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Everything posted by V___

  1. I REFUSE TO BE ON A PROJECT WITH THIS MAN!! *snub* naa I kid, wanna beer?
  2. Only reason I came in here is cos I had my own mix of this I made a while ago, which I never really released. Heres an old version of this I still had uploaded: http://vmeissner.googlepages.com/ForestFinal4.mp3 Taucer was going to do guitar but apparently forgot about me... Your mix is, honestly, nice. Arrangement isnt outstanding: the bassline pattern is pretty much the same, as is song structure, and the piano alterations are obvious, though personally I liked them. Sound quality wise, I cant say too much because I'm on bad speakers, but the reverb is just touching on a bit much. The balance between instruments isnt bad at all, however i feel the piano could be brought out more. The piano could also be more defined, it sounds a little fuzzyish to me. The guitar having the string slide sound so in front was a bit off putting to me, especially with the delay on it. I can feel the peice building into a ...(climax doesnt seem a fitting word) ... 'eruption of warmth n sound', as cheesy as that sounds (stfu, I'm sick and out of it). All in all, I'd say arrangment is too weak for OCR but given their recent passes, i'd say if you focus on sound quality and realism, this should get on. The major thing holding it back would be the realism of the piano. Nice track, and good luck
  3. Vote V_gasm for VICTORY!! Cos I cant
  4. Need a hear a MIDI or MP3 before I can do a remix! Eh? Please provide
  5. Crap. I've been looking at this thread and I dont think I'll be able to win by default. Again Sigh
  6. Link me a midi (preferable) or somthing, might try somthing out.
  7. I made this in an hour or 2 yesterday Much fun http://vmeissner.googlepages.com/V_Gasm-Crapboy.mp3 The sample is from GregZor from OLR... hes saying 'Living with me scurvy'. just fyi
  8. ... *checks date* *checks thread* ... Well.. still no feedback from LT... I listened to my track again, dont think its gonna make the quality level, soo heres what I'd done so far... Anyone got any feedback? http://vmeissner.googlepages.com/Scumball4M.mp3
  9. Dont really care... there are always other means of procuring games that are banned in a country. Like imports.
  10. Triplepost, but only because I dont want people who want to check a mix of this to miss out. Heres all I'm doing on this mix, its only about 2 hours work, and you can tell that quite a bits looped, and there are only 2 drum kits throughout (I barely filled one 14 channel mixer...) But its still good imo! Named after the initial requester too http://vmeissner.googlepages.com/VQ-TearsOfAudity.mp3 Feedback plz
  11. Outta random interest, what mix were they listening to (if anyone knows) The meetup looks like it was awesome, renews my interest in catching up with Akujamo Belmont, FiremanJoe, Watkinzez, etc from the last meetup.... stoopid work + distance....
  12. Well someone has picked up these tunes... ITS ME!!! (again) I started one last time on 'Tears Of.....' and this one is turning out nicely. I dont know what your opinions will be on it, but I'l post what I can this afternoon.
  13. oh i remember that!! Totally forgot about this song.... (wow, those first drums need some smoothness to em...). Yeh I'm done with that song, not going back there....
  14. Totally! Happy Birthday, Malcos, good wishes for the future!
  15. That... is awesome... First hit:10m, 2nd hit; 200m, 3rd hit: 1069m.... ohhell yeh EDIT: My current high score: around 2100m. Skrypnyk is at 3969.51m
  16. Sorry, Iv tried 2 songs for a while ('Tears of...' and 'Sickness Unto Foolish Death') and both failed. Hopefully someone else will pick these tunes out for a mix...
  17. OK.... I'm sorry.... I have failed... Well I havnt failed, really... my vocalist has. They refuse to actually record anything or do anything. Sooo... I'm stuck with my instrumental part with no way to grow it until i get her voice. Sucks hey. So I quit. Heres the mix so far. http://vmeissner.googlepages.com/Opening.mp3 I'l; be working on sound quality of World Map 2, submitting it when i'm happy with it. Any comments on it I should keep in mind?
  18. Soo.... uhh... has any one heard from LT on their mix?
  19. Gah.... This new mix is failing quite badly, especially seeing as due to work I have NO time to talk to/work with my vocalist. Guess what song I'm mixing...
  20. I prefer popular UK rhythm/style over the popular US styles (that said, I dont know all subgenres). I prefer the way the words roll, the sounds, mostly the bigger focus on the melody rather than the beats (from my observations) Given a choice, I'd take the 'Streets' ... nice melody + clear (not too crisp) beats + nice lyrics with a fairly abstract flow. Though I dont know if he classes as hiphop really....
  21. Thanks for the cool comments... I'l keep working on it, balancing it out, and then might submit it if I can be bothered....hahahaha, when I asked what else would be nice, I thought people would only list like 2-3.... I have started a new mix, it'l be a suprise
  22. Depends on the song really.... Usually however, I make the lead riff and acouple of additives just to see if I can write the song the way I want it to sound, then jump back to the begining and lay down the intro, bassline progression first. I used to attempt to beatbox to the song too, to hear what type of drums I want, what sounds good where. Then Malcos released his Vocal Refil for Reason, and so I use his loops to give me an idea of texture if I get stuck. Im in a similiar situation with you: I have ideas, but never really get into the mix. I feel too limited... I end up making like a 8 second section which mixes some song, then it becomes more of an original, just ignoring the source's progression and themes, and doing what sounds good. But its still good practice.
  23. I though more people take up requests... That was a suprise to me really... As was how AWESOME this music is. Iv only played Silent Hill 1 once, and I played that on mute cos I had someone sleeping on the couch where I was playing it. I should try em again, but I dont really play many games now... Im into structure atm (cant do much sound quality while my parents are visiting) so i'l see what I can shovel out, if anything. I got 4-5 songs I'm liking. I'l keep ya updated
  24. My possible track is complete, structure-wise (I think).... waiting on feedback from LT... I'd post it here, but dont know if thats ok (if I get bumped I will obviously) *yawn....*...
  25. Well... umm.. what if you dont submit music to the site/sites but have good sound quality and arrangment skills? Cos I'd be interested, but dnt submit to this site..... *** looks up the sonic ost*****
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