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Everything posted by V___
:lol::lol: link plz!
Id just like a dedicated computer and a desk really... I used to have this setup (mid-late '07), but its changed a bit now; basically get rid of the piano, put the audio card and all the midi controllers in a box in the back of a cupboard, discard the speakers and you got my current setup (a laptop)
Yay, my video game spoof is finally finished!
V___ replied to RETROMAN's topic in General Discussion
Seconded But overall, enjoyable! Loved the facial expessions!! Will check out your other stuff later -
hahahah This is like a racing game time trial, cept every time the clock gets to 10 seconds left, an additional 20 minutes is added.... Meh, I'm almost tempted to pull my track; my styles changed and my processing has improved, so its almost embarrasing to know that in the future a sub-standard track will be distributed
...That is an awesome quote!!
PRC119: Embark on a Journey of Re-Orchestration! (Tales of Symphonia)
V___ replied to Rexy's topic in Competitions
oh **** you all!! (cept for those wonderful people that voted me first! [and yes there were ... one] ) Not quite the bang I expected from 904s debut but hey you all have no taste anyway. Said with love [/bitter] Still havnt listened to anyone elses tune yet, i'l jump on that now. Congrats (pending) for Showroom Dummy! EDIT: Hmm not quite how my vote would go... Given originality of my track however dont necessarily disagree with my placing. Showroom Dummy - Loved the premise, and the opening is awesome on headphones BinWeasle - hahaha liked the weasel image... loved that bass NeoS - Awesome happy hardcore, beautiful bass and compression! xGx - This followed the happy hardcore nicely, crank the tempo! 904 - ... me!.... yay!.. Just64helpin - Downtempo, cool i'l give you a quick 'in depth' on yours (as per your 3post above req) First, the guitar velocity shouldv been altered more to allow it more of a groove. Also you chose 3 instruments that cluster in the higher ranges (guitar, keys, vibes) leaving the middles unexplored. Fine in itself, but then the accordian enters its too loud on the low-middle freqencies, and the theme suddenly gets this droaning behind it. This can be fixed by turning down the volume slightly and/or adding more reverb and/or EQ and/or getting a new instrument (my choice personally). When the piano enters, its very filtered, and suddenly the song looses its high end. A brighter piano wouldv been nice; an EQ boost or alt samples. The sounds are very repetitive too, you might try changing em up ocassionally, variety in the high hats too. Overall, the progression/composing was good and constant, but the sounds need to be alot more processed; lower ends filtered slightly, brighter but nice highs (dont overpolish), and more balance between the volumes. Pretty much what Rexy said, Munchi - "I think what let you down was..." your song is like fuzz. Personally i find it cool, cos I visualize the soundwave like a fungus with the occasional flick up. I like the pickup with the bass actually, i was a little wtf with that opening. The song had some energy, but totally didnt feel upbeat, very conflicting. Overall, song just dragged, I cant really pick anything out to fix up because it was all just ... together. Like a fungus on a rock. Carnivorous fungus... it pounces on snails to feed.... REXY: ahhh Rexy.... gotta say, its quite admirable your dedication to this compotition. Well written critiques too. Thank you for all the work you put into PRC !!! Cant imagine what would happen to this comp if you left.... (and yeh, the genre stuff gets annoying, to each their own) Oh and as for my track, yeeeeh I didnt really listen to the source more than once, just ripped the opening off the midi XD I might change the violin sequencing, thicken up the sounds, add extra layers, and rerelease as an original later. Might try again next week, cyas -
PRC119: Embark on a Journey of Re-Orchestration! (Tales of Symphonia)
V___ replied to Rexy's topic in Competitions
VQ does downtempo stuff. V___ does mediocre stuff V_gasm does joke mixes This is serious. This is fun. This is fast, dirty, happy. NEW. This is.... 904 Seriously, one of my favorite songs done so far, and the first ever production release for me as 904. Enjoy!! (i do!) -
PRC119: Embark on a Journey of Re-Orchestration! (Tales of Symphonia)
V___ replied to Rexy's topic in Competitions
HAHHAHAA, this is totally happy ass stuff! I'm gonna see what I can whip together before I leave. Warning: no idea what genre this is going to be, Iv been pretty eclectic with my tastes recently (hard electro friday night, porcupine tree last night, and I'm about to go to a DnB event soon ) -
A point I thought I'd quickly drop in: I beleived the 'songs' were actually a language rather than a tune. Check out http://web.mit.edu/newsoffice/2006/whales.html Also, not a fan of the football/hunting aurochs metaphor; I'd be more likely to mirror it with fighting for tribe leadership. As for the effect music has on the brain; well.... .... I like a short story by Arthur C Clark, cant remember the name, about a group of aliens (called the overloads) watching humans and trying to understand the 'meaningless tonal patterns' we preoccupy ourselves with.Personally I dont think the question of what does music provide us is a good question to start with. Its a logical falacy; music can provide us with many things, however we dont know what it is we're looking for. Ultimately I beleive human beings, at a mental level, exist purely to receive stimulus, and music is just one of the many stimuli available. It is however, the most efficient form of auditory stimuli; no conscious analysis or interpretation is required, constant yet changing to keep the stimulation fresh, with the added bonus of memory (genetic included) being triggered for emotional reactions (additional stimulation). Growth of music is based on the fact/concept that repetition reduces enjoyment, and so we need new ways to envoke old emotions (which brings up a snide yet fun discussion as to pop music who listens to it and why). We also exist in the physical however, so music also serves the purpose of communication which allows the body to access further stimulation for other areas of the brain. TL;DR version: IMO, brain likes music cos its mindless and continuous and stuff. EDIT: 1. I'm kinda fucked up today, so sorry if I'm not totally coherent 2. ShadowWolf: Theres a book released recently i think called 'Musicophilia' by Oliver Sacks (popular psychologist/author, wrote 'The man who mistook his wife for a hat'). Havnt got a copy yet, but knowing him it'l have some details of the neurochemistry when listening to different types of music (excellent author, great topics, highly recommend 'Anthropologist on Mars' as well)
Global-Trance - Thoughts on a Shoreline (DJ Set)
V___ replied to Global-Trance's topic in General Discussion
I promised a mix, so you get a mix (of lower quality, but I'l redeem myself next time). New thread, cos I dont want to invade GTs turf http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?p=393597 -
Global-Trance - Thoughts on a Shoreline (DJ Set)
V___ replied to Global-Trance's topic in General Discussion
Ahhh.... I'm home from work, had a shower, gonna have a drink or 3 and then gonna get on the decks Got a decent set lined up, now I hope I can execute it well (if my fingers are weak, I'l try again tmorrow). I'l make a new thread in OffTop for this, link you all up when its done. EDIT: Ugh, that ... didnt go too well. Final mix tomorrow -
Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooothing....... You?
Global-Trance - Thoughts on a Shoreline (DJ Set)
V___ replied to Global-Trance's topic in General Discussion
Sweet, positive responses! I'll start planning up a set. I'l have to find someone to host the mp3 when its done though.... (Ooo i have some good tunes in mind.... ) Expect this within the week -
I'l do one of my minimal interpretations for this one (mabey)... theres too much to it
Global-Trance - Thoughts on a Shoreline (DJ Set)
V___ replied to Global-Trance's topic in General Discussion
Nice set GT! How interested are people in an electro/breaks set? I have some awesome tunes I'd be interested in sharing... -
Damn, sorry, forgot about this PRC Hahahahah, I can barely remember how this goes... And that was a mates voice, Fireman Joe, not me. Should have mentioned that in the credits.... Wow, thanks for the votes guys! listening to the other songs now; loving the entries, shame I didnt get back here til now! My vote wouldnt have made a difference to the placings anyway... See you all next PRC!!
djpretzel 6 hour coding-fest appreciation
V___ replied to DarkeSword's topic in Site Issues & Feedback
I understand the point of this thread, and I never said anything about not appreciating the effort put in by DJP. I simply stated that I thought Pezmans comment was justified, after you simply dismissed his post calling him a jerk, rather than responding with some sort of valid argument. Its similiar to the childhood arguments where one will call the other ugly or stupid, something along those lines not responding on the topic, and the child is deemed to have 'won' the argument despite unless the other responds in a similiar manner (which isnt possible on a forum vs a mod). Rather than just calling him names you could have made comments like Dave and yourself just did, or simply ignored his post. My assumption would be that the wording of the original post may have prompted Pezmans response; I wouldnt neccessarily have 'thanks' for DJP for this recent coding binge (unless I knew what I'm thankful for), however I am (and have been since the discovery of this site) thankful/appreciative of DJPs continued efforts on this site. TlDr; I was simply pointing out that Pezmans point was a valid one, and DS's response to Pezman was unnecessary and unsatisfactory imo. DJP: Sorry, that post was directed toward DS, and was not meant the way you read it. Regardless of what you have been/are doing, you still get lots of thanks for this website, for future and retroactive efforts. Thank you, and again apologies for the miscommunication. -
djpretzel 6 hour coding-fest appreciation
V___ replied to DarkeSword's topic in Site Issues & Feedback
I'd say the basis of his comment is justified -
I thought SonicTeam had found the best design with 'Sonic and the Secret Rings', and I liked SA2 to some extent. So far this seems like a step backward...
DONE!! Its... unique Oi!! Oz boy! Where bouts you at? I can see your house from here EDIT: AHAHAH!!! Awesome awesome track dude! Nice bass, is that sampled or synthisized?
20xx isnt that far away I'm gonna try a 1-hour thingo. Prepare to have your ears bleed, my default genre of choice is no longer listener friendly. Now lets go listen to the source...
Agreed, that as a concept is excellent and should logically happen. However, lets look at reality: We'l find alot more music pirates getting their way onto the stage to play the tried-and-tested tunes of last year. Granted, with the US club scene as I know it, that would still be a step up, but internationally it'd be backward....
I dont like the full digital setup. I cant imagine it 'feeling' the same, especially seeing as if you have a compy there for a performance, why not do a truely live set. On the plus, youd have alot more control over what your playing, and if your a producer, you can have a bit more fun. That said, not a fan of vinyl (outdated imo). With so many good tracks available as MP3/FLAC (seriously, check out Beatport <3) why limit yourself to the medium. Personally, I got 2 x CDJ1000 and a DJM-800, and I'm happy with that. I'm just an amateur bedroom DJ, but I think the setup gives me versitility and I'm confident I can use other equiptment (cept vinyl, need more practice there). I'd highly recommend them, however depending on your type of music the DJM600 might be preferable (sampler vs additional effects). I mix chunky electro and electro trance mostly, so I like abusing the effects (added bonus: it sounds good!) My biggest problem is sorting tracks Theres actually a thread in the tech section if anyone can help... http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?p=387143
Long story short; I have a system in place for archiving etc, the concept is good but I have no idea how to implement it (my networking skills are... 'lackluster'). I have 3 steps I cant get working, plz help Both compys are XP EQUIPTMENT * Laptop 1 - 'Daedalus' (media/home) * Laptop 2 - 'Loki' (mobile) * Ext Harddrive - 'Minos' * Wireless network - 'Hydra' STEP 1. Whenever I set anything to download from Loki, it downloads onto/via Daedalus. So if I a torrent to run, it saves to Minos and runs on Daedalus. If I download a file, it downloads via/to Daedalus (optional). I was thinking mabey if remote network access Daedalus and run the program or something along those lines? STEP 2 I manually copy the files I want to archive/sort to Loki, and sort them out. ATM my laptops both access Hydra but cant see each other. STEP 3 Regularly, Daedalus checks Loki for new/updated files and copies them to the same location onto Minos. No idea how to set this up. Thanks if you can help!