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Everything posted by V___

  1. Ok, so heres what happened: I started my MMX tune again, by copying the chord progression (1 1 4 5). I then proceeded to grow on this. I then added new material. Then for the duration of the production I forgot I was remxing another song. On the positive, the new song sounds AWESOME (sample: http://vmeissner.googlepages.com/MMXXA.mp3) The ochrono trigger one (nicknamed 'oh hello failed synths') has been uploaded as an entry
  2. Thinking that myself, and feeling guilty about it seeing as I so strongly requested a 2nd song... I'm working on mine now. I WILL finish.... i will finish....
  3. ... Almost.... done with the Chrono Trigger track. I'm gonna do a quick one on MMX credits or whatever; I gotta restart from scratch its painfully gone...
  4. 2 great acheivements: 1. Releasing my first CD last year 2. Recently changing styles from downtempo chill/ambient to hard dance/chunky electro, and getting used to the style very quickly, because I had the patience over the last 2 years to learn about synthesis, compression, etc, things which I persevered with - now THATS satisfaction; when you realize your knowledge is greater than you thought
  5. My original MMX track fucked up; I heavily compressed it then made alterations then compressed again, altered again, and then started EQ'ing like crazy. End result: completely fucked instruments. i'm gonna have to restart it.... Chrono Trigger... well lets just say my interpretation of the source is very very liberal Hmm, well couple more days left....
  6. Sweet, so we have no idea what its supposed to represent and what we're meant to do with it or anything? We just try and find some sort of continuity? If so I SOLVED IT!! It is: Earth Wind and Fire, the 70's/80's band Air - Wind of the name Springs - Sprung out into popular culture Light - they were an bright idea/new style Compass - they had direction Needle - they hit the exact spot Clouds - where you feel when listening to the music Sparklers - represents their showy style Space - Spaced out on drugs with the music Samurai - requires patience and focus, as with musical training Bomb - What they were/are Death - the inevitable demise Indian - Theyr dress sense Crash - the inevitable demise Happy - theyr music style Flame - Fire of the name I can keep going, but I they all fit logically. That was fun lets do another one!! My turn: Hammer, Bison, Biscuit, Icon, Tail, Record. GO GO GO!!!
  7. ... I thought this was going to be a joke link.... looks pretty cool though
  8. THIS GAME IS GOD 100% This made my year I recommend good breaks, seriously...
  9. Wait a second... I write all my music on my laptops, I dont even have a desktop. I use my good headphones on the laptop and have monitors hooked up to a soundcard with my decks which I check my final copy on. My quality isnt pro, but its not terrible, and my laptops is cheap (Dell) (well, expensive Dells, but still a Dell with onboard sound). Dont assume its just the laptop, do some comparisons, with both headphones and speakers.
  10. Yours is DK pass right? >_> ... I'l take it if you dont want it....
  11. Well well well..... My Chrono Trigger track is progressing MARVELOUSLY! **monocle** Nice growth, good sound, I'm happy with it. I'm completely revisiting my processing on the MegamanX track; structure might change minutely, but its gonna be fun imo
  12. Shes lying We all hate your work We organize picnics to sit around and mock your wips
  13. Fixed for eternal accuracy (where "X" = anything) HIDDEN MSG: I like rap, but I just love making generalized statements EDIT: Insert var %artist Insert var %artist_release_date Insert var %lyrics define var %age IF(%artist_release_data>TODAY()-2years) THEN "old" ELSE "new" PRINT "The STFU part slightly reminds me of that %age rap group %artist and their song called %lyrics where they quite literally just repeated "%lyrics" over and over again.
  14. ..... Hi, yeh, dont have the compo when I can join in or anything... ()
  15. I might do my 1 hour compo entry thing Saturday morning
  16. An aussie in PRC? Unheard of!
  17. Very I promise not to disappoint. Thanks!! EDIT: HOSHIT!!! Just listened to it!! XD This is gonna be awesome!
  18. Oh I'm not being snippy or anything about it, its just that my usual work process is major structural layout in 3-4 sessions, then all the processing/ornaments over the next months. I dont remix seriously often, I just saw this as a good way to get me focused on it, for a period with a purpose (sating others requests). Otherwise I have no drive to mix: game music isnt sentimental for me, its just a challenge. And comon, an opportunity to pimp a WIP out in a popular thread... who says no! EDIT: and the thought of MIDI-ripping makes me sterile for extended periods of time EDIT2: HEY!! thats not the smiley I wanted! SADFACE! SADFACE!!
  19. so in other words the next mixes I do are unofficial (well theres no way I'm only working on production for 1 song for a whole month) "Half-assed?" I think not... needs processing though :\
  20. Dnt be so sure: Iv already almost finished the layout for my track (processing will take the whole month, but I'ld get bored just twisting knobs and hearing the same thing on repeat), and Iv always wanted to mix somthing from SA... How do you classify a hard request? Anythings possible with a little creativity... I dunno, I guess I came here imagining abstract requests, and my track is anything but.... its got a tune harmony beat and a concrete chord progression, I guess I just dont feel too challenged (freshly). I'm not gonna reroll, cos Iv pretty much finished my current, but if you could give me an idea of a hard request, I might snidely turn up the corner of my mouth, glare my eyes and nod my head as if I'v just been challenged to a duel in a cliche western...
  21. I'v already laid out about a 1/3 of my track. Different style to my usual, but i'm confident....
  22. hey i know that name!! (yay for mixing memorable characters theme!)
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