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Everything posted by Schwaltzvald

  1. First read this article about doors (in particularly about "iron doors") then read up on the Lever, next being the Stone Button, and finally the Redstone section with the subsections on Redstone Wire, Redstone Circuitry, and finally Mechanism
  2. I'll be there
  3. I'm already hard at work so you better catch up Damned. Also this coincides my earlier question about being crushed by land masses.
  4. Hey I've never done it but is it possible to go splat by being squashed by land masses such as what if a floating island suddenly falls on your guy. I ask this as I've been reading around that Notch's supposedly gonna make all floating islands fall unless they have obsidian ore or something...
  5. Even with full iron armor..? I ask because recently hit a good iron vein. Managed to make full iron armor and tools.
  6. I've been told my actual laugh is the kind that if you heard from a good distance you'd run and hide the women and children asap. Also once had it compared to the heavy's laugh but I'd take that with a grain of salt; though I wish I could do .
  7. Okay so I met my first creeper. Other then that minor set-back I will later take some pics of my territory. Got a nice mining operation happening under a relatively small mountain with a nice yet small watch-tower on top with stairs leading down to what had originally been my fox hole now mining site. From a good distance I noticed another mountain that is not only huge but has a neat ridge stick out to one of the sides at the peak. Perfect place to set up not only a grandiose abode (big enough to for me to possibly emulate SDM in fact; clocktower and all...) One thing at a time though I can't wait till lanterns get patched in.
  8. Yeah no I'd rather spend the cash on buying an attache' case and try hard-hacking a laptop into to for storage and being able to use it as a blunt weapon without damaging the inside. Reminds me of the 3DS's pricing issue which I'm also not bothering to buy due, once again, price. Too much man and I already can play the 3d-fied games on older platforms with my mind providing the 3d effect.
  9. Well I'd usually prefer that jungle "cut down" so to speak before the fun and games start up. In all seriousness though I can only imagine the horror of any EVE Online player playing on such a small screen. I even have trouble sometimes with the interface of EVE-O on a regular large crt. Any word on the pricing..?
  10. I'm suddenly reminded of for some reason.
  11. Been thinking about changing to a new sig. In the mean time though I've always liked using my current sigs for their tinges of surreality; Not to mention I have a thing for eyes. The avatar though I don't see myself changing anytime soon as it fits me nicely. This should help you decide but other then that I like being a quasi-contradiction
  12. Well it's out now and in my case Amazon's supposedly preparing it to have it sent to me, now to wait till Oct 12... FFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU I actually enjoyed playing Castlevania: Legacy of Darkness (aka Castlevania 64:Director's Cut), and Lament of Innocence despite the seemingly horrid layouts... I missed out on Curse of Darkness and skipped Judgement though have played it at a friend who got a copy for cheap... I'm hoping it will be as much "fun" as I have had with C:LoD & SCIV...
  13. Not the best answer but... http://vimeo.com/2495675 also if that's not possible for ya there is this. http://www.0yenhouse.com/en/A_Solar_Zero_Yen_House/ Gather what you can and do your best.
  14. Of course I have in fact I have well over 900GB of Touhou albums to go through and it still grows with each discovery. Here's another goodie Probably one of the catchiest battle themes I've heard and I include it because at a certain point the mooks ARE bosses with seemingly insane amount of health as well as stats. You'll be hearing it for quite a while and thankfully it also seems to match your party's strength where as earlier in the game, the battle theme would be tamer and less dramatic; also seemingly matching the strength of your party. Once appearing before on the PS2 I remember playing it during the summer of the early 2000s. Always a good time killer when it was raining and there was nothing on TV at all. Great game for the PSP as well.
  15. I've used caltrops way back and they were designed to help the scout to escape where as I've seen the shortstop being used to engage the enemy. Very different as the the caltrops effects lasted longer that the shortstops .5 or so seconds. Not to say caltrops could not have been used to attack the enemy as dropping some at a spawn point would always garner a few rage cries. Not to mention caltrop kills are always hilarious to get. \ Still I just don't see much point with the shortstop having the effect when I can kill anyone with it when I'm mid-range to face-to-face.
  16. Nothing serious, I just find it strange for it to have a slow down effect for a scout. Heavy I can understand having to chase down a scout, equalizer-wielding soldier, or a charging demo could use the aid of a Natasha but a scout needing to slow some one down?
  17. Is it just me or is the shortstop overpowering..? Sure it has a slowdown effect similar to natasha, but that seems pointless to have when I can kill an engy or even a soldier in two shots or three with it.
  18. Seriously though I can post links to the originals if that's what you want me to in order to disprove it; but I have little faith in ya to actually listen to them
  19. Repetition is not entirely bad so long as it has a great hook to it. Wily 2 Castle 1 in MM2 is a perfect example. In fact the two tracks mentioned from SotN (see what I did there) reminded me of the PC-98 era games... Legendary Illusion ~ Infinite Being Treacherous Maiden - Judas Kiss Cute Devil ~ Innocence Plastic Mind Nonetheless I may have to emulate Shadow of the Ninja just to hear the rest of the tracks.
  20. For the Bible Black series he's only done the opening and ending theme tracks; nothing else though unless he went uncredited for the rest. Heck the wikipage don't even list him for the tracks he did on BB, or the other stuff for that matter.
  21. Castlevania - Black Night Way before "Dance of Illusions" ever graced my ears on SotN, back on the NES this particularly track always struck something for me. It was not graceful, nor give any sign that it would be a long, arduous fight. No to me it said, "Fuck you I'm finishing this NOW!"; an all out fight. It had been twenty one years since the first I've heard it and to finally hear what I had vividly imagined within my mind come back gloriously once more... It simply reaffirms my continued and invested interest in VG music all over again. I could very easily post tons of Touhou boss music, but I'll put one of my absolute favorite ones Perfect Cherry Blossom - Necro-Fantasy http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fChWlOzWLaU When I first heard it, to me it seemed very dream-like or ethereal. A fight that didn't have the significance of saving the world or myself. Merely a confrontation and test of will power; more so than anything that would come to mind.
  22. Yes they and absolutely without the . Hopefully my sources will provide soon as the album's out.
  23. The composer of Secret of Mana and Seiken Densetsu 3 seems to be doing for the Touhou series.Sure as hell caught me off guard.
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