOS IN(terested) SO FAR: V Fireman Joe Akujamo Belmont Watkinzez DunnoWhatHuh (100% confirmed) Chaotix Yeh, we all caught up last year, and liked it so much WE DECIDED TO DO IT AGAIN!!!! Or I just decided it would be nice and booked that day. Has to be that day, I'm afraid, so give a yell if your interested in joining. The plan is to meet up at around 10 - 10:30, go to Galaxy Zone or somewhere like that, Mommas Kitchen for lunch (with reservations), then Iv arranged a place for gaming. We have to arrange for items to be brought for maximum enjoyment. No drugs or alcohol however, sorry... Also, shall point out this is not an OCR meetup, it just happens to be acouple of people who may visit here occasionally. But as we'r all such social creatures and have no problems with meeting new people, if your in the area on the day, stop by n say hi! Lets use this thread to rollcall, discuss the day, and list things to bring on the day. Okay? Okay. Good stuff.... Oh kaaaay...
  18. Sorry, havnt been too active with my peice here, I'l get on it when I'm re-inspired... hate music drive lulls...
  19. pft fuck that then... effort for no/little reward? If i wanted that, I'd go volinteer to look after dementia patients....
  20. I might be entering this as a collab partner.... WOW THIS SOURCE IS REALLY GOOD, WHOEVER CHOSE IT MUST BE A CHAMPION!! owait I'm not logged in as my alt...
  21. Where are all the msgs of congratulations? My band lost an album deal cos you guys wernt suportive....
  22. DO I WIN YET!? =(: - D) <(o_-(>/*($92Nke
  23. look at the char limit!!
  24. I should so get compensation bonus points if I'm the only person who did somthing within the timelimit...
  25. Well over the last week or so, I got a group of guys together. I'm not big on guitars or anything usually, but I started practicing, and wasnt too bad, and neither were my friends. So we started a band called the Ripup Shreds. Hit it big time, we released a single, went top 10 in my town. Then, at our Friday gigs, we ripped out this Eek remix. The crowd went wild. Was pretty good, and luckily a local radio show was recording the gig, so we have a copy for PRC submission! What do you think of my improv near the end? http://vmeissner.googlepages.com/rockcrap.mp3 (winbydefaultwinbydefaultwinbydefaultwinbydefaultwinbydefaultwinbydefaultwinbydefaultwinbydefaultwinbydefaultwinbydefaultwinbydefault)
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